4 articles for "Midpoint"
Midpoint [Astro*Index]The ecliptic position exactly halfway between two planets or sensitive points. Midpoints and their interpretation are popular with many astrologers and central in the practice ofseveral European schools of astrology, especially the Uranian system and Cosmobiology.
See also:Midpoint [Prima]
♦ Uranian Astrology ♦ Ecliptic ♦ Sensitive Point ♦ Cosmobiology
The point on the zodiac midway between two planets is the midpoint of those planets. When this midpoint is aspected by another planet, the [symbolism] of the two planets making up that midpoint will combine to influence the meaning of the aspecting planet, even though none of the planets involved actually aspects one of the other two.
The use of midpoints is central to both Cosmobiology and Uranian astrology, and in recent years other astrologers have also begun paying close attention to these important halfway points.
See also:Midpoint [DeVore]
♦ Uranian Astrology ♦ Ecliptic ♦ Sensitive Point ♦ Cosmobiology
An unoccupied aspected degree between and equidistant from two other planets, resulting in a symmetrical grouping, sometimes called a planetary picture. Such configurations are deemed important by some authorities, although there is some difference of opinion as to the width of orbs across which there can result a "transference of light" through the planet which aspects the Midpoint.
See also:Midpoint Grid [Astro*Index]
♦ Uranian Astrology ♦ Ecliptic ♦ Sensitive Point ♦ Cosmobiology
A grid, or matrix, with the planets and other important bodies and points displayed identically along each axis. Thus, the midpoint between any two bodies can be conveniently identified, as it will be shown at their intersection.
See also:
♦ Midpoint
Astro*Index Copyright © 1997 Michael Erlewine