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Astro*Dictionary by Michael Erlewine





3 articles for "Mercury"

Mercury [Astro*Index] Mercury Glyph

"Mercury rules that part of the intellect which is susceptible to cultivation, namely, memory." Llewellyn George (PPHB, p. 37)

See also:
♦ Planets ♦ Gemini ♦ Virgo
Mercury [Prima] Mercury Glyph

One of the 10 major planets.

Ruler of Gemini & Virgo. Communication, intellect, mental activity.

Versatility, adaptability, connection, information; writing, speaking, learning, teaching, correspon- dence, letters; the nervous system, the thinking process; commerce, news, agents, messengers, transport, travel.

"Mercury rules that part of the intellect which is susceptible to cultivation, namely, memory."     — Llewellyn George

An "idea" person with a variety of interests; a lover of learning; one who is alert and clever; the power of discrimination; dexterity.

In the business chart: Communications; efficiency or inefficiency of the houses it occupies or rules, depending on its aspects.

See also:
♦ Planets ♦ Gemini ♦ Virgo
Mercury Method of Chart Comparison [Astro*Index]

(see \articles)

See also:
♦ Synastry


Astro*Index Copyright © 1997 Michael Erlewine