# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Astro*Dictionary by Michael Erlewine





2 articles for "Motion"

Motion [Astro*Index]

The act of changing position.


See also:
♦ Daily Motion ♦ Direct Motion ♦ Retrograde Motion ♦ Newton
Motion [DeVore]

According to Newton's law of motion, all bodies traveling in elliptical orbits move faster at certain portions of their orbits, and slower in others. It is therefore important to observe whether the travel between two successive days is greater or less than their mean motion. In erecting a Figure for a specified hour it is necessary to reduce this to hourly motion, to determine the exact position occupied by the faster-moving bodies.

To Reduce Daily Motion to Hourly Motion:
Since 1° or 60 m., divided by 24 h. equals 2½ therefore: degrees per day X 2½ = minutes per hour; and minutes per day X 2½ = seconds per hour. Thus: Moon's travel of 14° p. d. X 2½ = 35'p. h.; and 24' less p. d. = 1' less p. h., or 34' p. h. Mercury's travel of 2° 7' p. d. (computed as 2° X 2.5 = 5'; and 7' X 2.5 = 17.5") gives a rate of 5' 17.5" p. h.


See also:
♦ Daily Motion ♦ Direct Motion ♦ Retrograde Motion ♦ Newton


Astro*Index Copyright © 1997 Michael Erlewine