3 articles for "Opposition"
Opposition [Astro*Index]Partile aspect with angular separation of 180o. The fundamental major or Ptolemaic aspect. Traditionally a hard aspect. Unites signs of same polarity. The second harmonic. Assigned an orb of between 5° and 10°. Signifies the culmination of a cycle of relationship; an intense contrariety of two energies; material manifestation and externalization.
See also:Opposition [Prima]
♦ Aspects
One of the major aspects. One half of the circle of the zodiac.
A polarity that indicates the need to balance opposing forces, make adjustments, or compromise; it also indicates enlightenment and awareness. Usually this is an inharmonious aspect. It signifies confrontations that are difficult to resolve. Both sides of the issue are known, but no solution is apparent.
See also:Opposition [DeVore]
♦ Aspects
v. Aspects
See also:
♦ Aspects
Astro*Index Copyright © 1997 Michael Erlewine