32 articles for "Planetary"
Planetary Aberration [Munkasey M.]The apparent displacement of the light from heavenly bodies caused by the Earth's orbital motion. As the light leaves a body and travels toward the Earth, moving in its orbit, the light seems to come from a different position from that occupied by the body. The maximum aberration is about 20.5 seconds of arc.
See also:Planetary Aberration [Astro*Index]
♦ Aberration
Because the velocity of light is finite, the apparent direction of a moving celestial body from that of a moving observer differs from the geometric direction of the object from the observer at the same moment. This displacement, from geometric to apparent position, can be separated into two parts:
(1) Light-time Correction (which is independent of the motion of the observer).
(2) Stellar Aberration (which is independent of the motion or distance of the object).
The sum is known as Planetary Aberration. It is important that all computations be made with respect to an inertial frame of reference, such as the mass centre of the Solar System (not the Sun's center).
See also:Planetary Ages of Man [DeVore]
♦ Barycenter ♦ Light-time Correction ♦ Stellar Aberration ♦ Aberration
By the ancients the planets were caned chronocrators, or markers of time. It was presumed that different periods of life are ruled by different planets, as:
Planet | Period | Ages | |
Moon | growth | 4 years | 1-4 the mewling babe |
Mercury | education | 10 years | 5-14 the scholar |
Venus | emotion | 8 years | 15-22 the lover |
Sun | virility | 19 years | 23-42 the citizen |
Mars | ambition | 15 years | 43-57 the soldier |
Jupiter | reflection | 12 years | 58-69 the judge |
Saturn | resignation | 30 years | 70-99 slippers |
These appear to correspond to the Seven Ages of Man, as listed by Shakespeare in "As You Like It," which he apparently took from the Chaldeans. Sepharial suggests a slightly altered set of measures, to include the planets of recent discovery:
Planet | Duration of Years | Age Period | |
Moon | 7 | 0-7 | |
Mercury | 8 | 7-15 | |
Venus | 9 | 15-24 | |
Sun | 10 | 24-34 | |
Mars | 11 | 35-45 | |
Jupiter | 12 | 46-57 | |
Saturn | 13 | 57-70 | |
Uranus | 14 | 70-84 | |
Neptune | 15 | 84-99 | |
Pluto | 16 | 99-115 | |
From the sign position and aspects to the chronocrators, judgment was formed as to the fortunes of the native and his environment during the period ruled by each planet. Thus an afflicted Moon indicates ill health and an adverse environment in infancy; an afflicted Mercury, retarded education; an afflicted Mars, unfortunate in love; and so on.
See also:Planetary Anatomy [DeVore]
♦ Planets ♦ Chronocrators ♦ Judgment
Operates chiefly through the anterior pituitary gland, to affect the circulation of the blood through the heart and the arteries; the tear ducts; the spinal cord.
The substance of the body, as distinguished from the vitality flowing through it; the alimentary canal; the child-bearing female organs and functions; the lymphs; the sympathetic nervous system; the cerebellum, the lower ganglia.
The thyroid gland; the brain and the cerebro-spinal nervous system; the sense of sight; the tongue and the organs of speech; the hands as instruments of intelligence.
The thymus gland, the sense of touch; the throat, kidneys, and to some extent the generative system. Its influence has been said to operate through the solar plexus, upon the functions of digestion and nutrition. It has an indirect influence upon features, complexion, hair — in so far as those express beauty.
The cortex, or cortical portion of the adrenal gland; the head, externally; the sense of taste; the breasts and the maternal functions, and in part the generative organs; the motor nerves; the excretory organs; the red corpuscles of the blood.
The posterior pituitary gland; feet, thighs, liver, intestines, blood plasma, muscles, growth; also control of shoulders and arms, in motions that for effectiveness depend upon good timing.
The medullary portion of the adrenal gland; the skin and the secretive system; teeth; bones, joints and tendons-particularly the knee and the calf of the leg; the spleen; the organs and sense of hearing.
The parathyroid gland; the brain and nervous system; the electric and magnetic emanations.
The pineal gland, the organs of extra-sensory perception; intuitive and psychic receptivity.
The Pancreas, and the digestive glands; the enzymes which effect catalytic and hydrolitic transformations essential to proper metabolism.
See also:Planetary Angels [DeVore]
♦ Planets
Sun | Michael |
Moon | Gabriel |
Mercury | Raphael |
Venus | Arnad |
Mars | Samael |
Jupiter | Zadkiel |
Saturn | Cassiel |
Uranus | Arvath. |
See also:Planetary Colors [DeVore]
♦ Angels
All authorities, though variously, associate the colors of the spectrum with specific planets. In fact there are almost as many versions as there are authorities. Nevertheless the following planetary associations represent a concensus of opinion:
Sun | Orange, gold, deep yellows. |
Moon | White, pearl, opal, light, pale blues; iridescent and silvery hues. |
Mercury | Insofar as Mercury can be said to have any appropriate colors of its own, slate color, spotted mixtures. Most authorities agree that Mercury generally assumes the color of that planet with which it is in nearest aspect. |
Venus | Sky-blue to pale green, lemon yellow; and tints in general as contrasted to colors. |
Mars | Red, scarlet, carmine. |
Jupiter | Royal purple, violet, some blends of red and indigo, deep blue. |
Saturn | Black, dark blue, purple. |
Uranus | Streaked mixtures, checks and plaids like Joseph's coat "of many colors." |
Neptune | Lavender, sea-green, mauve, smoke-blue and possibly peculiar shades of gray. |
Pluto | Luminous pigments, in unusual shades containing a large percentage of red. |
See also:Planetary Day [Astro*Index]
♦ Planets ♦ Color
Horary Astrology and Electional Astrology.
Planetary days are used in horary astrology and electional astrology as part of a general test to determine whether a chart is radical, the day ruler being compared to the nature of the querent and the quesited for broad symbolic resonance. The "Sun's day" is Sunday and the "Moon's day" is Monday. Tuesday belongs to Mars, Wednesday to Mercury, Thursday to Jupiter, and Friday to Venus. "Saturn's day" is Saturday. As you can see, not all the day's names have come into English philologically linked to English planet names. The god Tiw (also Tiu) is the Saxon equivalent of Jove, Jupiter, or Zeus: a god of war and the sky. The god Woden came into Germanic cultures from the Old Norse Odin, that culture's chief god, reigning over art, war, and the dead. Thor is well-known as the Norse god of thunder, also of war and strength; he was the son of Odin. Frigg, or Freya, is the Saxon/Norse equivalent of Venus, goddess of love and beauty. "Mittwoch" simply means "midweek." "Donnerstag" means "thunder's day."
Sun's Day | Samstag | Sol | Le Dimanche |
Moon's Day | Montag | Luna | Lundedi |
Tiw's Day | Dienstag | Martis | Martedi |
Woden's Day | Mittwoch | Mercurius | Mercredi |
Thor's Day | Donnerstag | Jove | Jeudi |
Frigg's Day | Freitag | Veneris | Vendredi |
Seterne's Day | Samstag | Saturni | Samedi |
See also: ♦ Planetary Hours ♦ Horary Astrology ♦ Electional Astrology ♦ Radical ♦ Ruler ♦ Querent ♦ QuesitedPlanetary Days [DeVore]
Certain planets are by some deemed to have added strength on, or to exercise rulership over, certain days of the week, which was considered in the assignment of names to the days. (v. P., Hours.)
See also: ♦ Planetary HoursPlanetary Flavors [DeVore]
According to Sepharial, these are:
Sun | Sweet, pungent. |
Moon | Odorless, insipid. |
Mercury | Cold, mildly astringent. |
Venus | Warm, sweet. |
Mars | Sharp astringents, acids, pungent odors. |
Jupiter | Fragrant, bland. |
Saturn | Cold, sour, astringent. |
Uranus | Cold, brackish, astringent. |
Neptune | Subtile, seductive. |
Pluto | The so-called aromatic flavors, in which solubility releases both taste and aroma. |
See also:Planetary Forms [DeVore]
♦ Planets
According to Sepharial, these are:
Sun | Circles, full curves, helical scrolls. |
Moon | Irregular curves, crooked lines. |
Mercury | Slender curves, short incisive lines. |
Venus | Curved lines, rhythmic scrolls. |
Mars | Sharp angles and barbs; fine straight lines. |
Jupiter | Full generous curves. |
Saturn | Cramped forms, straight short lines, sharp, clear-cut outlines. |
Uranus | Mixed forms, broken lines. |
Neptune | Subtile, seductive. |
Pluto | Heavy straight lines and sharp angles, in complex combinations. |
See also:Planetary Hours [DeVore]
♦ Planets
Egyptian astronomy had only seven planets, arranged in this order: Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon — based seemingly on the apparent velocities of the bodies. In rotation, each hour of the 24-hour day was consecrated to a planet. If Saturn ruled the first hour, it also ruled the 8th, 15th and 22nd. As Jupiter would then rule the 23rd, and Mars the 24th hour, the first hour of the following day would be ruled by the Sun; and so on. The days thus came to be known by the ruler of the first hour, resulting in our present order of the days of the week. Thus the order of the days of the week, which can be hormonized with no observable cosmic plan, are explainable only by a student of astrology. The hatred of the Jews for the Egyptians after their flight from Egypt is said to have caused them to "demote" Saturn from the rulership of the first day, by beginning the week on Sunday, making Saturn's day the last day of the week. Probably some symbolical association of the Sun with the Hebrew idea of Jehovah, had something to do with it. The evolution of the English names of the days, from the Latin, through the Saxon, resulted as follows:
Norse | Latin | French | Saxon | English |
Sol | Le Dimanche | Sun's day | Sunday | |
Luna | Lundi | Moon's day | Monday | |
Tyr | Martis (Mars) | Mardi | Tiw's day | Tuesday |
Wotan | Mercurius | Mercredi | Woden's day | Wednesday |
Thor | Jove (Jupiter) | Jeudi | Thor's day | Thursday |
Freya | Veneris (Venus) | Vendredi | Frigg's day | Friday |
Saturni | Samedi | Seterne's day | Saturday | |
Under this system an hour was not uniformly 60 minutes, except at the equinoxes. It was onetwelfth of the interval between sunrise and sunset, by day; and the reverse, by night. A planet favorably aspected suggests that action be initiated during that planet's hour; or if unfavorably aspected, that one should wait for others to act. Wilson goes to some length in expressing doubt as to the efficacy and logic of this system.
The astonishing thing about this sequence is the placing of the Sun between Venus and Mars, showing that the ancients realized that in speaking of the Sun they were actually making reference to the position of the Earth as determined by the apparent position of the Sun.
See also:Planetary Jewels, or Precious Stones [DeVore]
♦ Horary Astrology ♦ Essential Dignity ♦ Accidental Dignity ♦ Ptolemy ♦ Significator ♦ Lilly, William
Here, again, there are almost as many opinions as there are authorities, but the following list expresses a concensus:
Sun | Diamond, ruby, carbuncle. |
Moon | Crystal, pearl, opal, moonstone; all milk-white stones. |
Mercury | Quicksilver, loadstone. |
Venus | Emerald and, possibly, sapphire. |
Mars | Bloodstone, flint, malachite, red haematite. |
Jupiter | Amethyst, turquoise. |
Saturn | Garnet, jet, all black stones. |
Uranus | Chalcedony, lapis lazuli, jacinth, amber. |
Neptune | Coral, aquamarine, ivory. |
Pluto | Beryl and, presumably, sardonyx; jade, cloissone enamels, ceramics. |
It should be realized that all stones, precious and semi-precious, as stones, come more or less directly under Saturn, the overall ruler of all hard minerals. As for many, authorities differ so widely that to settle the question each stone would have to be examined with respect to its mineral components before deciding the planet to which it should rightfully be assigned.
See also:Planetary Metals [DeVore]
♦ Planets
Sun | Gold. |
Moon | Silver, aluminum. |
Mercury | Quicksilver. |
Venus | Copper, brass |
Mars | Iron, steel. |
Jupiter | Tin. |
Saturn | Lead. |
Uranus | Radium, uranium. |
Neptune | Lithium, platinum. |
Pluto | Tungsten, plutonium. |
See also:Planetary Motions [DeVore]
♦ Planets
Said of a progressed or directed motion to a point of aspect, in a clockwise direction or opposite to the order of the Signs. The term is frequently employed in a contradictory man- ner, in the sense of the reverse of the accustomed motion. In the case of a Secondary Progression that would mean a clockwise motion, since the accustomed motion of a planet in orbit is counter-clockwise.
In Primary Directions the apparent motion of the planets and the House-cusps is clockwise, resulting from the counter-clockwise motion of the Earth's periphery. The entire doctrine of converse motion is debatable.
The true motion of the planets in the order of the Signs, or counter-clockwise, within the Zodiac: a narrow band that parallels the Earth's path around the Sun. As applied to progressed or directed motion it is the opposite of converse motion. As to transits, it is the opposite of retrograde. (q.v.)
Diurnal (by day)
A diurnal planet is one that was above the horizon at the time for which the Figure was cast. Such planets are said to be less passive. The Diurnal arc of a planet is the time it remains above the Earth, measured either in degrees of Right Ascension, or in Sidereal Time. The opposition arc is the Nocturnal arc. The declination of the body, or its distance from the Equator, is the controlling factor: the greater the declination the higher the body will ascend in the heavens and the longer it will remain above the horizon.
Subtracting a planet's position on one day, as shown in the ephemeris, from its position on the preceding or following day yields its daily motion.
Rapt. Raptus , carried away
The apparent diurnal motion of the heavens, in consequence of the Earth's axial rotation; the manner in which the fixed stars and the planetary bodies are caused to make one complete revolution in 24 hours, is termed their Rapt Motion, in accordance with the ancient theory of the Primum Mobile (q.v.).
Said of the reversal to direct motion following the second station of the retrograde.
The apparent motion in the Zodiac of certain planets, as viewed from the Earth during certain portions of the year. (q.v.)
Slow of Course
slow in motion. Said of any planet whose travel in 24 hours is less than its mean motion. It is reckoned a debility, especially in horary astrology.
When a planet appears to have no motion, as when changing from retrograde to direct or the reverse, it is said to bc stationary.
Stations, in retrograde
Each planet has two stations, or stationary points: (1) the place in its orbit where it becomes stationary before it turns retrograde, abbreviated S.R.; (2) when it again becomes stationary preparatory to resuming its direct motion, abbreviated SD.
Swift in Motion
Planets that at the moment are moving at a speed in excess of their mean motion, are said to be "swift in motion."
See also:Planetary Motion [Prima]
♦ Direct Motion ♦ Daily Motion ♦ Retrograde Motion ♦ Stationary
The planets always have a forward motion, but when viewed from the earth, their speeds at times appear faster or slower. The planets will also appear to come to a halt and reverse direction. There are usually three main phases to a planet's apparent motion:
Direct Motion Retrograde Motion Stationary
A planet's motion can be averaged over a specific period of time, as its mean motion may vary from century to century. Rapid motion is one of the factors that bestows dignity on a planet — slow motion bestows debility.
See also Daily Motion.
See also:Planetary Nebula [Astro*Index]
♦ Direct Motion ♦ Daily Motion ♦ Retrograde Motion ♦ Stationary
A spherical shell of expanding gas probably ejected from a hot star at its center. These small luminous nebulae, more or less circular in form, are called "planetary" because under low magnification they resemble the disks of planets. They usually contain hot central stars apparently evolving to the white dwarf stage. The gaseous shell is thought to have been ejected from the central star. (A well known example is the Ring Nebula in Lyra.)
See also:Planetary Node [Astro*Index]
♦ White Dwarf ♦ Nebulae
The intersection of the plane formed by a planetary orbit and any other important plane, such as that of another planet, the Ecliptic, the invariable plane, etc. This intersection forms a line, and the line's intersection with the celestial sphere, projected on the Ecliptic, gives two points, or nodes. These nodes can be interpreted as sensitive points.
See also:Planetary Objects and Substances [DeVore]
♦ Ecliptic ♦ Invariable Plane ♦ Celestial Sphere ♦ Sensitive Point
Sun | Precious metals, diamonds-things valuable and scarce; glis- tening substances. |
Moon | Utensils in common use in the laundry; or in the silversmith's trade. Soft, smooth substances. |
Mercury | Papers connected with money; legal documents; books, pictures, writing materials, anything connected with education and communications. Flowing and veined substances. |
Venus | Jewelry and ornaments; women's wearing apparel; bcd linens; polished reflecting substances. |
Mars | Steel; cutlery, and anything that is sharp; instruments of war; sparkling substances. |
Jupiter | Men's wearing apparel, merchandisable sweets; horses, domestic pets; common and useful substances, cloth, paper. |
Saturn | Land, minerals, agriculture and garden implements; heavy materials; dull and heavy substances; dross. |
Uranus | Machinery, old coins and antiques, baths, public institu- tions; everything uncommon and unusual; radioactive and magnetic substances. |
Neptune | Poison, liquids, habit-forming drugs; mysterious and unidentifiable substances. |
Pluto | Synthetics, through splitting and recondensing processes; plastics; atomic fission. |
See also:Planetary Objects Pathology or physical ailments [DeVore]
♦ Planets
Associated with planetary influences are the ailments affecting the portion of the body represented by the Sign position of the planet — at birth, in transit, or by direction; and by the Signs and Houses ruled by the planet.
Ailments of heart and upper spinal region; fevers and breaking down of tissues; organic ailments; fainting spells; diseases of the spleen.
Endocrine imbalance resulting in inflamed glands and defective eyesight; functional ailments and irregularities; allergies; mental instabilities; female disorders; emotional depression that impairs normal functioning; dropsy and excess fluidity; catarrhal infection of the mucous membranes.
In matters of health it is generally the significator of the bodily afflictions of its Sign position, as follows:
Aries | head |
Taurus | neck |
Gemini | arms |
Cancer | chest |
Leo | back and heart |
Virgo | abdomen |
Libra | loins, kidneys |
Scorpio | organs of generation |
Sagittarius | thighs |
Capricorn | knees |
Aquarius | legs |
Pisces | feet |
Nervous disorders or debility from excitement, stress, overwork or worry; headaches; losses of memory; salivation; goitre; impaired respiration and sluggish elimination.
Blood impurities that poison the system, resulting in tonsilitis; pustural diseases, as measles or smallpox; sloughing sores and susceptibility to contagion; kidney disease; venereal diseases; poisoning; impaired functioning, resulting from uncontrolled eroticism.
Infectious, contagious and cruptive diseases; fevers, high blood pressure, internal hemorrhages, inflammations producing sharp pains; burns, scalds; inflammatory conditions requiring surgical treatment; hysterical outbursts producing violent reactions due to high temperatures.
Maladies arising from surfeit; congestion; chronic acidity and hyperfluidity of functional activity; subnormal blood pressure; apoplexy.
Inhibited functioning due to fears and morbid conditions; debilities due to accidental falls or subnormal temperatures; depressed vital activity or impaired circulation due to inhibited emotions; rheumatism; melancholia; decayed and abscessed teeth; malnutrition, often from sheer miserliness; skin diseases; atrophy; spinal ailments.
Inflammations resulting from deposit of precipitated min- erals; fractures, ruptures, lesions, spasmodic disorders.
Oxygen deficiency; glandular imbalance from unexplainable causes; energy depletion and wasting diseases; anaemia; neuroses; catalepsy, often the result of undirected or undisciplined psychic activity; hypochrondriasis; drug addiction.
Ailments resulting from deposits of precipitated mineral products in consequence of chronic acidosis; arthritic and arteriosclerotic afflictions.
See also:Planetary Pattern [DeVore]
♦ Planets
A symmetrical arrangement of two or more planets or sensitive points around a common axis. A Planetary Picture as employed in Uranian Astrology, represents the interactivity of two planets, connected through a third planet or sensitive point at or in hard aspect to their midpoint. In figuring a midpoint between, for example, planets at 2" and 28" of the same sign, one does not subtract, and add half the difference to the longitude of the first planet; but adds and halves, thus: (2 + 28) / 2 = 15° - the midpoint. A third planet or sensitive point which forms a hard angle aspect to this midpoint within a 2° orb completes the planetary pattern, and renders interactive the three planets or points. Two planets equidistant from and on opposite sides of the 0° Cancer-Capricorn axis become Antiscions and form a planetary pattern that is interactivated without the addition of a third.planet. Where a third point falls short of an aspect to the midpoint by a certain number of degrees, a fourth planet that is the same number of degrees on the opposite side of the midpoint will complete the sym- metrical arrangement and activate the pattern. A planetary pattern may also be formed between any two planets and a cardinal degree on this formula: A planet at 10° Leo is 130° (4 X 30 + 10) distant from 0° Aries, and one at 5° Taurus is 35° (30 + 5) distant. The sum of these distances (165°) indicates 15° Virgo as the point of activation by a fourth element. To be effective there must participate in the pattern one of the native's "personal" points: Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Midheaven, and the four cardinal points - 0° of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.
Jones Patterns
Another set of pattern classifications for flash appraisal, as advanced by Marc Edmund Jones, consists of the following:
(1) Splash type, in which actual bodies excluding Fortuna and the Moon's Nodes, are scattered around the circle, with no noticeable gaps in the daily rising sequence.
(2) Bundle type, afl planets contained within a 120° arc.
(3) Locomotive type, all planets within a 240° arc leaving an unoccupied 120° arc.
(4) Bowl type, all planets within a 180° arc, leaving one half of the Figure untenanted.
(5) Bucket type, approximating the Bowl type, but with one planet in the opposite arc as a bail, thereby transforming the bowl into a bucket.
(6) See Saw type, in which the planets are generally polarized around opposite ends of a diameter, leaving two vacant arcs of from 60° to 90° at opposite sides of the continuity.
(7) Splay type. Strong and sharp aggregations of planets irregularly spaced.
Characteristic qualities of each group, are described as:
(1) A well-balanced nature with a capacity for universal interest, whose only genius is that of versatility and the seeming ability to find order in apparent confusion.
(2) Apparent self-gathering of interests and unresponsiveness to universal stimuli.
(3) A dynamic and practical capacity, which while in a sense, eccentric, lacks extremes of universality or obsession.
(4) An extreme degree of selfcontainment.
(5) An effective capacity for some special activity.
(6) A consciousness of opposing views in a world of conflict, with success dependent on correct alignment.
(7) A purposeful individuality, which chooses its outlet of self-expression and refuses to be pigeon-holed.
See also:Planetary Periods or Cycles. [DeVore]
♦ Planets ♦ Axis ♦ Uranian Astrology ♦ Midpoint
The mean symbolical periods of the various bodies are the length of time between two successive conjunctions of that body with the Sun at the same geocentric longitude, i.e, falling on the same day of a year. In other words the Sun in its apparent annual revolution forms conjunctions with each of the other bodies as viewed from the Earth, each successive annual conjunction with the same body taking place at an advanced point in the Zodiac. After a time these conjunctions themselves form a cycle of conjunctions, beginning on approximately the same degree of the Zodiac, or days of the year. The length of this cycle with reference to a par- ticular planet constitutes the planetary periods. These are:
Moon | 19 years, the Cycle of Meton (q.v.). |
Mercury | 79 years, with an inconstant mean advance of 1° 37' each cycle. |
Venus | 8 years, with an inconstant mean advance of 1°32' each cycle. |
Mars | 79 years, with an inconstant mean advance of 1°34' each cycle. |
Jupiter | 83 years exact. |
Saturn | 59 years, with a mean advance of 1°53' |
Uranus | 84 years, with a mean advance of 40' |
Neptune | 164 years, 280 days; a mean annual motion of 2°10'54" |
Pluto | 247.7 years, with a mean annual motion that, because of the extreme ellipticity of its orbit, varies from 1° in Pisces through Gemini, to 2.5° in Virgo through Sagittarius. |
Ptolemy cites these time-measures as follows: Moon 4y, Mercury 10y, Venus 8y, Sun 19y, Mars 15y, Jupiter 12y, Saturn 30y. Those moderns who usc his system add Uranus 90y, Neptune 18oy, Pluto 360y. Lilley alters this, as regards the Moon to 25y, and Mercury to 20y; others assign 27y to Mercury.
By means of these periods one is able to arrive at a rough approximation of a planet's position at a given date in a year for which an ephemeris is unavailable; as follows:
To determine the longitude of Uranus on October 15th, 1672 (new style), add multiples of 84y and subtract the mean advance. To do this in one operation: assume any year in this epoch, say 1902. From this subtract 1672. This gives an interval of 230 years. Divide this by 84; the result, 2 periods and 62 years. Subtract 62 from 1902, which gives the year 1840: two Uranus periods subsequent to the desired date. To illustrate: the longitude of Uranus, as perceived in the ephemeris for 1940, on October 15th, is 17°09' Pisces. The 40' advance, times the two periods, is 1°20'. Subtract this from 17°09' and you have 15°19' Pisces as the longitude of Uranus on October 15th, 1672 (N.S.).
These and additional periods, arranged in tabular form for reference use, are as follows:
Planet | Revolutions | Years | Remainder | Other Periods in Years |
Moon | 254 | 19 | Cycle of Meton | 8-372-1040 (b)(c) |
Mercury | 318 | 79 | +1°37' (a) | 7-13-33-46-204 (b) |
Venus | 13 | 8 | +1°32' (a) | 235-243 |
Mars | 42 | 79 | +1°34' | 16-32147-205 (b) |
Jupiter | 7 | 83 | +0°1' (c) | |
Saturn | 2 | 59 | +1°53' (c) | 206 (c) |
(a) Inconstand mean advance. (b) Usually exact. (c) Not an eclipse cycle. |
The three outer planets are usually computed by other methods: either (a) the first return, in even years, with a plus or minus correc- tion showing excess over 360 degrees; or (b) the net mean annual motion.
Planet | Period | Remainder | Advance * |
Uranus | 84y | +1° 4' | 4°17'55" |
Neptune | 164y | +0° 34' | 2°11"55" |
Pluto | 245y | -0° 29' | 1°28'03" |
* Mean annual advance, based on mean precession. | |||
See also:Planetary Pictures [Astro*Index]
♦ Planets ♦ Conjunction ♦ Zodiac ♦ Ptolemy
The planetary picture trees are a very popular form of midpoint analysis. The "Tree Diagrams" are created using horizontal and vertical lines along with two letter abbreviations for the planets. See Figure P1. Each planet being examined is placed at the top of the "Tree" and any midpoint that exists will appear on either side of the vertical line. Tree diagrams allow one to see, at a glance, the midpoint structures for each of the planets and main sensitive points. The planet, or point, at the top of the tree is the midpoint in the zodiac between any two planets that appear on the tree. Planetary pictures are not midpoints but rather equations such as A + B - C = D. This was one of Witte's contributions and was based on symmetry. The midpoint equivalent of a planetary picture would be C + C = A + B. Ebertin dropped the planetary pictures and developed the midpoint tree form where C = (A + B) / 2. Witte's rules for planetary pictures were adapted by Ebertin into his combinations which dealt solely with midpoints.
See also:Planetary Pictures [Prima]
♦ Uranian Astrology ♦ Cosmobiology ♦ Midpoint ♦ Sensitive Point
The name of a technique commonly used in Uranian astrology A planetary picture is a formula that defines a specific point (commonly referred to as D or the sensitive point) as a mathematical combination of the positions of three planets (or points) using the following formula: A + B - C = D This is sometimes expressed with the alternative formula: A + B = C + D The picture actually describes a midpoint pattern in which four planets (or points) are symmetrically positioned around a common midpoint axis. It is, in fact, an exploration of symmetry in the chart. The meaning of each planetary combination is determined by the symbolism of the planets involved. [The combination] gains in importance when "D" is occupied (or aspected) by another chart factor.
See also:Planetary Physiology [DeVore]
♦ Uranian Astrology ♦ Cosmobiology ♦ Midpoint ♦ Sensitive Point
Consideration of the ruling planet, the Ruler of the ascending Decanate and its aspects, assists at arriving at a judgment as to sub-active and hyper-active functioning, as follows:
Sun | Generation of vital force, circulation, physical growth, expansion of areas of sensitivity. |
Moon | Impregnation, generation, flow of secretions. |
Mercury | Nerve functions, nerve reflexes, volition, coordination of motivity. |
Venus | Exosmosis, filtration, venereal functions. |
Mars | Rapid energy combustion under stress, bodily distribution of metallic elements. |
Jupiter | : Cell nutrition and development, flesh building, formation of hemoglobin and red corpuscles. |
Saturn | Calcification, congestion, conditions affecting tendons, cartilages and articulation of bones. |
Uranus | Electro-magnetic forces, growth of long bones. |
Neptune | Functioning of telepathic, psychic or occult faculties; formation of white corpuscles. |
Pluto | Balance between the anabolistic and katabolistic phases of metabolism. |
See also:Planetary Physiques [DeVore]
♦ Planets ♦ Ruler ♦ Decanate ♦ Aspect
Powerful, well formed body, with large bones; large face and forehead, clear complexion; hair, light but inclined to baldness; commanding eyes.
of middle stature, inclined to heaviness; round face, pale complexion; large, soft eyes; short but thick hands and feet; and usually small boned.
Slender body and face; full forehead, long nose, thin lips; slender, expressive hands; dark hair, thin beard, poor com- plexion, penetrating eyes.
Short but graceful body; inclined to stoutness in advancing years; round face, dark hair, large and wandering eyes; soft voice and vivacious manner.
Strong, stocky body, but not overly tall, military deportment; black or red hair; often curly or wiry; sharp, quick eyes; often very ruddy complexion; when angry face is livid.
Large, well-formed body, inclined to become portly in advancing years; wide chest; high forehead; kindly and widely spaced eyes; dark, wavy hair; paternal attitude.
Slender, angular body, with large bones - back bends with increasing years; stern features; small, beady eyes; dark, curly hair; indifferent complexion.
Slender body, pleasing appearance; irregular but prepossessing features; usually large light eyes, brilliant and keen; some types ascetic in appearance, often giving the impression of being effeminate.
Finely organized, slender body; long head, sharp features, often cruel expression; always mysterious; hypnotic eyes; hair retreats from temples.
Medium stature, of rugged and sturdy build, yet with a delicate skin; soft fine hair on the scalp, but little hair elsewhere on the body.
See also:Planetary Psychology [DeVore]
♦ Planets
Planetary influences upon the unfolding psyche, are as follows:
Individual faculties; consciousness of Ego, the Individuality as distinguished from the Personality. The vital energy that flows from the Sun through the solar system, enabling life to exist and its activities to be pursued; inspiring men to the consciousness of a destiny to be achieved: the sense of purpose that is recognized by MacDougal and the psychologists of the Purposivistic School; ambitious, with good organizing and executive ability. The solar influence is reflected in an impression of power in reserve; an outspoken and worldly-wise counselor; a strong individuality with an urge toward acquisition of power. Emanates an impression of dignity, grandeur, wisdom, authority, will and lofty spirituality. Restless under restraint, it operates more through inspiration than intellect. A strong paternal instinct. Generous, masterful, honest, truthful and creative; vital, forceful, sanguine, dignified. Power, honor, fame, pride, influence. When frustrated may become ostentatious, despotic, ceremonious, and fond of pomp and ritual.
Higher emotional faculties such as faith, hope and charity, veneration, peace-loving. The instinctive mind, the desire-nature with respect to material things; the external reactions to every-day affairs and to those pertaining to the home and domestic life; moods that fluctuate between the extremes of optimism and pessimism; ideas that are not abstract; ingenuity applicable to concrete purposes and practical ends; a mind that fluctuates and that lacks the ability to concentrate, hence easily influenced; sympathy, not compassion; respect for the old and regard for the young; suavity, kindness; love for animals; strong protective sense, and an inclination to defend those incapable of self-defense; acute maternal instinct not based on sex; modesty, timidity, economy, receptivity, imagination, impres- sionability, changeableness; fond of travel; personal magnetism; psychic qualities; extra-sensory receptivity; lymphatic, changeful, plastic, wandering, romantic, visionary, frivolous, capricious, fanciful, unstable, procrastinating, lazy.
Concrete mental faculties: perception of size, weight, form, color, order, position, motion; memory, speech, intonation, phonetic inflection; thought, understanding, reason, intelligence; vacillation, hesitancy to face issues; mental waywardness; brilliant and facile but not profound; intellect in the abstract but not the concrete; industrious in acquiring knowledge for its own sake, apart from any practical application or any question of right or wrong; amasses evidence and eloquently cites statistics in support of his thesis; loves argument and debate; cunning, crafty, subtle; a skilled technician enjoying a superficial proficiency; literary, though not a ready writer. Mercury's highest application appears to be in the realm of "pure reason," which, however, knows so much on both sides of a subject it experiences difficulty in drawing a conclusion, or in holding to a conclusion once arrived at. From the planet Mercury we have the word for the element Mercury, and its deriva- tive effect, mercurial. Its mental direction is largely determined by aspecting planets. v. Aspects, planetary.
Mercury: Active, excitable, impressionable, nervous, gossipy, worrisome, witty, dextrous.
Mercury expressions: Literature, writings, oratory, study, memory. If frustrated may become conceited, profane, unprincipled, tale- bearing, forgetful, addicted to gambling.
Physical faculties: friendship, romantic amativeness; the affections, particularly love and the emotions derived therefrom; aesthetic sense, but not analytical; responsive to beauty whether of person, adornment, art or environment; enjoys elegance, comfort and pleasure; good taste; sex sensitivity, but discriminating; parental instinct; a youthful, almost childlike simplicity of approach and viewpoint; a gracious yet almost patronizing attitude; subject to negative moods and extremes of feeling; given to self-pity in moments of depression; mind highly receptive but largely concerned with social affairs; memory sense frequently unreliable; gentle, amiable, pacific, graceful, cheerful, temperate, passive. When thwarted, inclines to extravagance in self-indulgence; slothful, licentious, sensual, vain, dissolute, and generally abandoned; fond of gaudy apparel. Evolved venusian sensibilities incline to art, music, peace, justice, grace, faithfulness, fruitfulness.
The vital faculties: combativeness, acquisitiveness, desire, enthusiasm, passionate amativeness, courage, ardor in pursuit, not easily rebuffed and seldom discouraged, indiscriminate sexuality, haste, anger, intolerance, fretfulness; a centre of power and energy, whether for good or ill; acute, penetrative mind, largely concerned with physical accomplishment, through direct-action methods, rather than aims, and fitted for enterprises requiring seer-assurance; dynamic force, whether applied constructively or destructively; domineering, brooks no interference and is often ruthless in disregard of others; fearless and unhesitating as to hazardous undertakings and occupations; love of family-and on a wider plane, patriotism; ever ready to protect its own, whether family, country or organization; strong sense of brotherhood with humanity at large, though appearing to be self-centered. Mars is forceful, active, inflammatory, generally careless and destructive, expert, high-spirited. Normally synon- ymous with force, activity, ambition, pluck, endurance, desire, strife. When thwarted, Mars becomes cruel, egotistical, sarcastic, quarrelsome, coarse, vulgar.
The abstract and creative faculties: comparison applied in generalizations upon the broader aspects; idealism; powerful sense of the dramatic, and obsessed with the desire to be of service to society; symbolizes a person of sound judgment with an ample store of common sense; optimism, order, harmony; the principle of expansion and growth as expressed in the accumulation of material wealth, but without the miserliness of a marked Saturnian trait. Idealism generosity; a balance of feeling and thought, of heart and mind, that yields optimism, devotion, benevolence, good nature, generosity, temperateness, sociability, hopefulness; peace-loving, law-abiding, philosophical; usually of marked religious tendencies, especially of a ritu- alistic order; convinced of the integrity of his motives and that his judgments are tempered with mercy; love of beauty as applied to grandeur and the sublime, with a leaning toward art, especially sculpture; the ability to overcome opposition with forceful but im- personal arguments; broad vision, open-mindedness; listens to reason.
Jupiter creates conditions through which these qualities can bc expressed: health, as physical harmony; law, as social harmony; religion, as spiritual harmony-not as channels of intellect, or the means of making money. It represents judgment, power in the benevolent sense, profit, good fortune, honesty, dignity-or just plain respectability.
At its best Jupiter is generous, expansive, genial, temperate, vital, benevolent, respectful, self-controlled; but when frustrated it inclines to pride, dissipation, boastfulness, gambling, extravagance, procrastination, complacency, hypocrisy.
The concrete creative faculties: asceticism; practical ability to achieve the external expression of thought forms; well ordered mind for the technical and concrete with an emphasis on detail; inclined toward scientific research involving mathematics; the conservative realist who asserts the authority of experience; secretive, noncommittal, noncommunicative; cautious, inhibited and reserved; laconic in expression; apostle of justice meted out with a firm hand, yet fair and impartial, a strong sense of justice — particularly injustice; a slave to customs and conventions, even when railing against them; patient, prudent, constant but jealous, yet not easily offended. Its emphasis on the personal ego and inability to give outward expression to affection, tends to separation and isolation; a serious outlook on life; inclined to learn everything the hard way; avoids strenuous effort or exertion-but generally finds more than his share of it to do. Its strong sense of self-preservation is deliberately purposeful and holds the emotions in check through the exercise of thought and will power, more completely than does any other planet.
Where Uranus makes a show of strength when freedom is threatened, and Mars when the passions are aroused, Saturn is cold, slow and deliberate, but inexorable when fully aroused. Plots his way to positions of authority, wherein he discharges his duties with tyran- nical conservatism; generally a reactionary, but faithful.
Normally fearful, secretive, cautious, defensive, binding, cold, hard, persevering, steadfast; when frustrated Saturn develops avarice, ma- terialism, ultra-conservatism, tradition-bound narrow-mindedness, pessimism and fatalism.
The iconoclastic tendency: characterized by an aloof, offhand manner and approach; imagination, constructive or otherwise; reacts violently against anything that would deprive him of his free and conscious choice of thought and action. Unbending will, insistent upon independence at any price; not readily amenable to any sort of control, much less to arbitrary authority; strong sense of power and authority; assertiveness, with crushing positiveness; self-reliant; inventive; interest in scientific and religious principles; unconventional, altruistic; perseverance to cope with and conquer material obstacles, yet subject to sudden changes of attitude; organizer, promoter, scientific investigator along materialistic lines; originality, with a tendency to break new ground, start new occupations, advance new ideas, utilize new methods, depart from established customs, and hold in disdain the arbitrary restrictions of conventional morality; strong mechanical sense and executive ability that leans toward construction engineering; unerring ability to sense people's motives, hence often becomes a refractory spirit, more or less alienated from his relatives; moves spontaneously from an inner urgehence impulsive and generally classed as eccentric.
Uranus is deemed a higher octave of Mercury. often fails to know his own mind, but is moved by providential circumstances; often a fatalist who considers his destiny beyond his control.
Naturally inclined to be variable, spasmodic, impulsive, prophetic, and heroic, under restriction - even that of an inferiority complex — it becomes eccentric, refractory, bohemian, fanatical, anarchistic, and given to hurling sarcastic invectives at anybody or anything on any pretext and without provocation. Uranus is eminently the planet of science and invention, particu- larly aviation, electricity, and astrology.
The Social Unrest; follow-the-trend illusive and intangible emotions, of which we know so little; entertains false hopes and indulges in tricky schemes, yet is highest in human sympathy; loves mystery; acts dictated by powerful but inexplicable motives, directed toward invisible, intangible ends; reacts to harmony, sympathy, symmetry, rhythm, poetry, and the dance, which is the poetry of motion, with a partiality for stringed instruments; also for the morbid and erotic.
Neptune pertains to feeling, desire, emotion, imagination. aesthetics, intuition, the psychic faculties or extra-sensory perceptions. When thwarted it becomes psycho-neurotic, theatric, and susceptible to flattery, the power of suggestion, and appearances. On the merest whim it will break a bargain or go back on its word. It exhibits a high regard for uniformity yet often succeeds in enterprises that require more than the average measure of mental effort. Neptune is deemed a higher octave of Venus.
Sociological Urge. The organized group as the instrument with which to amputate parasitic growths on the body politic, in order to reconstruct society along more altruistic lines. Depending upon the spiritual development they have attained, these individuals become leaders of eleemosynary organizations. Foundations for the advancement of human welfare and relations, professional associations or trade unions through which to achieve better social conditions, or mere racketeers and gang leaders. It affords incentive to great literary or dramatic geniuses who inculcate in their works Plutonian doctrines calculated to bear fruit through the succeeding generation;
total disregard for constituted authority or vested rights, except as administered for the good of all; and even at its worst, more likely to be activated by a sense of righteous indignation on behalf of society than by personal vindictiveness.
See also:Planetary Significators [DeVore]
♦ Aspects ♦ Planets
In external affairs the solar system bodies exercise influence as follows:
Leaders and persons of authority in government, religious and industrial organizations.
Public life and the fickleness of the public; fluctuations of popularity, changing fortunes; the common people, and the transportation and distribution systems that serve them; the home and home life; the place of residence; the mother, and women generally; in the State, women of title; the ocean, and voyages by water; water and liquids in general, and persons who follow occupations connected with them; places and houses near water; removals, mystery, romance.
Business matters, letter writing, short travels, the neigh- bors and their gossip; schools, colleges, and all places where teaching and learning are pursued; scientific and literary organizations; printing-works, publishing offices, and all who are occupied at these places; buying, selling, bargaining, trading.
Social activities; women, especially those younger; art, music, literature; beautiful objects, and anything that is prized for its beauty; ornaments; things of luxury and pleasure; jewels, toys, fine clothes, articles of adornment; pictures, flowers, dancing, singing, acting in so far as these express beauty or pleasure, apart from skill or intelligence; all places where these things belong, and where such occupations are carried on; sweethearts, wives, the home and household; conjugal love, as embodying affection rather than passion.
Steel, cutlery, weapons of war, sharp tools, and those who use them, fires, slaughter houses, mortuaries; brick and lime kilns; athletics and sports, in so far as they express courage, enterprise, strength and dexterity.
Expansion and growth, and their expression in terms of material wealth; occupations, persons, and places associated with religion, law, and education; public functions and assemblies of a state or official character; charitable and philanthropic movements and institutions; social gatherings, theatres and clothing.
Restrictions, delay, poverty, defects, darkness, decay; the father; stability in friendship; secrets, misfortunes, sorrows, fatalities; the ultimate uncombined atomic condition of matter; also the state of matter called "earth," and those whose occupations are concerned with it; ascetics of every description, whether religious or not; hermits, misers, and those who fast or starve; workers employed by municipalities or the State; older people; old plans, matters already started; del)ts and their payment; karma; practicality; good advice; widows and widowers; mountainous and hilly places, or open country, especially rocky and uncultivated; caves, ruins; corpses, graves, and churchyards.
Those who have power and authority over others, either on a large or small scale-from King, Parliament and Prime Minister downwards; the chief, the ruler, the wielder of authority; inventors, discoverers, pioneers and antiquarians.
Democratic and popular movements, mobs, the common people; mystics, dreamers, visionaries, psychics, mediums; perhaps hospitals and charities.
Idealistic organizations that attack the social ills; social organizations designed to combat groups of individuals who believe they belong to a privileged class. Ideas that are ahead of their time, that will not bear fruit until readvocated by some disciple thereof in the next generation.
In Horary Astrology the solar system bodies are subject to the following interpretations:
The querent — if a man. Rich and powerful relations; the person in authority, from whom an honor or favor is desired; the one capable of saving the querent from embarrassment; goldsmiths, jewelers, reformers, educators.
The querent — if a woman. The mother, or the woman in the case; servants, sailors, navigators, and those in contact with fluids or liquids.
The bringer of tidings; news of that which is lost; artificers, thieves, ingenious and clever persons, who live by their wits; mathematicians, secretaries, merchants, travelers, teachers, orators, ambassadors.
The person in whom the querent may be interested, particularly if a young woman; embroiderers, perfumers, entertainers, artists, dealers in ornamentation, designers of clothing, interior decorators, lovers of pleasure, managers of places of amusement.
If favorably aspected, a strong and aggressive friend; if unfavorably aspected, a revengeful enemy; surgeons, chemists, soldiers, munition manufacturers; all who use sharp instruments; rough and uncultured persons; thieves, and such as live by violence.
The wise friend of the querent upon whom he depends for protection or assistance; a person of advanced years noted for integrity; rich and generous friends or relations; clothiers and dealers in essential commodities; mountebanks, dissipated relatives or friends; the black sheep of the family; counsellors, ecclesiastical dignitaries, judges, lawyers.
Persons who, through narrowness of outlook, endanger the success of querent; aged and conservative or indigent friends or relatives; day laborers, religious recluses, those engaged in agriculture and mining, paupers, beggars, clowns; sometimes prudent counsellors; if unfavorably aspected, a person with ulterior motive.
The querent's friend in an emergency; unexpected elements, persons from afar, inventors, electricians, indicators of change; astrologers, humanitarians, psychologists, mental specialists. If favorably aspected, a person bringing new and important propositions. If unfavorably aspected, losses through impostors or unwise speculation.
Those concerned with the investigation of scientific or metaphysical secrets; profoundly wise and eccentric individuals geniuses, prophets, spiritual counsellors; persons of mysterious origin; those engaged in water pursuits.
The leader of an organization waging a strike, boycott or lockout, to establish a precedent for some principle; the writer who instigates a reform movement or mass reaction.
In Mundane Astrology, the significance of the solar system bodies is as follows:
In a consideration of world affairs, the planets supply the initiating factor, whether personalities or environment; the aspects, its favorable or unfavorable action; the signs, the geographical divisions of the earth's surface to be affected; and the houses, the economic or political conditions of the people to be affected or activated.
Executive heads; governmental and legislative.
The proletariat, particularly the women; crowds; subjects or objects of popular interest; water transport conditions and occupations; land and crops.
The intelligentsia, the literary world; the transportation and communications industry; the press, educators, speakers, news commentators; change.
Ambassadors of good will and preservers of the peace; artists, musicians; theatres and festivals; births, children; courtship and marriage. Unfavoring aspects bring plagues and pestilences.
Military leaders; surgeons; persons liable to die; engineers; agitators, incendiaries, criminals and crimes of violence; epidemics of infectious and contagious diseases; wars. Commotions are stirred up by Mars aspects to the Sun.
judiciary; ecclesiastical heads; industrialists and capitalists; philanthropists and philanthropic movements; influences in support of order; peace, prosperity and plenty. If afflicted, over-production.
The minor state executives and law enforcement authorities; Civil Service employees; land owners and mine operators; elderly persons; public buildings, national calamities, scarcities.
Air and rail transport; labor organizations, strikes and riots; civic organizations; anarchy, explosions, inventions; the electrical and radio industry.
The little people; social movements; socialized medicine and hospitalization; charities; seditions; socialistic political movements; widespread unrest.
Organized labor; chain store syndicates; group activities; mob psychology — whether the mob be capitalists drunk with power or unemployed crazed by hunger.
See also:Planetary Spirits [DeVore]
♦ Planets ♦ Mundane Astrology ♦ Horary Astrology
In Occultism, the seven highest hierarchies, corresponding to the Christian archangels, which have passed through states of evolution in past cycles.
Planetary Vegetation and Herbs [DeVore]According to Alan Leo, herbs are classified according to planetary influences as follows:
Almond, angelica, ash tree, bay tree, celandine, centaury, chamomile, corn hornwort, eyebright, frankincense and other aromatic herbs, heart trefoil, juniper, male peony, poppy, marigold, mistletoe, olive, pimpernel, rice, rosemary, rue, saffron, St. John's wort, sun dew, tormentil, turnsole, vine, wiper's bugloss; also bay, citrus, and walnut trees.
Adder's tongue, cabbage, chickweed, clary, coral-wort, cuckoo flowers, cucumber, dog-tooth, duck's meat, gourd, hyssop, iris, lettuce, melon, mercury, moonwort, mouse-car, mushrooms, pearlwort, privet, pumpkin, purslain, rattle grass, rosemary, seaweed, spunk, turnips, wallflowers, water arrowhead, watercress, water lily, water violet, white lily, white poppy, white rose, white saxifrage, whitlow grass, wild wallflower, willow, winter green, and all night blooming plants; also maple, olive, palm, and other trees rich in sap.
Azaleas, bitter sweet, calamint, caraway, carrots, cascara, coraline, dill, elecampane, endive, fennel, hare's foot, hazel, horehound, hound's tongue, lavender, lily of the valley, liquorice, male fern, mandrake, majoram, mulberry, myrtle, olive spurger parsley, pellitory, southernwood, star-wort, trefoil, valerian, wild carrots, winter savory; also hazel, and filbert trees.
Apples, archangel, artichoke, beans, bearberry, bishop's weed, black alder, bubbleholly, burdock, cloves, cock's head, couch grass, cowslip, cranebill, cudweed, daffodils, elder, featherfew, ferns, foxgloves, goldenrod, gooseberry, grapes and other vines, groundsel, kidneywort, lily, little daisy, marshmallows, mint, pennyroyal, pennywort, peppermint, red cherries, roses, sanicle, sea holly, sorrel, spearmint, tansy, throatwort, vervain, violets, wheat; also almond, apple, apricot, ash, cypress, pecan and pomegranate trees.
All-heal, aloes, anemone, arsmart, barberry, basil, box tree, broom, butcher's broom, cactus, capers, catmint, coriander, crowfoot, flax-weed, furze-bush, garden cress, garlic, gentian, ginger, hawthorn, honeysuckle, hops, horse radish, horsetongue, hyssop, leadwort, leeks, madder, masterwort, mousetail, mustard, nettles, onions, peppers, plantain, radish, savin, tobacco, wake-robin, wormwood, and all briars and thistles; also trees with thorns.
Agrimony, aniseed, apricots, asparagus, balm, balsam, betony, bloodwort, borage, chestnut, cinquefoil, cloves, currants, daisy, dandelion, hart's tongue, house leek, jessamine, liver wort, mint, myrrh, nailwort, nutmeg, polypody, rhubarb, sage, scurvy grass, small samphire swallow wort, strawberry, sugar cane, thorn apple, wild pinks, wild succory; also ash, almond, birch, fig, lime, linden, mulberry and oak trees.
Aconite, barley, barren wort, beech, black hellebore, blue bottle, comfrey, crosswort, flaxweed, fleawort, fumitory, gladwin, ground moss, hemlock, hemp, henbane, holly, horsetail, ivy, jew's ear, knap-weed, knotgrass, mandrake, mangel, medlar, moss, navelwort, nightshade, pansies, parsnips, quince, rue, rupture wort, rushes, rye, sciatica wort, senna, shepherd's purse, sloes, Solomon's seal, spinach, tamarisk, vervain, wintergreen. Also cypress, elm, pine, willow and yew trees.
Modern astrology seldom concerns itself with adding to or even using these classifications. Furthermore, the second-octave planets externalize more on the mental and spiritual plane than the physical, hence no additions to these ancient lists have been made as applicable to Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.
See also:Planetary Vocations and Avocations. [DeVore]
♦ Planets
The ruling planet, and the signs in which posited, considered with reference to occupational aptitude, gives the following testimony.
Positions of power, dignity, authority and responsibility, judges, magistrates, law observance authorities; superintendents and directors of public utilities, banks and businesses where huge sums of money are handled; goldsmiths, money lenders, writers, makers of ornaments, as luxuries and for display.
All common employments; persons dealing with public commodities, or holding.inferior positions chiefly in the transit industry; women officials and female occupations, as maids, children's nurses, midwives; those having to do with water, as seamen, fishermen, beavers, longshoremen; dealers in liquids; bath attendants; traveling salesmen, tradesmen, purveyors of food.
Authors, actors, orators, teachers, inventors, men of science, journalists and those engaged in gathering and disseminating information and in basing of judgment thereon; merchants, book sellers, postal workers, telegraph operators and messengers, or clerks engaged in the communications industry; artisans who exercise skill and intelligence; accountants, civil engineers, lawyers.
All professions connected with music and the fine arts; jewellers, embroiderers, perfumers, botanists; all businesses connected with women and their adornment: domestic servants, dancers and actors who impersonate beauty or grace, apart from skill or intelligence; painters, clothing designers, makers and dealers in toilet accessories.
All military professions; surgeons, chemists, blacksmiths, engineers, merchants, butchers, barbers, carpenters, and those who use cutlery or sharp instruments; workers in iron and steel, and those who make implements of war; bakers, dyers, and au common employments.
All professions connected with religion and the law; legislators, physicians, bankers, philanthropists, clothiers and businesses connected with woollen clothing; restaurant workers.
All conservative businesses and all who deal in land, or in commodities produced by or taken out of the earth; those having to do with places of confinement, or of the dead; common laborers, and those who undertake laborious tasks, or who work underground, or by night. Employments where much labor is necessary to acquire gain. Builders, bridge makers, potters, plumbers, bricklayers, dyers, cattlemen, policemen, scavengers.
Public figures, not holding office; travelers, inventors, pioneers, discoverers, original thinkers, lecturers; aviators, and those in the development of air transport; electricians, radio technicians, astrologists, scientists, psychologists, psychoanalysts, physical researchers and all new and uncommon occupations.
Artistic and literary geniuses, philosophers, occultists, occupations connected with water, or liquids.
Leaders in large organizations and movements, whether socialistic or capitalistic. Writers along sociological lines, or of works in which sociological doctrines are disguised; activities conducted anonymously or under a pseudonym.
See also:Planetary Strength [Astro*Index]
♦ Planets
Horary astrology.
A system of essential and accidental dignity and debility whereby planets are rank-ordered for strength and effectiveness in a chart. In questions of a win/lose nature, the person represented by the strongest significator would be likely to win.
See also:Planetary Years [DeVore]
♦ Horary Astrology ♦ Essential Dignity ♦ Accidental Dignity ♦ Ptolemy ♦ Significator ♦ Lilly, William
The ancients presumed the planets to have definite periods of rulership, at the end of which changes of constitution or environment might be expected to occur to persons or in the places ruled by them. What they called "the shortest years" can be traced to the orbital motions in most cases; but it is difficult to trace a justification for the other groups.
They are:
Planet | Short | Mean | Greater | Greatest |
Saturn | 30 | 43.5 | 57 | 465 |
Jupiter | 12 | 45 | 79 | 428 |
Mars | 15 | 40 | 66 | 264 |
Sun | 19 | 69 | 120 | 1460 |
Venus | 8 | 45 | 82 | 151 |
Mercury | 20 | 48 | 76 | 450 |
Moon | 25 | 66 | 108 | 320 |
By the use of the short years one deduces that, for example, if Saturn conjoins the Moon at birth, its opposition will occur at 15 years of age; if Jupiter conjoins any planet it will form its sextile in 2 years from birth. In other words, it was a method whereby, without the aid of an ephemeris, to determine when the planets wig form aspects or directions to the radical places of the Sun and Moon, and they to the radical places of the planets-called "periodical directions." It is principally of value in mundane astrology, when considering world-trends over long epochs.
See also:
♦ Planets ♦ Year
Astro*Index Copyright © 1997 Michael Erlewine
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