3 articles for "Quincunx"
Quincunx [Astro*Index]An angular separation (aspect) of 150°, or five signs, also called Inconjunct. Ptolemy writes of disjunct signs in Tetrabiblos I.16, signs which have no "familiarity" with one another according to conditions he enumerates previously, and which lie either adjacent or five signs apart; in other words, they are not separated by any of the multiples that produce sextiles, squares, or trines, the recognizes aspects after the conjunction and opposition.
See also:Quincunx [Prima]
♦ Aspect ♦ Angular Separation
One of the minor aspects. Five twelfths of the circle of the zodiac.
The quincunx (or inconjunct) is a deceptive aspect. It is inharmonious but not so noticeable as the square or opposition, which makes it more difficult to deal with (it is composed of incompatible elements).
It is the aspect of false hopes and aspirations and of projection. We learn to work around the problems of the inconjunct, often never really dealing with the problem. It's a frustrating aspect because it seems as though the solution is always just around the corner. When tackled, it leads to growth, maturity, and clarification.
See also:Quincunx [DeVore]
♦ Aspect ♦ Angular Separation
An aspect of 150°, or five Signs of separation. v. Aspects.
See also:
♦ Aspect ♦ Angular Separation
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