2 articles for "Color/s"
Color Index [Astro*Index]The difference in magnitude of a star's radiation at two fixed wavelengths, one of them usually that of hydrogen. This gives a good indication of the relative amount of heavier elements a star is burning in relation to hydrogen, as each element a star burns has a precise wavelength. This gives good indication of a star's age and type.
See also:Color [DeVore]
♦ Spectral Class ♦ Stellar Evolution ♦ Magnitude ♦ Wave-length
In the age when an astrologer presumed to find in a chart the answer to every manner of question that could be propounded he frequently undertook to tell, for example, which cock would win in a cockfight merely by indicating the color associated with the strongest planet in an Horary Figure. It also was considered an index to the coloring of an individual's eyes, hair, and complexion, as well as the clothes he should wear. Thus the following color chart adduced from Wilson, who professed not to take it too seriously:
Sun: | Yellow, inclined to purple. |
Moon: | White, or a light mixture, perhaps spotted. |
Mercury: | Azure to light blue. |
Venus: | White and purple. |
Mars: | Fiery red. |
Jupiter: | Red and green mixture. |
Saturn: | Black. |
To the Signs these colors are attributed:
Aries: | White and red. |
Taurus: | Red and citron mixture. |
Gemini: | Red and white mixture. |
Cancer: | Green or russet. |
Leo: | Golden or red. |
Virgo: | Black with blue splotches. |
Libra: | Dark crimson, swarthy or black. |
Scorpio: | Dark brown. |
Sagittarius: | Olive or light green. |
Capricorn: | Dark brown or black. |
Aquarius: | Sky blue. |
Pisces: | Pure white and glistening. |
The color of the fixed stars were taken as an index to their nature: as, a star of the color of Mars is of the nature of Mars; and so on. Placidus said the yellow color of the Sun indicates radical heat; the white of the Moon, of passive power and radical moisture; the blue and yellow of Venus and Jupiter, of combined heat and moisture, the moisture predominating in Venus and the heat in Jupiter; the red of Mars, of intemperate heat and dryness; and the lead color of Saturn, of intemperate cold and dryness. Wilson dissents by saying that "whatever blue is the color of, Venus has more of it than Jupiter." v. Signs.
See also:
♦ Signs ♦ Spectral Class ♦ Stellar Evolution ♦ Magnitude ♦ Wave-length
Astro*Index Copyright © 1997 Michael Erlewine