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Astro*Dictionary by Michael Erlewine





7 articles for "Equator / ial"

Equator [Munkasey M.]

This word has two common usages or meanings:

1. The Equator of the Earth, which is that great circle of the Earth which divides the Earth roughly into two equal portions which then sit North and South of Each other.

2. Another term for the "Celestial Equator".


See also:
♦ Celestial Equator ♦ Earth's Equator
Equator [DeVore]

The circle that lies midway between the poles of the earth, dividing it into two hemispheres — North and South. Also the projection of the Earth's equator upon the celestial sphere — sometimes called the equinoctial circle. The celestial equator has also been defined as "the continuation of the plane of the terrestrial equator without limit into celestial spaces.


See also:
♦ Celestial Equator ♦ Earth's Equator
Equatorial Arc [Munkasey M.]

(1) A term used when computing Primary Progressions.An arc of direction between a Promissor and a Significator.

(2) An arc measured along the Celestial Equator.


See also:
♦ Directions ♦ Directed Positions
Equatorial Ascendant [Munkasey M.]

A sensitive point of the horoscope. It isfound at the intersection of the Ecliptic and the Vertical Circle which passes through the East and the West points of the Horizon. Sometimes incorrectly called the "East Point".

See also:
♦ East Point ♦ East Point House System ♦ Prime Vertical ♦ Electrical Ascendant
Equatorial Chart [Prima]

A chart cast by projecting the positions of the planets to the plane of the equator (rather than to the plane of the ecliptic). The sign divisions of the resulting chart (which also serve as its houses) are derived by dividing the equator into 12 equal sections, starting at the vernal-equinox point (0° Aries), and the latitudes shown on the table next to each planet represent degrees of north or south declination.


See also:
♦ East Point ♦ East Point House System ♦ Prime Vertical ♦ Electrical Ascendant
Equatorial Coordinates [Astro*Index]

Right Ascension and Declination, measured along the Celestial Equator from a specified Vernal Point to the foot of an Hour Circle, and from this point along the Hour Circle to the body.


See also:
♦ Coordinate System ♦ Right Ascension ♦ Declination ♦ Celestial Equator ♦ Vernal Point ♦ Hour Circle
Equatorial Horizontal Parallax [Astro*Index]

The apparent equatorial semidiameter of the elliptical disk of the Earth that would be observed from the center of a celestial body with is at declination 0° when this body is on the geodetic horizon (at the east or west point) of an observer at the geodetic equator. For the Moon, at mean distance, this value is 57'02.54" = 3422.54"; for the Sun, at mean distance, this value is 8.794".

See also:
♦ Parallax ♦ Declination ♦ Geodetic


Astro*Index Copyright © 1997 Michael Erlewine