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Blue*Star Pro $999.95 $499.95
Daily Guides Daily Guides

Daily Guides is a new module that comes free with every Blue*Star purchase (Both Personal and Professional versions). This is a daily timing guide for general energy, mental activity, romance and interpersonal relations, productivity, enthusiasm, discipline, and lucky times.

Free Daily Guides Module Free Module $69.95 Included

Each category allows you to run
a personal report for up 4 days
at a time.

PDF samples of Daily Guides Click the thumbnail for a PDF Sample

Daily Guide
Daily Guide
Mental Clarity
Mental Clarity
Lucky Times
Lucky Times
Purchase Times
Purchase Times
Horary Charts Quick Answers

Quick Answers is an astrological oracle. It gives Yes or No answers to common questions and indicates key influences that should also be taken into consideration. Often these indicators are more informative than the simple Yes or No answer.

Buy Quick Answers Module Downloads Only $69.95 $49.95

This program has more than 120 pre-set questions already listed. You can sort through these questions by topic or by keyword. You can also add your own
questions to the list.

PDF samples of Quick Answers Click the thumbnail for a PDF Sample

Should I change my appearance?
Should I change my appearance?
Should I accept this job offer?
Should I change my appearance?
Explanation of Quick Answers
Explanation of Quick Answers
Time*Scans Screenshot Time*Scans

Graphic scans of transits and progressed cycles give a long-range view of the rhythms around your chart that are active.

Buy Time*Scans Module Downloads Only $69.95 $49.95

PDF samples of Time*Scan tables Click the thumbnail for a PDF Sample

Transit Progression
Side-by-side transit-progression scan one month
Transit Progression
Side-by-side transit-progression scan one year
Two Chart
Side-by-side scans for two charts one Month
Two Chart
Side-by-side scans for two charts one Year
One decade scan
Life Scan

100 year scan of a lifetime
Major Transits
A companion to LifeScan
90 years of secondary progressions
Transits of Saturn
90 years of Saturn transits
Transits of Jupiter
96 years of Jupiter transits
Transits of Mars
Two years of Mars transits on one page
One year of stations
Astrological Events Screenshot Astrological Events

Charts for Astrological Events like solar and lunar returns, lunations, ingresses.

Buy Astrological Events Module Downloads Only $69.95 $49.95

PDF samples of Astrological Events charts Click the thumbnail for a PDF Sample

Solar Return
A presentation wheel for the solar return
Lunar Return
A presentation wheel for the lunar return
New Moon
A chart for the previous or next New Moon
Full Moon
A chart for the previous or next Full Moon
Lunar Eclipse
A chart for the previous or next Lunar Eclipse
Solar Eclipse
A chart for the previous or next Solar Eclipse
Spring Equinox
A chart for the previous or next Spring Equinox
Summer Solstice
A chart for the previous or next Summer Solstice
Fall Equinox
A chart for the previous or next Fall Equinox
Winter Solstice
A chart for the previous or next Winter Solstice
Prenatal New Moon
The New Moon before your birth
Prenatal Lunation
The lunation before your birth
Today's Chart
Today's Chart
Sunrise Chart
Sunrise Chart


[ Top ]

Life Events Screenshot Quick Life Events

Charts suitable for life events like births, marriages, inaugurations, graduations, purchases, accidents, or anything where some astrological insights might be useful.

Buy Quick Life Events Module Downloads Only $69.95 $49.95

PDF samples of Life Events charts Click the thumbnail for a PDF Sample

Event Chart
A chart form for gaining a quick grasp of any event
Event to Natal
A biwheel showing a current event chart's connection to a natal chart
Birth Chart
An introduction to a birht chart
New Birth
A Chart for a new birth
New Home
A Chart for a moving into a new home
New House
A Chart for a moving into a new house
Chart for a moving to a new city
Moving the home to a new city
Chart for a moving to a new city
Moving the home to a new city
A chart suitable for the beginning of a journey or traveling
The planets closest to the Midheaven and Ascendant
A chart using a natal and an event chart
Mental Activity
Highlights indicators of mental activity and clarity
Physical Activity
Highlights indicators of physical activity
Legal Activity
Highlights indicators of legal activity
Highlights indicators of investment activity


[ Top ]

Synastry Screenshot Quick Synastry

Astrological compatibility techniques. Show the two charts together in a biwheel or calculate a relationship or composite chart.

Buy Quick Synastry Module Downloads Only $69.95 $49.95

PDF samples of Synastry charts Click the thumbnail for a PDF Sample

A biwheel showing the two charts together plus a second page with the closest aspects between the charts and their interpretations
A Davison Relationship chart with interpretations for planets in houses and planets in aspect.
A composite chart with interpretations for planets in houses and planets in aspect.
A relationships report
Two Chart
Side-by-side scans for two charts one Month
Two Chart
Side-by-side scans for two charts one Year


[ Top ]

Quick Greetings  Screenshot Quick Greetings

Quick charts to mark special occasions, suitable for emailing to clients and non-Astrologers.

Buy Quick Greetings Module Downloads Only $69.95 $49.95

PDF samples of Quick Greetings charts Click the thumbnail for a PDF Sample

Birthday #1
Astrological chart for birthdays
Birthday #2
Astrological chart for birthdays
Birthday #3
Astrological chart for birthdays
An all-occasion Astrological chart that marks the current moment
Bon Voyage
Astrological chart for Beginning of a journey or traveling
Astrological chart for parties, gatherings, celebration
Astrological chart for birthdays
Wedding & Natal
Astrological chart for birthdays
New Business
Astrological chart for birthdays
New Job
An all-occasion Astrological chart that marks the current moment
New Construction
Astrological chart for Beginning of a journey or traveling
Astrological chart for parties, gatherings, celebration
Team Sport
Astrological chart for team sporting events
Sporting Event
A chart for an individual sporting event
House Warming
Astrological chart for a house warming
Astrological chart for a special moment
Winter Solstice
A greeting for the Winter Solstice with interpretative highlights
Spring Equinox
A greeting for the Spring Equinox with interpretative highlights
Summer Solstice
A greeting for the Summer Solstice with interpretative highlights
Autumn Equinox
A greeting for the Autumn Equinox with interpretative highlights


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