3 articles for "Hermes"
Hermes [DeVore](1) An olympian god, son of Zeus and Maia, identified by the Romans with Mercury: messenger of the gods; giver of increase to herds; guardian of roads and commerce; the god of science, inven- tion, eloquence, cunning, trickery, theft, and luck in discovering treasure. of course, in creating the god they endowed him with the astrological attributes of the planet, of whose influences he became the personification.
(2) Hermes Trismegistus, identified with the Egyptian god Thoth, was the fabled author of Neo-Platonic, judaic, cabalistic, alchemical and astrological works, studied as sacred by the Egyptian priests. Many spurious works have been put forward as Hermetic writings. Theories and philosophics peculiar to the Hermetic writings are characterized as hermetical.
(3) A minor planet, or asteroid discovered photographically at Heidelberg on Oct. 28, 1940 by the German astronomer Reinmuth. As it was moving rapidly in its apparent course in the sky only a few observations were secured, hence the orbit determinations are only approximate. Since then the asteroid has passed beyond telescopic reach. The noteworthy feature of Hermes is the nearness of part of its orbit to that of the Earth-about 362,000 Miles, only 110,000 miles farther from the Earth than the Moon's greatest distance. This breaks the record of Eros for the close approach of a heavenly body to the Earth. First known as the Reinmuth Object, the asteroid was given the designation 1937 UB. Later the discoverer gave it the name Hermes. Calculations give it a diameter of about 1/2 mile. When nearest the Earth it was in the constellation Delphinus, corresponding to an astrological position of approx. 12" Aquarius. Esoteric writers have long applied the name to Mercury – with a mystical significance implying wisdom.
See also:Hermes [Astro*Index]
♦ Caduceus ♦ Eros ♦ Mercury ♦ Trutine ♦ Mark, Noon or Midnight
Greek god who served as herald and messenger of the other gods; equivalent to the Roman god Mercury.
See also:Hermes Trismegistus [Astro*Index]
♦ Caduceus ♦ Eros ♦ Mercury ♦ Trutine ♦ Mark, Noon or Midnight
(Gr, Hermes "Thrice Greatest")
A legendary Greek philosopher who authored works on magical, astrological, and alchemical doctrines. He is credited with the invention of the Truitine of Hermes Trismegistos, a method for rectifying estimated time of birth using a Prenatal Epoch scheme.
See also:
♦ Heydon
Astro*Index Copyright © 1997 Michael Erlewine
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