5 articles for "Direct"
Direct [Astro*Index]Describing a planet with direct or forward (west to east) motion. Also describing a planet-to-planet contact, as opposed to indirect, which describes a planet-to-midpoint contact.
See also:Direct [DeVore]
♦ Orbit ♦ Retrograde ♦ Retrograde Motion ♦ Stationary ♦ Station
v. Motion.
See also:Direct Motion [Astro*Index]
♦ Motion
The apparent easterly movement of a planet or other body measured relative to the fixed stars.
See also:Direct Motion [Prima]
♦ Retrograde Motion ♦ Fixed Stars ♦ Ecliptic
The (actual) easterly movement of a planet or other body measured relative to the fixed stars. This is the natural motion of the planets along the ecliptic. The planets appear to us to move west — this (apparent) motion is due to the earth's diurnal rotation. (See also: retrograde motion.)
See also:Direct Motion [Munkasey M.]
♦ Retrograde Motion ♦ Fixed Stars ♦ Ecliptic
The motion of a body in its orbit in a counter-clock-wise direction. This is also used to refer to a planet (or body) whose apparent motion against the background of fixed stars is in a Easterly direction.
See also:
♦ Retrograde Motion ♦ Fixed Stars ♦ Ecliptic
Astro*Index Copyright © 1997 Michael Erlewine