3 articles for "Sensitive"
Sensitive Degree [Astro*Index]Many formations fall under this category; the following are explained in more degree elsewhere: fixed stars, planetary nodes, progressed points, eclipses, degrees of exaltation, critical degrees.
See also: ♦ Degree Signification ♦ Progressions vs. Directions ♦ Lunar Mansions ♦ Fixed Star ♦ Planetary Node ♦ Eclipse ♦ Exaltation ♦ Critical DegreesSensitive Point [Astro*Index]
The intersection of the Ecliptic with some other great circle; such points include the ASC, MC, etc. More generally, the term refers to any designated point on the chart other than a physical body, such as an Arabic part, midpoint, or node.
See also: ♦ Ecliptic ♦ Great Circle ♦ Ascendant ♦ MC ♦ Arabic Parts ♦ Midpoint ♦ NodeSensitive Point [Munkasey M.]
A important point in the horoscope which is locatedwhere the Ecliptic and some other important astronomical great circle intersects the Ecliptic. There are seven sensitive points in the horoscope, and these are the: Ascendant (ASC), Aries Point (ARI, or, tT ), Co-Ascendant (CAS), Equatorial Ascendant (EQA), Medium Coeli (MC), Polar Ascendant (PAS), and Vertex \IVTX).
See also: ♦ Ecliptic ♦ Great Circle ♦ Ascendant ♦ MC ♦ Arabic Parts ♦ Midpoint ♦ Node
Astro*Index Copyright © 1997 Michael Erlewine