2 articles for "Refranation"
Refranation [Astro*Index](Also refrenation, refraination)
Horary Astrology
A form of prohibition. In general terms, refranation occurs when the angle between two significators ceases to close. The planets can be "refrained" either because the faster planet turns retrograde or the slower planet changes sign before the faster one can reach it. The first is called refranation by motion and the second refranation by sign. In the examples below, Mars is refrained from a trine with Jupiter because the former has turned retrograde, and Mercury is refrained from a conjunction with Venus because the latter will enter a new sign before the aspect is exact. Refranation in a horary chart indicates that the matter questioned about is blocked from a conclusion. Let's say however that Mercury having separated from a conjunction with Venus turns retrograde and procedes to meet Venus again; there would be no refranation here, as the aspect does complete. In general, refranation does not occur, in spite of retrograde motion, when the two planets eventually complete an aspect within the sign in which they are originally place; such a condition would signify delay in the resolution of the question.
The rules of refranation were set down before astrologers worked with Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Modern horary astrologers work with these planets in relation to the faster moving bodies and as topical significators. They generally do not consider the aspects these three planets may form among themselves. Aspect time scales, now a popular feature on astrology computer programs, simplify spotting refranation in a horary chart.
See also:Refranation [DeVore]
♦ Horary Astrology ♦ Prohibition ♦ Significator ♦ Aspect
(Also refrenation, refraination)
A term used in Horary Astrology when one of two planets applying to an aspect turns retrograde before the aspect is complete. It is taken as an indication that the matter under negotiation will not be brought to a successful conclusion.
See also:
♦ Horary Astrology ♦ Prohibition ♦ Significator ♦ Aspect
Astro*Index Copyright © 1997 Michael Erlewine