6 articles for "Horizontal"
Horizontal Aspects [DeVore]Mundane aspects.
See also:Horizontal Coordinates [Astro*Index]
♦ Mundane Aspects
Azimuth and Elevation. Coordinates of a celestial body referred to the observer's horizon. The primary angle, Azimuth, is measured eastward along the Horizon from the North point through the East point to the foot of the vertical circle passing through the body. The secondary angle, Elevation (sometimes called Altitude), is measured along the vertical circle from the Horizon to the body: + if above, - if below.
See also:Horizontal Parallax [Astro*Index]
♦ Azimuth ♦ Elevation ♦ North Point ♦ East Point ♦ Altitude
The angle subtended at the center of a body Moon [?] between the line connecting the centers of the Earth and Moon and a line tangent to the surface of the Earth.
Horizontal Parallax is tabulated each 12 hours (0h and 12h) for the Moon, and each day for the Sun, in the AENA (American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac). Horizontal Parallax for the Moon varies between 53'53" and 61'27"; for the Sun, between 8.65" and 8.96". The Equatorial Horizontal Parallax at mean distance for the Moon is 57'02.57", or 3422.57"; and, for the Sun is 8.798". Horizontal Parallax is an effective measure of the distance of the body from the Earth. —or, Also called the Horizontal Geocentric Parallax. The largest possible value of Geocentric Parallax. Its value is equal the size of the apparent semi-diameter of the Earth as observed from the body.
See also:Horizontal Parallax [Munkasey M.]
♦ Geocentric Parallax ♦ Parallax
That observed difference in the apparent position of a body when that body is viewed first from the surface of the Earth and then from the center of the Earth. A correction applied to the positions of bodies which are visually noticeable and (astronomically speaking) relatively close to the Earth (like the Moon).
See also:Horizontal Parallel [Astro*Index]
♦ Geocentric Parallax ♦ Parallax
The older usage of this term refers to the mundane parallel that is made about the ascendant or descendant, rather than the one made about the meridian. However, with the advent of local space astrology, it seems reasonable that this term should also mean the configuration of two bodies which are on opposite sides and equidistant from any of the cardinal points of the horizon, measured in horizontal coordinates. Thus, what antiscia and contra-antiscia are to zodiacal aspects, and mundane parallels to mundane aspects, horizontal parallels would be to the aspects formed in the horizon system of coordinates.
See also:Horizontal Parallel [DeVore]
♦ Antiscion ♦ Mundane Parallel ♦ Local Space ♦ Horizontal Coordinates ♦ Zodiacal Aspect ♦ Mundane Aspect
A parallel in mundo, or a mundane parallel, formed about the horizon instead of the meridian. It is considered by some authorities to be equally powerful.
See also:
♦ Antiscion ♦ Mundane Parallel ♦ Local Space ♦ Horizontal Coordinates ♦ Zodiacal Aspect ♦ Mundane Aspect
Astro*Index Copyright © 1997 Michael Erlewine
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