Basic Principles of Geocosmic Studies for Financial Market TimingPart 2 Date Published:

Formal education and training includes B.S. (Psychology, Michigan State University, 1969), Post-Graduate studies (Clinical Psychology, Michigan State and University of Michigan, 1969-1971); Professional Life Member of the American Federation of Astrologers (PLMAFA since 1972); Commodities Trading Advisor (CTA, 1982); Series 3 and 7 exams for Commodities, Financial Futures, Securities and Investments (1986, 1989). Currently President of The Merriman Market Analyst, Inc., an investment advisory firm specializing in market timing products and services. He is the editor of The MMA Cycles Report, an advisory newsletter issued 18 times/yr., and used by banks, financial institutions, investors and traders throughout the world since 1982.
Mr. Merriman is well-trained in the ways of the Wall Street. Between 1982-1986 he was a frequent guest contributor on the Financial News Network (FNN). He served as an Investment Executive with Prudential Securities (1986-87) and Shearson Lehman Hutton (1987-1990), before becoming an Accounts Vice-President of Retail Commodity Futures with Paine Webber (1990-1994), prior to forming his own advisory company in 1994.
He is also well-trained in the field of Astrology, having practiced professionally since 1968. His contributions and awards in this field are numerous and include: President of ISAR (International Society For Astrological Studies - 1995-97); recipient of the 1995 UAC Regulus Award for "Enhancing Astrology's Image As a Profession"; recipient of Aquarius Workshops Award for "Service To Astrology" (1994); recipient of Professional Astrologers Inc. (PAI) Award for "Outstanding Activities on Behalf of Furthering Goals of Astrology - Lectures." He has served on the Steering Committees of UAC 1989 and 1992, was Seminar Coordinator for the successful ISAR 1994 Conference on Research, Professionalism and Mundane Forecasting, and will be Seminar Coordinator for the ISAR 1996 Conference On Computers and Research: The Cutting Edge of Astro-Technology, at Indian Lakes Resort, July 2-7, 1996 (20 miles West of Chicago).
Merriman is an international lecturer on both financial market cycles and various aspects of astrology as it applies to cycles in human activity. He is the author of several books, including:
The Solar Return Book of Prediction (1977)
The Gold Book: Geocosmic Correlations To Gold Price Cycles (1982)
Evolutionary Astrology: The Journey of the Soul Through States of Consciousness (1992)
The Sun, The Moon, and the Silver Market: Secrets of a Silver Trader (1992)
Merriman on Market Cycles: The Basics (1994)
Basic Principle of Geocosmic Studies For Financial Market Timing (1995)
In conjunction with AstroCybernetics, Merriman has also developed two financial astrological software systems: The FAR (Financial Astrological Research) program, and the SOS (Stock Optimizing Selector) Program, which enable traders to identify potential turning points in various stocks and/or financial futures markets.
Mr. Merriman can be reached at:
Ph: 1-810-626-3034; FAX: 1-810-626-5674
Table of Contents
Part Two: | (Click for Part One) | |
Chapter Five: | The Signs of the Zodiac | |
Chapter Six: | Using The Ephemeris Part II: Determining Aspects | |
Chapter Seven: | Using The Aspectarian | |
Chapter Eight: | Using Computers To Determine "Clusters" | |
Appendix: | The Signs of the Zodiac in Astrology & References | |
Disclaimer |
The Signs of the Zodiac
As the planets travel around the Sun in their predictable orbits, they do so in the foreground of a circular band of constellations known as "the Zodiac." It is against the zodiac background that a planet's position is measured and identified. There are twelve (12) constellations which make up the zodiac, also known as "signs," and each is given a space of 30 degrees. In actuality, these "constellations" may contain more or less than 30 degrees in the heavens, and they do not form a perfect circular backdrop for the planets motions. But as "signs" used in the study of astrology, they are measured 30 degrees each, starting with the season of Spring (around March 21 of every year).
Now it should be mentioned that there is a difference between "signs" and actual constellations. When one looks at a planet in the heavens, the constellation in the background may not be the same as the "sign" it is said to be in, due to the continuous "wobble" or "tilting" phenomenon of the Earth on its axis over a 25,200 year period. As the Earth "tilts," or "wobbles," the view of the planets from Earth are altered slightly every year. In fact, every 72 years, the "tilt" `accounts for a 1 degree difference between the "sign" and the "constellational" position of a planet as seen from Earth. This is not significant to our study, for we are identifying a planet's position by "sign" only, which is more a measurement of the seasons upon Earth (thus relevant to human activity), and not by "constellation" (which might pertain more to a universal approach of analysis). This is only brought up because inevitably as you proceed with the study of astrology, you will hear of so-called "scientists" who may use this fact as a reason why astrology cannot work. Such an argument says nothing about astrology, but instead only shows the critic's ignorance of the mechanics used in astrology - a reference based upon seasons as the Earth rotates around the Sun, and not upon the "tilt" of the Earth on its axis and the view that affords of the constellations in the heavens.
The "signs" of the zodiac are very useful in the study of geocosmic signatures related to financial markets for many reasons. Most important perhaps is their value in measuring distances between planets, so that we can ascertain "aspects" that are in effect. As you will see shortly, "aspects" are the crux of identifying potential turning points in markets. It is the basis for "market timing," a la geocosmic studies.
Therefore it is again important for the learner to memorize both the order and the symbols of the signs of the zodiac. The order, and symbols, for these "signs of the zodiac" are shown on Table 2.
As you can see, there are 12 signs to the zodiac. The zodiac begins with Aries and ends with Pisces. Aries is the first sign, and Pisces is the 12th. You could start the circle again for mathematical reasons, by referring to Aries as not only the 1st sign, but also the 13th, or 25th, signs.
Each sign also has 30 degrees. All 12 signs added together account for the 360 degrees in the circle. Thus when you see a planet in the ephemeris listed as 15 degrees Taurus (2 ), this means it is half way through the second sign of Taurus, which like all signs, contains 30 degrees. It also means it is 45 degrees into the zodiac, since it covers the 30 degrees of Aries, plus the first 15 degrees of Taurus. In like fashion, a planet in 10 degrees of Sagittarius would be at the 1/3 point of the 30 degrees of Sagittarius. It has 20 more degrees to go before it moves into the next sign of Capricorn. Likewise, since Sagittarius begins the 9th sign of the zodiac, we could say it is in the 250th degree of the zodiac (8 signs, times 30 degrees each, plus 10 degrees of Sagittarius). This, then, is how we measure distances between planets.
Table 2: Signs of the Zodiac:
Their Order and Symbols | |||||
ARIES | ![]() |
LEO | ![]() |
TAURUS | ![]() |
VIRGO | ![]() |
CAPRICORN | ![]() |
GEMINI | ![]() |
LIBRA | ![]() |
AQUARIUS | ![]() |
CANCER | ![]() |
SCORPIO | ![]() |
PISCES | ![]() |
Also note that each degree contains 60' of arc. Thus in the ephemeris, it might say something like: 25° (degrees) Capricorn (10) 38'. If the planet moved forward 22' more, it will be in the next degree, or 26° Capricorn (10) 00'. Again, this is important for measurement. For purposes at this time, it will be sufficient just to round off to the nearest degree. Thus if we have a planet that shows more than 30' of arc, we will round off to the next degree. If it shows less than 30' of arc, we will simply use the whole degree that is showing. If we were actually calculating a horoscope for someone, we would be more concerned with minutes and perhaps seconds of arc. But in the study of geocosmic signatures related to market analysis, we are not concerned (at least not now) with horoscopes. Thus we are not concerned with the greater body of study known as astrology, which takes into account horoscopes. We are simply interested in "aspects" - when they occur, and what they mean to various markets in terms of potential reversals. The aspects between planets is what we primarily mean when we use the term "Geocosmic studies." And to determine those times of aspects, we need to know the signs of the zodiac, which enables us to calculate the distance between any two planets.
At this time, it would be a good idea to quiz yourself, to make sure you can list the order and the symbols for the 12 signs of the zodiac as they appear in Table 2. Again, it will eventually be necessary to commit these signs and their order to memory if you plan to use geocosmic signatures in your efforts to time potential reversals in financial markets. Before proceeding with the next chapter, please consider pausing right now and embark upon this exercise. It may also be wise to list the planets, their symbols, and order as they appear in Table 1 before continuing on to the next chapter.
Table 3:
Major Aspects and Their Symbols | |
![]() | CONJUNCTION (0°) |
![]() | SQUARE (90°) |
![]() | TRINE (120°) |
![]() | OPPOSITION (180°) |
| |
Minor Aspects and Their Symbols | |
(not important for this study) | |
![]() | SEMI-SEXTILE (30°) |
![]() | SEMI-SQUARE (45°) |
![]() | SEXTILE (60°) |
![]() | SESQUIQUADRATE (135°) |
![]() | QUINCUNX (150°) |
Using the Ephemeris Part II: Determining Aspects
Aspects are specific spatial distances of arc that might exist between any two planets (or points in space). The times in which aspects between two planets are in effect is potentially a period of time in which a reversal in the trend of a market may unfold.
The major aspects we will study are shown on the previous page in Table 3. They are (not in order of distance, but in an order that may be easier to learn):
Conjunction: | 0 degrees |
Opposition: | 180 degrees |
Square: | 90 degrees |
Trine: | 120 degrees |
Sextile: | 60 degrees |
(somewhere between a major and minor aspect) | |
There are of course other aspects (especially the sextile, but also the semi-sextile, semi- square, sesquiquadrate. quincunx, quintile, etc.). But the major aspects that seem to correlate with the most noteworthy changes in market prices are the four Major aspects: the conjunction, opposition, square and trine, and in many cases, the sextile. Thus for purposes of this book, those will be the primary ones studied. These alone will be sufficient to get you started on becoming a more accurate market timer, using geocosmic studies.
Now before we discuss aspects in detail, let's learn how to find the distance between any two planets. This is very important, and even though you may have a computer to do this work for you, it is still essential to understand the mechanics of how this is done. Otherwise it may not really mean anything of great importance to you. So take the time to learn these mathematical calculations if you wish to increase your skills as an astute market analyst and market timer.
First of all, understand that the planets move in a counter-clockwise direction as seen from Earth. The signs of the zodiac proceed in a counter-clockwise direction. This circle is divided into twelve (12) equal segments, for there are 12 signs to the zodiac. Also note that each segment contains 30 degrees, and that these are cumulatively added as we go from one sign to the next. This is done so that the subtraction and addition procedures are easier to see.
We begin our task of finding aspects by determining the shortest distance between any two planets in question. Let's call the planet furthest ahead in this shortest arc, in a counter-clockwise direction, the "leading planet," and the other planet, the "trailing planet."
The formula to find the distance between any two planets, then, is:
Leading Planet (sign and nearest degree)
Trailing Planet (sign and nearest degree)
To show how this is done, let's go to an example. Let's look up January 1, 1996. Remember, the degrees and minutes of every planet in the ephemeris for that day is based upon midnight, GMT. If we were calculating for a New York market, these degrees and minutes would pertain to 7:00 PM, EST, or 8:00 PM, when daylight savings time is in effect, for the previous day (December, 31, 1995). If you wish to be exact, you will have to calculate a planet's hourly movement, and add the necessary minutes of arc to the GMT midnight position to correlate with the period of time in which that market is opened during that day. This is done by finding the daily movement of each planet, and dividing by 24 (hours in a day). This gives you the hourly movement in minutes of arc. You then multiply that figure by the number of hours later that the New York markets are open (if using 9:00 AM, EST, you would multiply the hourly movement by 14 hours, since 9:00 AM, EST, is 14 hours after 7:00 PM, EST of the previous day. 9:00 AM, EST is also 14 hours after midnight, GMT, when time zones are taken into account).
Do not get alarmed at this point. You do not have to do this calculation. Because of other techniques to be covered later on (chapter on "Using the Aspectarian"), it is not necessary to pursue that type of accuracy at this time. For now, we simply want to learn how to estimate the distance between planets (closest degree is good enough), and from there, ascertain whether or not a major aspect is in effect.

Now, using an Aries chart, put each planet (by nearest degree) in your chart. Make sure it is sorted correctly by sign position. In other words, round off each planet as it appears on January 1 to the nearest degree, except the Moon. Since the Moon moves about one degree every two hours, you may want to approximate where it would fall 14 hours later in New York, or about 9:00 AM (i.e. add 7 degrees to the Moon and put it in). You can look to Figure 2 to see how these planets should be placed into the Aries chart for calculations purposes.
Note that you have, in counter-clockwise order, Pluto (PL) 2° Sagittarius (),
Jupiter (JU) 29° Sagittarius (
), Sun (SU) 10° Capricorn (
Mars (MA) 24° Capricorn (
), Neptune (NE) 25degrees Capricorn (
), Uranus (UR) 29degrees
Capricorn (
), Mercury (ME) 29degrees Capricorn (
), Venus (VE) 13 degrees
Aquarius (
), and Saturn (SA) 19degrees Pisces (
). The Moon, after calculations of
adding 7 degrees to the midnight position (or one degree to the noon position, which
equates to 7:00 AM, EST), comes out to 23°Taurus (
). From this point
onwards, all signs and planets will be given according to their symbols, so you must have
Tables 1, 2 and 3 memorized by now.
Let's say we want to find the distance between Jupiter and Saturn. The shortest arc, counterclockwise, is Jupiter to Saturn, where Saturn is the "leading planet" and Jupiter the "trailing planet." Let's put it down in our format for a calculation:
Saturn 19
or, 349°
Jupiter 29or, 269°
We know Pisces is the 12th sign. The full 11 signs which precede it cover 330 degrees 30 degrees per sign, times 11 signs). If we add the additional 19 degrees of Saturn's position in Pisces, we come to a total of 349° for Saturn's position. We can do the same with Jupiter at 29°. Sagittarius is the 9th sign of the zodiac. Thus the first 8 signs cover 240 degrees. The additional 29 degrees gives a total zodiacal position of 269 degrees. Thus the calculation now reads:
Saturn 349° Jupiter – 269° Total = 80°
Now when we subtract, we get a total of 80 degrees as the distance between Jupiter and Saturn on January 1, 1996.
This is the long-hand method to find the distance between any two planets on any given day. Whenever they are 0, 180, 90, or 120 degrees apart (or even 60 degrees), there is an exact aspect on that day. However, an "orb" may be allowed. It doesn't have to be exactly those degrees to be "in influence." Some analysts will use an 8-10 degree orb; others like MMA, prefer a 3 degree orb. Or, when it is exact, MMA may state that "within three trading days, a reversal is likely to occur." The orb may be in time (number of days away), or spatial arc (degrees from exact aspect).
Now let's look at another way to determine whether or not an aspect is in effect. You can take the degree of every planet, and see if any two planets are within three degrees (regardless of sign) to one another. If they are, chances are they may be in one of these four (or five) major aspects.
For example, if two planets are within three degrees of one another, and in the same sign,
they are in conjunction () to one another. If two planets are within three degrees, but in
opposite signs (six signs apart), they are in opposition (
) to one another. If they are
within three degrees, and three signs apart, they are in square (
). If they are within three
degrees of each other, and four signs apart, they are in trine (
) aspect to one another.
Looking at our example on January 1, 1996, note that and
are within three degrees of
one another and in the same sign (
). Mars and Neptune are thus in conjunction to each
other. Likewise
are in
Now look at the to
. All are within three
degrees. But the
, is four signs
away from Mars and Neptune in Capricorn. Four signs apart, but within three degrees, is a
trine aspect between the Moon and Mars, as well as Moon and Neptune. This is an easier
way to calculate aspects. But the important thing to determine is this: when is an aspect in
effect? When is it exact? Then we know that within three trading days (and oftentimes
exactly on the date), there is likely to be a reversal in some market(s). This is the crux of
market timing using the principles of Geocosmic studies.
Using the Aspectarian
There is an easier way to determine the exact date two planets make a major aspect to one another. In fact, there are two ways that are easier. But before describing those two ways, please keep in mind the reasons why we went through this exercise of calculating distances between two planets. First, it is important to understand how the mechanics work. It familiarizes you with the techniques — as well as signs and planets - that are used in Financial Astrology. Secondly, this technique will help you develop an "eye" for approximating when an aspect is coming into effect, simply by looking at any ephemeris. If you know what signs the planets are in, and what their approximate degrees are, then you know almost instantly whether a major aspect is close at hand.
Rather than using fractions and thereby calculating "the long way" as to when an aspect is in exact formation, some of the current day ephemerides provide an "aspectarian" for each day. An "aspectarian" shows, in chronological order, the precise time during each day when an exact aspect has formed.
In The American Ephemeris For The 20th Century (1900-2000), there is no aspectarian provided. If you are using this ephemeris, you have to estimate the time (or date) of a major aspect. However, The American Ephemeris 1991-2000 (or any ten-year American ephemeris) does provide an aspectarian at the bottom of each page (month). It is titled as the DAILY ASPECTARIAN, and appears in the lower quarter of the page. Once again, look at the page for January, 1996 (shown in Example 1 on page 10), and you will see this section.
Editor’s Note:
Advanced astrology calculation programs like Matrix’s Win*Star can produce a daily aspectarian for any date or location. See the Professional Software area of this Website for more information about Win*Star or call (352) 373-1504 to request a free catalog.
Now let's look at this Aspectarian. Note the first column starts with January 1, a Monday. The first aspect shown that day is #A* at 4:34 AM. Remember this is GMT time, so in New York, it would occur 5 hours earlier (11:34 PM, December 31, 1995). So the conjunction between Mercury and Uranus actually occurred at precisely 11.34 PM, December 31, 1995 in New York City, which is the same as 4:34 AM on January 1, 1996 in London.
Notice further along on that same date, Mars and Neptune conjunct at 4:27 PM, GMT (or 11:27 AM, in New York). Also notice later on that same day Mercury moves from Capricorn to Aquarius at 6:07 PM, GMT. This is shown as #-. This is significant. This is known as a "sign change," or an ingress ofa a planet. Ingresses of planets are almost as important as aspects. They too can denote a trend reversal, for they indicate a change of thinking, or feeling, about the areas which the planets pertain too. In astrology, the planets denote the activity, but the signs describe the arena in which the activity takes place. Mercury, for instance, is the business activity. Capricorn tends to be an arena of government, politics. Business activity may be influenced by concerns for governmental regulations, decisions and policies during that period. As it moves into Aquarius, government concerns may "back off" the business community. Aquarius has more to do with freedom, and the relaxation of regulations. Such a change in the market psychology can have an impact upon various financial markets for the few weeks that Mercury transits through Aquarius.
When you see an aspect starting to form (simply by looking at the planetary positions in an ephemeris), you can then go to the aspectarian to determine exactly when it will unfold. You then have an exact point to start the measurement of a time band for a potential reversal that may pertain to markets related to those planets.
Now it is important to keep in mind that not all aspects are equal in their correspondence to potential reversals in financial markets. The general rule is that the influence (strength) of an aspect is proportionate to the length in time of its cycle. In other words, the longer it takes any two planets involved in an aspect to come into orb, the more potent its correspondence is likely to be upon major reversals in various financial markets. If Mars and Jupiter come together (conjunction) approximately every 26 months, then its corresponding influence to a market reversal will likely be greater than that of the Sun and Moon, which come together (conjunction) every 29 ½ days.
The Moon, of course, is the fastest moving body that we observe in the calculations of daily aspects. Thus in any aspectarian, you will note that the majority of aspects on any given day will usually involve the Moon. These are referred to as "lunar aspects," and except for intraday trading, they are not given much attention. Their time of influence is generally no more than 2 hours either side of their aspect. Furthermore their correspondence to market reversals are usually minimal, except to day traders. A lunar aspect without an accompanying planetary aspect is not likely to result in what we call a "market reversal," as shown on daily bar charts.
"Planetary aspects" are much more significant. These refer to the aspects formed between the Sun and/or the planets, but not involving the Moon.
As you look over the aspects — via the aspectarian — in effect for January 1, 1996, you will note the following lunar aspects in effect (anything that has the Moon to it):
Moon Sextile Saturn - 5:24 AM
Moon Trine Mars - 3:53 PM
Moon Trine Neptune - 3:55 PM
Sun Quincunx Moon - 5:42 PM
If the markets were open that day, then there might some intraday activity within two hours either side of these lunar aspects. But by themselves, they are not considered powerful enough to warrant expectations of a major cycle reversal in any market. However, the planetary aspects, and the planetary ingresses of that day, do warrant consideration as possible correspondences to major market reversals, give or take three trading days. This is particularly true of markets that have a relationship to Mars/Neptune (crude oil and its products), Mercury/Uranus, and Mercury changing signs (grains). Changes of trends are not limited to just those markets that relate to the planets, for keep in mind that any planetary aspect or ingress can coincide with a change in collective psychology. Market participants are part of a group which has a collective mindset. Mindsets tend to change as aspects or ingresses are taking place, or at least within a few days.
The exception to this is when a long-term planetary cycle is forming (a cycle whose length of time is greater than, say, 30 months). A long-term planetary aspect does not usually coincide with a change in the collective psychology right at the moment it is happening. Major changes of collective psychology change over a period of time, not overnight. In astrology, the rule is 3-9 degrees either side of the exact aspect is the time band during which the "change" or "events" unfold. Some astrologers prefer the longer orb (i.e. 8-9 degrees); others prefer the shorter orbs (even 1-3 degrees). It is the author's experience that 8-9 degrees seems effective when dealing with collective psychology, but 1-3 degrees seems sufficient to time any important "event" that may transpire related to that aspect. Thus at MMA, we prefer a 3 degree orb for outlining a time band for a potential market reversal. This too is modified in the case where several planetary aspects form within a short span of time (i.e. less than 12 days), which is known as a "cluster." In the event of a "cluster," we take the midpoint in time of all the aspects, and allow an orb of three trading days either side as a time band for a potential reversal.
For now, let's see an example of a short-term potential market reversal signature, and a long-term one. If you look in the aspectarian for January, 1996, you will see a "cluster" of short-term planetary signatures (aspects and ingresses) between January 15-21, 1996. They are:
Jan 15, Venus Ingress into pisces 4:31 AM Jan 16, Sun Conjunct Neptune 2:55 AM Jan 17, Mercury Conjunct Uranus 4:03 AM Jan 17, Mercury Ingress Capricorn 9:38 AM Jan 18, Sun Conjunct Mercury 9:41 PM Jan 20, Sun Ingress Aquarius 6:54 PM Jan 20, Mercury Conjunct Neptune 11:00 PM
The point midway within the "cluster" is January 18, 1996. Each of these geocosmic signatures are "short-term" Thus we would anticipate a reversal in trend in various financial markets within three trading days of January 18, or January 15-23, 1996. However, since none of these signatures between January 15-21 are "long-term," it is not likely that this period represents a major change in long-term collective psychology. The trend reversals might be of the 1-3 week variety, which is sufficient for a trader, but perhaps not for an investor.
Let's look at another example of using the aspectarian. Go into your ephemeris and look up August 20, 1993. Note that Uranus conjuncts Neptune at 7:45 AM, GMT, that day. This is a very long-term cycle. Its periodicity is 171 years. That's right, this conjunction only occurs every 171 years. It is the greatest planetary cycle that we will experience in our lifetime. You will note that it also happened two other times in 1993, due to the retrograde factor of these planets: February 2 (8:12 AM) and October 24 (8:19 PM). In fact, these two planets stay within a 9 degree orb for several years (1987-1999). It is over this long period of time that the psychology of the collective makes a major change. Very long-term cycles in many financial markets are likely to reverse during that period, but it is so long in effect that it may not be useful at all for trading purposes.
Let's illustrate this principle of market reversals correlating with geocosmic clusters in action. Let's look up the geocosmic signatures that were present near the high that formed on August 31, 1994, in the S&P futures market. An examination of the aspectarian will show the following planetary aspects:
Aug 28$G( ^H& Aug 29#H( Aug 30$G* %H& Sep 1%H^ !K&
The midpoint of this powerful cluster is August 30, 1994, just one day from that primary cycle crest that formed. The high that formed that day in the S&P futures was not seen again for several months (February, 1995). In fact, from that high, prices continued down rather sharply into late November, early December (there were clusters in effect then too).
At this point, it would be beneficial for the reader to look over any given month's aspectarian, and see if other "clusters" can be spotted. Another exercise that may prove valuable is to look up a daily chart of any stock index or commodity futures. Locate a significant crest (high price) or trough (low price). Mark down the dates, then go into the ephemeris and examine the aspectarian for a few trading days either side of those highs or lows. It is likely you will see a "planetary cluster" nearby.
Using Computers to Determine "Clusters"
There is an easier way yet to identify potential reversal dates in financial markets by way of geocosmic signatures. It is by means of computer programs.
Calculating aspects by hand is obviously very cumbersome and time-consuming. Looking up aspects via the aspectarian in some ephemerides is easier and less time consuming, but still not as efficient as traders and market analysts might like. It still takes time to wade through all the aspects each day of each month in any given year, and determine which are important and which are not.
The ideal solution is to have a computer program that can pull up instantly, in chronological order, the various geocosmic signatures that can correspond to market reversals. There is such a program now available, known as F.A.R. - The Financial Astrological Research Program for Market Timing.
This chapter may seem like an advertisement for FAR, but the fact is, FAR is the only software program available at this time which utilizes all the principles set forth in this book. If you find the market timing methods of this book to be of value, and you wish to access this information in the fastest and most efficient way possible, and you can afford it, then the FAR program is something to seriously consider.
Before showing how the FAR program works, let's set forth another principle of geocosmic studies. It goes like this: not all planets and their aspects have identical correspondence to all financial markets. Yet many planetary combinations do have similar correspondences with many financial markets.
To illustrate, consider the fact that aspects between the Sun and Jupiter have a pronounced and consistent correlation to market reversals in the U.S. stock markets. However the same planetary aspects between Sun and Jupiter do not have as great a correspondence to major market reversals in Gold and Silver.
In The Gold Book: Geocosmic Correlations To Gold Price Cycles, I did a comprehensive study on the correlation of geocosmic signatures to various cycle highs and lows in the Gold market. This study set out to determine the "consistency" and the "power" of each geocosmic signature in the Gold market. "Power" was defined according to the type of cycle present during the orb of an aspect (primary, one-half primary, major, or trading cycles, in which primary was given greatest weight). This study showed that there were only a few geocosmic signatures that consistently correlated with a cycle of at least a "half-primary" or greater average rating (a scale of 1-10 was developed, and those whose signatures were greater than 9.00 were considered "one-half primary or greater" in power). Several others had a consistent correlation, but their "power" was less (7.50 or greater).
Those that were the most powerful and consistent were labeled Level One. Those that were consistent in some sort of reversal, but not as powerful, were labeled Level Two (or Three). What proved to be most interesting since that study was completed in 1982, is that when clusters of Level Onesignatures are present, almost all financial markets are vulnerable to reversals of trends - not just Gold. When the psychology of the group changes, it has a domino effect that eventually touches many other markets, as most financial markets do not usually operate in isolation from one another. We know that to be true through our personal experiences as traders and investors, but this concept may be somewhat foreign to astrologers. Astrologers tend to believe that certain planets and certain signs have rulership - and hence correspondence - over particular markets. Thus when a major aspect occurs involving Venus, astrologers will tend to look only at the Sugar or Copper markets. However, even though Sugar and Copper may be greatly effected under Venus transits, so too are other markets at the same time. It's not just Sugar and Copper. Any aspect may coincide with a collective psychological shift, and when that occurs, any market making a new three-week high or low may be vulnerable to a reversal. It is as if the energy that led to the trend has climaxed at the time of the aspect, and that energy now goes into remission as a new energy starts up.
But back to Level One and Level Two signatures. For the most part, these signatures consisted of 1) specific and certain planets in aspect to one another or 2) specific planets in "station". We have already discussed aspects. A "station" has to do with those times when a planet appears to be changing its direction (orbit) around the Sun, as seen from Earth. These "stations" are known as "retrograde" or "direct" dates. To illustrate this concept, imagine you are driving a car in the left lane of a circular track, going 50 miles per hour. In the right lane ahead of you is a car traveling at the rate of 40 mph. As you look ahead, you know that car is going forward (i.e. "direct motion"). Eventually you pull even with that car, and slowly begin to pass it. From that moment onwards, it will appear as if that car is going backward (i.e. "retrograde") in relationship to you. When you reach somewhere on the opposite side of that track from the other automobile, it will again appear as if that other vehicle is in front of you (instead of behind you). Its motion is again "direct," or forward, in relationship to you. Those two moments - when the other vehicle appeared to start a backward (retrograde) motion, and then again when it appeared to start a forward (direct) motion, are known as "stations."
Planets do the same thing in relationship to Earth as they orbit around the Sun. There are moments in those orbits when the planet will "appear" to be starting a backward, or retrograde, motion. In the ephemeris, this is noted with the symbol 'R' in the planet's column, on the date that this phenomenon begins. To illustrate, turn back to page 10, example 1, showing a page from the ephemeris of January, 1996. Look down the Mercury column to January 9. You will see the letter 'R' between the degrees and minutes of Mercury. On January 9, 1996, Mercury goes "retrograde." If you look at the aspectarian below, you will see this takes place at 9:45 PM, GMT. The date a planet goes retrograde is known as a "station," and in the case of many planets, can coincide with a trend reversal.
Now look at the Mercury column on January 30, 1996. Between the degrees and minutes of Mercury on that date you will see a 'D'. This stands for "direct." The retrograde motion is over, and Mercury resumes its "direct" motion on this day. The aspectarian shows that this change in motion occurred at 10:12 AM on January 30, 1996. This too is known as a "station," and likewise may correlate to a market reversal. Thus "stations," like "aspects" and "ingresses," fall into the category of a geocosmic signature. And, just as certain planets in aspect are assigned a Level One or Two value, so too are certain planets when they make a "station." A Venus station (going retrograde or direct), for instance, is a very powerful Level One signature in almost all financial markets, whereas a Mercury station may not be so powerful and consistent in its correlation with significant market reversals in most financial markets.
When Level One signatures are in effect — and particularly when a "cluster" containing them is in effect — the possibility of a market reversal is great. Obviously in this beginners book we will not go into the details of all Level One and Level Two signatures. If you are interested, then it is advisable to read both Gold Book as Secrets of a Silver Trader: The Sun, Moon and Silver Market, both available through MMA/Seek-It Publications.
The FAR program does many things, but one of the most useful and easy to use features is that known as the MMA Studies. In this option there are several choices, including: Level One, Level Two, and Ingresses. When you pull up any one of these directories, you have the option to choose any particular signature (like, say, Venus/Uranus), or a combination of all the signatures included in that directory (i.e. All Level Ones, or All Level Twos, or All Ingresses). Once you choose, you can then pick a starting date and an ending date, and the FAR program will give you a listing (or printout) of your choice in chronological order.
To illustrate, let's assume we wanted to see if there were any clusters of Level One signatures present between January 1, 1995-August 8, 1995. It is our belief that clusters of Level One signatures would likely correspond to a major reversal of many financial markets, within a period of three trading days of their midpoint, and we want to know when to anticipate such a reversal.
To do this via the FAR program, you simply chooseMMA Studies from the main directory. On the next screen, you choose the directory titled Level One. Under here, you get a listing of all the individual Level One signatures, or All. Since we wish to locate clusters, we will choose All. The program will now provide a chronological printout, a listing of all the Level One signatures in effect between January 1, 1995 - August 8, 1995. There is a cluster of Level One signatures present between March 1-24, April 21-27, May 12-24, June 10-27, July 3-11, and July 21-August 8. In each of these clusters, there are no more than 6 trading days between at least two Level One signatures. These time bands can then be narrowed down by doing the same thing with the Level Two, and Ingress choices. When we finish making our time bands for potential reversals based upon the clusters of geocosmic signatures, we then pick the date midway within this cluster, and allow an orb of three trading days. This then becomes our "critical reversal" date, and its orb.
Using a computer program like FAR saves a lot of time. It makes for more efficient analysis. As stated before, it is not necessary to have a computer program to calculate critical reversal dates via the study of geocosmic signatures. You can do it simply with the use of an ephemeris that contains an aspectarian, or by hand.
The purpose of this book is to demonstrate how the basic principles of geocosmic studies can enhance one's market timing skills. It is to show how aspects are determined, and then how they are used to forecast potential times for market reversals. As such, it is an introductory book on the subject. It is not intended as an advanced manual. If you find this subject to be of interest, and more importantly to be of value in your trading or investing, then you may want to consider either more advanced studies, or the FAR program. For further information, please feel free to contact the publisher, MMA/Seek-It, at the number or address listed in the front of this book.
In the meantime, may you experience much success in your trading!
The Signs of the Zodiac in Astrology
In the study of astrology, their are four basic principles involved in analysis: the planets, the signs of the zodiac, the houses of the horoscope, and the aspects between planets. The planets are the most important factor in understanding the study of astrology. Besides the fact that it is the planets that comprise the makeup of an any aspect, it is also the relationship of the planets to the signs of the zodiac, and houses of the horoscope, that provide the groundwork for much of the delineation.
Just as the planets orbit around the Sun (and Earth, from a geocentric perspective) against the background of the constellation signs, so too do the planets represent the foreground of life experiences, against the background of our environment and attitudes, symbolized by the signs and houses. In other words, in the study of astrology, planets represent the activities of life - the behavior of the person and the events he/she tends to encounter - while the signs represent the background - or arena - in which those activities unfold. In a sense, the signs modify the activities signified by the planets. They also describe the environment, or arena of life, in which the events of life unfold.
This is also true in the field of financial astrology. The planets can indicate the activity of the financial community, such as buying, selling, low volume, high volume, volatility, or congestion. But the signs of the zodiac, in which those planets appear, tend to describe which categories (arenas of life) of markets that are likely to be effected. Perhaps in the field of equities (the stock market) is this concept most useful. Jupiter, for instance, represents inflation, growth, and increase. Whatever sign it is transiting through can point to an area of the financial community — or stock sector — which may either increase in price (stock) or supply (commodity). The opposite would be true of the sign Saturn transits through. Sectors represented by that sign may be vulnerable to a price decline, and commodities ruled by that sign might find a tightening of their supplies.
The following is intended to provide the reader with a sense of the psychological dynamics ascribed to the signs of the zodiac, as well as their correspondence to various sectors of the stock market.
Aries (1)
The key psychological principles of Aries include independence, assertiveness (aggression), and the drive to initiate. Its nature is energetic, impulsive, and competitive. It tends to foster an environment of quick and perhaps instinctive action. In world affairs (Mundane Astrology), or an a personal level, it may engage it tough rhetoric, anger, hostility, and disputes when negative.
When planets are transiting through Aries, markets tend to pick up in trading activity. Volume typically increases. Aries may have a correspondence to defense, sports, and steel companies in terms of the stock market.
* Note: the word "transiting" means "position of planets on that day." For instance if you were looking at the position of the planets today, you could refer to them as "today's transits." If you were to refer to a time when "planets are transiting Aries," you would mean a day in which planets are in the sign of Aries.
Taurus (2)
The key psychological principles of Taurus include security, possessiveness, retention, and appreciation. Its nature tends towards caution and conservatism. It will tend to hold onto something rather than sell it. It is more likely to relate to investments than to trading. It also tends towards resistance to change.
When planets transit through Taurus, markets tend to be in congestion. The financial community is not apt to act rashly, but rather conservatively. If prices were to break below support or above resistance, a sense of panic could emerge because of the "security" issue of Taurus. Otherwise volume tends to be stable and market prices orderly. Stocks ruled by Taurus include banks, financial institutions and investment management, holding companies, packaging, and containers.
Gemini (3)
The key psychological concepts of Gemini include intellectualization, displacement, projection, and love of variety. Its nature is to seek knowledge, and then to relate (communicate) that information. It will also attempt to rationalize or explain things in a manner that makes it appear objective or "out of the loop" (it doesn't like being blamed). It represents a love of learning, and oftentimes finds it difficult to focus on one thought or project at a time (easily distracted).
When planets transit through Gemini, financial markets tend to be volatile and given to short, sharp price swings ("whip-saws"). Stocks ruled by Gemini include the automotive, diversified operations, communications, telecommunications, telephones, newspapers, magazines, media and books, and transports categories.
Cancer (4)
The key psychological principles of Cancer include nurturing, caring, dependency, and loyalty. It tends to be family-oriented, seeking close intimate relationships that can be provided in a family setting. It is also protective of others. When attacked in any way, it can become very defensive and easily hurt. Its nature is very emotional and sensitive, and it seeks comfort.
When planets transit through Cancer, markets players may tend to react emotional and out of loyalty. Thus they are not prone to sell, much like when planets transit through Taurus. Interestingly enough, though, if markets break through support or resistance areas in either Taurus or Cancer, participants tend to get frightened (fear), and large price movements (especially declines) can and do happen here. Stocks sectors related to Cancer include agricultural operations, residential building, foods, motels, hotels, restaurants, supermarkets, household appliances, furniture, real estate development, home furnishings, utility water supplies, and dairy.
Leo (5)
The key psychological principles include creativity, leadership, immaturity, and recognition-hunger. Its nature is to seek attention. However it is also enthusiastic, affectionate and fun-loving, like a child.
When planets transit through Leo, a great deal of attention tends to be spotlighted on a specific target (stock sector). It brings flamboyant personalities to the fore - usually in a favorable light. Stock sectors that may coincide with the sign of Leo include children's toys, gaming companies, games and hobbies, recreation, gambling, entertainment industry, and gold mining.
Virgo (6)
The key psychological concepts and attitudes related to Virgo include focus on detail, perfectionism, critical, helpful, and compulsive. The nature of the Virgo influence is to spotlight the small details. It can be very critical, in a constructive or "picky" way. It is cautious and logical, skillful and talented, like to help others but oftentimes is pessimistic and fearful about the future. It is also concerned about appearances and hygiene.
When planets transit through Virgo, many financial markets tend to suffer price declines (fear). Oftentimes they will find a bottom during these periods, especially in stocks (oftentimes a high in precious metals). Stock sectors related to Virgo include health care services, health maintenance organizations, office supplies, soap and cleaning products, maintenance and service, engineering, graphics, design, cereals, flours and grains, employment agencies.
Libra (7)
The key psychological concepts and attitudes related to Libra include sharing, relating, agreement, mediation, and acceptance-hunger. Its nature is to seek balance and moderation, peace and harmony. In this regard, it tends to see the opposite side of an issue that may be presented with a bias to only one side. It is compliant and agreeable, preferring to maintain a state of equilibrium as opposed to forcing an issue that may result in divisiveness. Libra also strives for beauty, both in its surroundings and its person.
When planets transit through Libra, financial markets tend to trade in a "trading range," or a somewhat wide congestion area. If stocks are moving up as planets go into Libra, they will usually correct during (and sometimes following) the transit into Libra. Stock sectors related to Libra include accounting, cosmetics, fashion, jewelry, apparel, sugar and refining, and law.
Scorpio (8)
The key psychological concepts and attitudes include reform, intensity. obsession, and power-hunger. The nature of Scorpio is to change things, hopefully to improve, but oftentimes the result is to destroy or terminate. There is a sense of "threat" or "crisis" present with Scorpio. Scorpio digs and probes, researches and investigates, until it finds the cause or source. To those it is probing oftentimes comes a terse threat to "get out," or rejection. If it is successful in its ventures, a sense of mastery comes about from the insight gleaned during the research.
When planets transit through Scorpio, there is oftentimes a "Wall of Worry" for financial markets to climb over. Frequently there is a world crisis in force that affects various financial markets. This is usually negative for equities and bonds (also a fear of default present). There could also be a threat to various food supplies in the world - fear of ruination caused by nature, but sometime man-made (terrorism). Stock sectors related to Scorpio include any financial lending institution, like banks, savings and loans, etc. Also relates to brokerage houses, oil and gas drilling, waste management, pollution control services, fertilizers, funeral services, coal mining, medical and surgical supplies, and insurance companies.
Sagittarius (9)
The key psychological concepts and attitudes include hope, exaggeration, freedom, space, and indulgence. The nature of Sagittarius is to expand and see things in a bigger light. It is very risk-oriented, tending greatly towards optimism and betterment of the present. It has a large degree of happiness potential which lends itself to charity and generosity. It represents quantity as opposed to quality. At its worst, it over-estimates and causes large losses.
When planets transit through Sagittarius, markets are given to large price fluctuations. "Blow-offs" are frequent here, where the value of something becomes grossly exaggerated. Much profit (or loss) can be encountered when planets transit Sagittarius, depending upon one's ability to capture the large move and get out in time, for surely the reversal will be large too. Stock sectors related to Sagittarius include travel (airlines), export-import, publishing, sports, religious and educational materials, and school supplies. It also deals with holding companies who are heavily invested throughout the world.
Capricorn (10)
The key psychological concepts and attitudes related to Capricorn include productivity, sense of accomplishment, control, and suppression. The nature of Capricorn is to worry, to be concerned with possible loss. It is also very disciplined and given towards making rules that allow it to be organized and structured. It is moral and duty-bound, with a heightened sense of morality, or "right and wrong." It can also be depressive and controlling. In Mundane Astrology, it rules government regulations and cold weather.
When planets transit through Capricorn, financial markets are prone to price declines as worries and anxieties increase. Oftentimes if a market has been trending up, it may enter into congestion as price activity and volume slows. If prices start down, though, they can accelerate quickly. Stock sectors ruled by Capricorn include paper and wood products, heavy equipment, farm machinery, cement, concrete, mining, building construction, rubber and tires, railroads, and manufacturing.
Aquarius (11)
The key psychological concepts and attitudes include progressive, inventive, individualistic, dissociative, and unpredictable. The nature of Aquarius is to encourage unique and perhaps non-conforming ways to view things. It is not traditional, but rather progressive, modern, and sometimes even bizarre. Hence the quality of "surprises" are associated with this sign.
When planets transit through Aquarius, unexpected movements in price are often seen (i.e. volatility). Stocks sectors related to Aquarius include computers, technology, electronics, electric products, laser systems and components, aerospace, and the media and cable, radio and television, and airlines.
Pisces (12)
The key psychological concepts and attitudes include passive, imaginative, helpful, and delusions or confusion. The nature of Pisces is to see things through altruistic or even idealistic eyes, perhaps with a sense for beauty and aesthetics. It tends not to see things as they are, but rather according to the way one wishes them to become. In Mundane Astrology, it rules hospitals, chemicals, medicines, alcohol, bodies of water, and rain.
When planets transit through Pisces, rumors often have a short-term effect on market prices. Markets can be volatile. When the "delusions" are moved aside, prices may return back to their dominant trend. Stock sectors related to Pisces include alcoholic and party beverages, chemicals, drugs, pharmaceuticals, hospitals, nursing care facilities, oil and gas, shipping, shoes, photography and cameras, movies and the film industry.
- Dewey, Edward R., CYCLES-Selected Writings, Foundation For The Study Of Cycles, 900 W. Valley Rd, STE 502, Wayne, PA 19087, 1970.
- Wilson, Louise L., Catalogue of Cycles-Part 1: Economics; Foundation For The Study Of Cycles, Wayne, PA, 1964.
- Bressert, Walter, and Jones, James, The Hal Blue Book, c/o Walter Bressert, P.O. Box 8068, Vero Beach, FL 32963, 1981.
- Long, Jeanne, Basic AstroTech, PAS, 757 SE 17th St., #272, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33316, 1988.
- Merriman, Raymond A., The Gold Book: Geocosmic Correlations To Gold Price Cycles, MMA/Seek-It Publications, P.O. Box 250012, W. Bloomfield, MI 48325, 1982.
All information provided herein is based upon original research and observations of Raymond A. Merriman. It is written with sincere and reliable intent. Although these methods and techniques have proved reliable over the years, there cannot be and therefore is no guarantee that these same methods will continue to work in the future. Therefore neither the publisher nor the author assume any responsibility whatsoever for any reader's activity or decisions regarding trading or investing.
All rights reserved under International and Pan American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or converted to computer usage without written permission from the publisher.
Published in the United States by: | MMA/Seek-It Publications |
P.O. Box 250012 | |
West Bloomfield, MI 48325 | |
1-810-626-3034; Fax 1-810-626-5674 | |
1st printing: June, 1995; ISBN: 0-930706-22-6 |
© Copyright: Ray Merriman
Other articles by Marion March
Basic Principles of Geocosmic Studies for Financial Market Timing Part 2
Pluto in Sagittarius & Uranus in Aquarius – New Trends for the Late 1990's