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Astro*Dictionary by Michael Erlewine





3 articles for "Separating"

Separating [Munkasey M]

Said of an aspect where the faster moving body of theaspect pair is moving in such a direction that the exactness or closeness of the aspect is numerically lengthening. The bodies are moving from the aspect.

See also:
♦ Aspect
Separating Aspect [Astro*Index]

An aspect in which the bodies have reached the partile aspect (square, trine, etc.) and are moving away from it.

See also:
♦ Partile Aspect ♦ Applying Aspect
Separating Aspect [Prima]

A separating aspect is an aspect that has already become exact and is consequently dissolving. The faster planet has overtaken the slower planet and is moving on. Separation tends to indicate a condition in which the intensity generated during the preculmination phase is released in a more or less orderly and significant manner. Separating aspects are the opposite of applying aspects.

See also:
♦ Partile Aspect ♦ Applying Aspect


Astro*Index Copyright © 1997 Michael Erlewine