Basic Principles of Geocosmic Studies for Financial Market TimingPart 1 Date Published:

Formal education and training includes B.S. (Psychology, Michigan State University, 1969), Post-Graduate studies (Clinical Psychology, Michigan State and University of Michigan, 1969-1971); Professional Life Member of the American Federation of Astrologers (PLMAFA since 1972); Commodities Trading Advisor (CTA, 1982); Series 3 and 7 exams for Commodities, Financial Futures, Securities and Investments (1986, 1989). Currently President of The Merriman Market Analyst, Inc., an investment advisory firm specializing in market timing products and services. He is the editor of The MMA Cycles Report, an advisory newsletter issued 18 times/yr., and used by banks, financial institutions, investors and traders throughout the world since 1982.
Mr. Merriman is well-trained in the ways of the Wall Street. Between 1982-1986 he was a frequent guest contributor on the Financial News Network (FNN). He served as an Investment Executive with Prudential Securities (1986-87) and Shearson Lehman Hutton (1987-1990), before becoming an Accounts Vice-President of Retail Commodity Futures with Paine Webber (1990-1994), prior to forming his own advisory company in 1994.
He is also well-trained in the field of Astrology, having practiced professionally since 1968. His contributions and awards in this field are numerous and include: President of ISAR (International Society For Astrological Studies - 1995-97); recipient of the 1995 UAC Regulus Award for "Enhancing Astrology's Image As a Profession"; recipient of Aquarius Workshops Award for "Service To Astrology" (1994); recipient of Professional Astrologers Inc. (PAI) Award for "Outstanding Activities on Behalf of Furthering Goals of Astrology - Lectures." He has served on the Steering Committees of UAC 1989 and 1992, was Seminar Coordinator for the successful ISAR 1994 Conference on Research, Professionalism and Mundane Forecasting, and will be Seminar Coordinator for the ISAR 1996 Conference On Computers and Research: The Cutting Edge of Astro-Technology, at Indian Lakes Resort, July 2-7, 1996 (20 miles West of Chicago).
Merriman is an international lecturer on both financial market cycles and various aspects of astrology as it applies to cycles in human activity. He is the author of several books, including:
The Solar Return Book of Prediction (1977)
The Gold Book: Geocosmic Correlations To Gold Price Cycles (1982)
Evolutionary Astrology: The Journey of the Soul Through States of Consciousness (1992)
The Sun, The Moon, and the Silver Market: Secrets of a Silver Trader (1992)
Merriman on Market Cycles: The Basics (1994)
Basic Principle of Geocosmic Studies For Financial Market Timing (1995)
In conjunction with AstroCybernetics, Merriman has also developed two financial astrological software systems: The FAR (Financial Astrological Research) program, and the SOS (Stock Optimizing Selector) Program, which enable traders to identify potential turning points in various stocks and/or financial futures markets.
Mr. Merriman can be reached at:
Ph: 1-810-626-3034; FAX: 1-810-626-5674
Table of Contents
Part One: | (Click for Part Two) | |
Chapter One: | Introduction To Geocosmic Studies and Financial Market Timing | |
Chapter Two: | Getting Started: Using The Proper Tools | |
Chapter Three: | Using The Ephemeris: Part I | |
Chapter Four: | Understanding Planets |
Introduction to Geocosmic Studies & Financial Market Timing
What you are about to read may totally change the way you think about financial market analysis. The role of geocosmic studies in the field of market timing is not part of mainstream thought. Amongst the financial market community, the correlation tends to be even more arcane. Most market analysts have not pursued geocosmic studies at all, and they tend to believe that geocosmic signatures - as a market timing tool - may be akin to superstition, and practiced by individuals who are, at best, suffering from some sort of delusion. Even with those traders who are astrologically-oriented, there tends to be the opposite problem. They usually believe that geocosmic studies are a "stand alone" timing system for market analysis. Nothing could be further from the truth in both instances.
Those two extreme positions are jointly held by practitioners who have no personal experience in the other's field of expertise. So let us begin by explaining the relationship of market timing to market analysis, and then the relationship of geocosmic signatures to market timing as used by MMA, Inc., one of the leaders in "Market Timing" products and services throughout the world.
MMA's trading philosophy states that successful trading of financial and commodity markets depends upon three factors: (1) accurate analysis, (2) a trading plan that combines the signals generated by the analysis with proper risk management parameters, and (3) the discipline to follow the trading plan.
The first of these – accurate analysis– is the primary focus of MMA. You simply cannot be wrong consistently in the market and expect to be profitable.
Accurate market analysis itself depends upon three factors:
(1) Trend Analysis, (2) Market Timing, and (3) Technical Analysis.
1. Trend Analysis:
This is the art of determining the direction (bull or bear) of the market. Knowing whether an underlying trend is up (bull) or down (bear) is essential to proper analysis and trading success. Many different studies have many different criteria for identifying the underlying trend of a market. Some of these studies include: fundamental analysis, Elliot Wave analysis, Technical Analysis, and Cycles, to name just four.
2. Market Timing:
Knowing when a market is likely to make a significant crest or trough is essential to proper market analysis and trading success. It is also very difficult. Again, there are many different studies that focus on market timing, and each has a different set of rules. Some of these studies include: Gann, Cycles, and Geocosmics. The latter involves the planetary studies of astrology.
3. Technical Analysis:
Market reversals are oftentimes preceded by a change in momentum and/or inter-related market divergence. The study of these mathematically-calculated relationships in price or patterns can help one determine whether or not a price movement is significant.
All three of these forms of market analysis can be integrated. They can be supportive and complementary to one another. When they are, a powerful trading plan can be developed, one that will enhance a trader's probability of making successful decisions in the market place.
Now the question is: "What about astrology? What is the proper place of certain geocosmic signatures in the field of market analysis and successful trading?"
As you can see from the above description, geocosmic studies (and hence astrology) fall into the category of market timing. In that category, it is not alone. Gann and Cycles studies are also included in this department of market timing tools.
Of them all, geocosmic signatures are perhaps the most precise of the market timing tools. But keep in mind that these belong in the field of market timing. They do not effectively determine trend (as do studies in Trend Analysis), nor do they consistently determine price (as do studies in Technical Analysis). Geocosmic studies, in their purest and most usable application, are a study of timing changes in short-term trends, or "market reversals."
Besides being the most precise of all market timing tools, geocosmic studies have two other unique features that cause it to stand out: it is the least accepted (and hence least used), and it is perhaps the most difficult to learn of all studies in market analysis.
Geocosmic studies involve the use of astrological formulas and principles. More specifically they actually involve the use of astronomic bodies and principles, but since the study of astronomy applied to the human experience (and markets are a "human experience") comprises the definition of astrology, it is said to fall in the category of astrology. Mention the word "astrology" to someone who has never studied the subject, and chances are he/she does not consider it a serious study. In fact, for the past three centuries astrology has been incorrectly considered more a form of entertainment than a subject worthy of academic research efforts.
It wasn't always that way. In fact, astrology is the mother of astronomy, and the earliest astronomers were indeed astrologers. But astrology fell out of favor during the "Age of Reason". Science and Religion both agreed there was no place in society for a study that threatened the truths that these two other fields preached. Astrology came to be considered a "pseudo-science", and after generations of this stigma, it has remained out of academia - unchallenged and never investigated by the brilliant minds of successive generations for three centuries.
This omission of astrology as a legitimate study in society has some positives. Most notably, it represents a body of knowledge - and hence truth - that is virtually unexplored by today's populations, in a manner that may be applicable to today's world. In terms of financial and commodity markets, this means there is a vast area of study that can and does yield a whole host of valuable correlations to market timing that very few people know about. In fact, very few people care about the possibility of such a correlation, because it goes against either their beliefs, or "what they know to be true." It doesn't matter that they haven't studied the subject. The line separating truth and belief in today's world is sometimes very hard to define, much as is the difference between subjective and objective reality.
The second thing to know about Geocosmic analysis - especially as it pertains to financial and commodity markets - is that it is not an easy subject to learn. It means you have to learn the basic principles of astrology. Astrology is much more difficult to learn than any of the other subjects mentioned so far - Fundamental Analysis, Gann, Cycles, Trend Analysis, Technical Analysis, etc. This too keeps people from accepting it. Oftentimes they will begin to study it, thinking the subject of astrology must be easy to learn since it is not held in high regard by today's society. But along the way they realize it is not a simple subject. In fact, it is akin to learning a foreign language (the language of astronomic symbols, applied to the field of human affairs). It takes time. It takes concentration. It takes a certain amount of memorizing. It requires applying many, many combinations to yield a probable interpretation or possible result. It takes serious thinking and mental organization of various factors. For many who enter into the study, the tour is short-lived because it is difficult.
It is our hope that this book will make that journey a more simple and rewarding one than you would have otherwise embarked upon. We will attempt to make a difficult subject more simple and relevant to your needs as a trader seeking use of a very powerful market timing tool. In this regard, you do not have to know everything about astrology. There are certain areas, and certain beginning principles in Financial Astrology, that will be sufficient to increase your market timing skills. This book will cover the basic beginning principles necessary to get started. The content of this material then, will include the following topics:
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Tools To Get Started |
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How To Read An Ephemeris |
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Identifying and Understanding Planets |
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Identifying the Signs of The Zodiac |
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Using The Signs of the Zodiac As a Reference for Measuring Distances Between Planets |
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Determining Aspects Between Planets |
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Determining Ingresses |
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Using an "Aspectarian" |
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Determining "Clusters" and "Reversal Dates" |
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Using Financial/Astrological Software Programs |
Understanding aspects and ingresses are the keys to utilizing geocosmic principles in the field of "Market Timing." These principles can be taught in about 4-5 hours. However, to learn them properly, you will have to spend some time on these principles, going over and over the symbols and their meanings so that they become part of your automatic thinking process. You will have to eventually commit to memory the symbols and order of the planets and signs of the zodiac, which is much easier than it may sound at this moment. You will want to get past the point of having to look up a particular symbol in a book to find out what it means. Although this may sound hard, it is not. And one of the reasons why it is not hard is because this is truly a fascinating study. If it was boring, or irrelevant to your life, it would be hard and uninteresting. But that is not the case here.
Getting Started: Use the proper tools
Getting started in the study of astrology applied to financial markets requires the use of proper tools. Nothing can be more frustrating than spending large sums of money and/or great amounts of time in learning something, only to later discover that you are working with inadequate tools. The best tools today, of course, are in computers and software programs. And of course the purchase of these tools can represent a considerable outlay of monies. Rather than starting out with a new computer and/or new and expensive software programs, we will recommend beginning just with the best basic essentials. After seeing whether or not this is indeed a field you wish to enter, you can then determine which - if any - software programs to purchase that will make your calculations and analysis tasks much simpler.
We will cover all ranges of tools available and necessary to utilize principles of geocosmic studies in market analysis that are presented in this book. You should also know that most of the tools and software programs recommended herein are available directly through MMA. Since most these tools are not readily available through traditional outlets, this may at times seem somewhat like a commercial. We apologize if that seems the case, but there is little value in describing an important tool you will need for this study if you cannot find that tool.
The simplest and most inexpensive way to get started is with the use of an ephemeris and a simple hand calculator. We will start here, knowing full well that many of you reading this book will eventually by-pass this section and purchase a good astrological software program. But even before you do that, understand that there is great value in learning and understanding the basic calculations that go into determining "aspects" - the most important key to geocosmic signatures related to market timing. By going over these processes, you will develop a comprehensive understanding and a greater skill at using this unconventional study in your analysis of financial markets.
A simple hand calculator is easy to purchase at any department, drug, or electronics store. Enough said. Just have it ready as we begin this learning experience.
An ephemeris is not so readily available. Let's first of all describe what an ephemeris is, and then where to get one, and finally, which one to get. An ephemeris is a book that contains the daily position of the planets, Sun, and Moon as seen from Earth. Usually these ephemerides are available in one-year increments, 10-year, or even one-century increments. Typically each page of an ephemeris contains one month of daily planetary positions (see example 1, page 10).
The ephemeris and calculator are all you need to begin the study of geocosmic signatures as they relate to financial markets. There are other books that may be very helpful in the understanding of basic astrological principles, which in turn could be useful in understanding concepts of financial astrology. These recommended texts include:
1. The Gold Book: Geocosmic Correlations to Gold Price Cycles by Raymond A. Merriman.
It is a "classic that still works", has proved the test of time. The same geocosmic and cyclical principles laid down in that work in 1982, still work consistently today.
2. Basic AstroTech, by Jeanne Long.
This primer shows the relationship of Gann studies to astrology for enhanced market timing.
3. The Only Way To Learn Astrology, Part I and II (and possibly the others), by Marion March and Joan McEvers.
These books are especially useful to those who want to pursue astrological studies.
4. Merriman On Market Cycles: The Basics, by Merriman.
This book covers the basic principles of Cycle Studies, another discipline in the field of market timing (it has nothing to do with astrology).
5. Secrets of a Silver Trader: The Sun,Moon, and Silver Market by Merriman.
This book describes the relationship of the 2-1/2 day transits of the Moon through various signs of the zodiac, and is most useful to those who wish to utilize short-term timing techniques to trading Silver.
6. Any Year's Forecasts Book, by Merriman.
Available annually December 15: Specify year of choice, or next year's. This books covers a geocosmic interpretation of economic and market trends in effect for each given year.
7. The Universal Clock, by Jeanne Long.
This text shows the correlation between planetary degrees and prices of various stock indices and commodities.
If you find this book to be of interest and wish to continue with studies in this area, these are some of the finest works presently available. Unfortunately there are not many books written on this subject.
Using the Ephemeris: Part I

For purposes of this presentation, we will be using an ephemeris produced by TimeTables, a module of Matrix Software's Win*Star Plus program (call (352) 373-1504 for a free Matrix Software catalog). You can also use a ten-year ephemeris known as The American Ephemeris for 1991-2000, by Neil F. Michelsen. Only the midnight editions are available. This ephemeris is published by Astro Communications Services (ACS) of San Diego, California, and retails for $9.95.
For those who want a longer-term ephemeris, you can purchase The American Ephemeris For the Twentieth Century, also by Neil F. Michelsen of ACS in San Diego. This covers the period 1901-2000. The cost is $19.95. Midnight and noon editions are available, but for illustration purposes we will be using midnight editions of ephemerides during this text.
And finally, for those who are planning the way-out future (which is getting closer every day), ACS also has available a 50-year Ephemeris for the 21st Century, covering the years 2000-2050. It too is recommended and will become very useful as the next century arrives. The cost is $16.95. All are available through this publisher, MMA/Seek-It Publications in West Bloomfield, Michigan.
We will initially be referring to The American Ephemeris for 1991-2000, but the figures used should be identical to those found in the 100-year, 20th century ephemeris, by same author.
Example 1: A page in the American Ephemeris, showing planetary positions for January, 1996
Every page in this ten-year ephemeris covers a one-month period, from January, 1991 through December, 2000. Each page provides a daily position of each planet, the Sun, the Moon, and the Moon's North Node (True and Mean) as seen from Earth, at midnight of that day, based on Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). The planet's position at midnight, GMT, is measured in terms of its tropical zodiacal position. Keep in mind that if you are calculating to Eastern Standard Time (i.e. New York City, the New York Stock Exchange, and/or Commodities Exchanges for precious metals like Gold, Silver and Copper, as well as Crude Oil, Sugar, Cocoa, Coffee and Cotton), these figures must be adjusted to reflect the 7:00 PM time of the night before. In other words, the figures given apply also to 7:00 PM, EST, the day before.
Let's look at a typical page in this ephemeris and see how it works. Let's look up January 1, 1996 (see example 1). Notice that the far left hand column gives the month, the day of the month (1-31), and the day of the week on which that date falls. January 1, 1996 falls on a Monday, as indicated by the 'Mo' next to the '01' (January 1).
The next column lists the daily position of the Sun (), as seen from Earth, in a tropical zodiac.
(The word “Geo” following the symbol for the Sun indicates that the position is geocentric, or
viewed from the Earth, standard astrological practice.) Note that there are three columns here.
The first is for the degrees, the second for the sign, and the third for the minutes of spatial arc.
On January 1, 1996, you will see the Sun (
) is 9 Capricorn (0) 50. That means at midnight,
GMT, on January 1, 1996, the Sun (as seen from Earth) is positioned at 9 degrees of
Capricorn and 50 minutes. Bear in mind that there are only 30 degrees to a sign (like
Capricorn), so that on January 1, the Sun is about 1/3 of the way through the zodiac sign of
The next two columns give the midnight and noon (GMT) positions of the Moon (). On
January 1, 1996, the midnight position of the Moon is 16 degrees of Taurus (2) and 41 minutes
of arc. At noon, GMT, the same day, the Moon has moved forward to 22 degrees Taurus and
41 minutes. You can see that in 12 hours, the Moon has moved forward just slightly over 6
degrees. It moves about 1 degree every two hours, or about 30'/hour (this is approximate; it
varies slightly from this number during the month).
The next columns give the position of the True N, or the Moon's North Node (N). Although this is not a planet, or celestial body in space, it is nevertheless important in understanding long-term cycle changes, as will be discussed later. Note that January 1, 1996, the Node is located at 23 7 27.
The next column belongs to Mercury (). On January 1, 1996, GMT, midnight, Mercury is
located at 29 Capricorn (0) 08. Following that you see the midnight GMT positions for Venus
), Mars (
), Jupiter (
), Saturn (
), Uranus (
), Neptune (
), and Pluto (
As you go down any of the planetary columns, you may note a date in which that planet changes signs. The sign change shows between the degrees and minutes of the planet for that date. For instance, on January 21, 1996, you will see the Sun changes signs, from Capricorn (0) to Aquarius (-). Likewise on January 16, under Venus, you will note that Venus changes to Pisces, as it shows 0=59. Changes of signs will also be noted for Mercury on January 18, Mars on January 9, Jupiter on January 4, and Uranus on January 13.
Understanding Planets
Before continuing with our use of the ephemeris, let's change our direction a bit by spending some time on understanding the planets. In order to understand the effects of planetary mechanics upon financial markets, it is useful to first of all commit to memory the order and symbol of each planet, plus Sun and Moon, used in geocosmic studies. Not only will this help in understanding market psychology, but this particular study is also very fascinating for most people on a personal level. Keep in mind that many of these are the same symbols and order used by astrologers in their work for over 2000 years.
They are, in order, as shown in the next paragraphs.
Now go back to the ephemeris, and note the same planets on the top of the page, in the same order we have just memorized.
What do these planets mean in the study of financial astrology? To get an understanding, let's look at their cycle length, and show how those cycles have been found in other aspects of Man's environment and world (reality). Bear in mind that there are really two types of planetary cycle lengths we can discuss. The first is heliocentric, which refers to the length of the planets' orbit around the Sun, as seen from the Sun. The second is geocentric, which is the cycle of the planet as seen from the Earth. For the planets inside of the Earth's orbit (Mercury and Venus), the differ ence between these cycles is quite significant. However for the other planets, which are outside of the Earth's orbit, the difference in cycle length is not significant.
Table 1: The Planets
The order, symbols, and names of the planets | |
![]() | SUN |
![]() | MOON |
![]() | MERCURY |
![]() | VENUS |
![]() | MARS |
![]() | JUPITER |
![]() | SATURN |
![]() | URANUS |
![]() | NEPTUNE |
![]() | PLUTO |
The majority of cycles reported herein - and others - can be found in two books titled: Cycles-Selected Writings, by Edward R. Dewey, and Catalogue of Cycles: Part 1- Economics, by Louise L. Wilson. Both of these books are available through The Foundation For The Study Of Cycles, Inc., 900 West Valley Road, Suite 502, Wayne, PA 19087. Others have been reported by independent researchers like Walter Bressert, Jeanne Long, and myself, as noted. Even the cycles reported by Dewey and Wilson that were originally discovered by other researchers are mentioned herein.
Let's start with the Sun. As seen from the Earth, the Sun appears to move 360 degrees per year. Thus it is an "annual cycle" (one orbit cycle per year). In actuality, it is the Earth that makes one revolution around the Sun per year. The nature of the Sun
in these studies is to "illuminate" the other planets it enters into an aspect with (more on aspects later), or even the "sign" it is in (more on signs later). The Sun's complete cycle is thus one year, and its cycle within each sign is approximately 30 days.
The following cycles in human activity have been identified which move in cycles close in length to the Sun's annual cycle:
11.1-13.9 months: Industrial Stock Prices (Dewey, 1952; Merriman, 1988)
11.52-month: Sales of certain companies (Dewey, 1951)
1 - year: Purchasing power of poultry (Pearson & Myers, 1944)
The following cycles in human activity have been identified which correspond closely to the time of a Sun's ingress through each sign (28-31 days):
28-day: Stock prices (Seager, 1962)
34 days: Raw sugar prices (Dewey & Dakin, 1947)
The Moon's cycle is 27-29 days. That is how long it takes to make one complete rotation around the Earth (27-1/3 days). However, it also has a "New Moon" cycle of 29.53039 days - the length of time it takes between New Moons (conjunction of the Moon to the Sun). The Moon's nature is to "change", according to planets it aspects, and signs it transits through (more on transits later). As it takes 27-1/3 days to go through the entire 360 degrees zodiac, it can be seen that its average length of time in any one sign (30 degrees, or 1/12 of zodiac) is about 60 hours, or 2-1/2 days.
The following cycles in human activity have been identified which coincide closely with the periodicity of the Moon:
28 days: Stock prices (Seager, 1962)
29.5 days: Birth of infants (Jackson, 1939-45)
29.6 days: Earthquake activity throughout the world (Davidson, 1940)
Mercury's cycle around the Sun (heliocentric) is 88 days, or 12.6 weeks. It spends approximately 5-11 days in one sign (heliocentrically) and approximately 19 days in one sign geocentrically, when it is not stationary due to retrogradation. In astrology, Mercury represents communication, but in business language, it pertains to commerce, the act of buying and selling. When Mercury is prominent by aspect to other planets, there tends to be an increase of buying and selling (volume), according to the planet being aspected or the sign Mercury is in. Mercury is also "mental", so it can describe the things of mental interest to the market community on any given day, or during the time period in which it transits a particular sign.
The following cycles in human activity which have a periodicity close to that of Mercury have been identified:
12.31 weeks: General Motors common stock prices (Shirk, 1962)
12.5 weeks: Odd lot short sales (Viele, 1962)
12.94 weeks: Industrial stock prices (Dewey, 1951)
The 5-11 day period it takes Mercury to transit from one sign to another in a heliocentric approach, has been reported to coincide with short-term trend changes in a variety of commodity markets (i.e. grains) by independent researcher Jeanne Long.
Venus has a cycle of 225 days, or 32.2 weeks, in its orbit around the Sun. It spends, on average 18-19 days heliocentrically in a sign, and about 24-26 days geocentrically in a sign, when it is not stationary due to retrogradation. Venus is said to rule things of "value" in astrology (in addition to the traditional matters of love and romance). It pertains to money matters and agreements, and in general when Venus is prominent by aspect, greater value is placed upon those matters ruled by the other planets in aspect. Specifically Venus is said to govern Copper and Sugar prices. In stocks, it pertains to cosmetics and beauty aids.
The following cycles in human activity have been identified, which are very close in periodicity to that of Venus:
32 weeks: Westinghouse Electric common stock prices (Shirk, 1961)
32.25 weeks: Industrial stock prices (Dewey, 1952; Blackett and Wilson, 1936-38)
It takes Venus about three weeks to transit from one sign to another in heliocentric astrology. Walter Bressert has identified a three-week trading cycle (low to low) in precious metals. Jeanne Long suggests that prices of various financial markets may reverse on the Venus ingress, heliocentric.
Mars is the first planet outside of the Earth's orbit. Therefore all the following planets will have cycles of greater than one year in their orbit around the Sun. Mars takes 687 days, or 98 weeks, or 23 months to orbit the Sun. It spends approximately 43 days (6 weeks) in a geocentric sign, except when it is stationary. The nature of Mars is aggressive and competitive. It is, in mythology, the God of war. Mars is frequently prominent during those days in which there is an increase in international tensions, perhaps even threats of war. In markets, volume tends to increase when Mars is present, and with it comes sharp swings in price (volatility). Mars rules steel, defense stocks, and the meats (in commodities).
The following cycles in human nature have been identified, which closely approximate the cycle lengths of Mars:
23 months: Industrial stock prices (Dewey, 1952)
Textile production (Peterson, Myers, Brandow, 1939)
Cotton consumption (Bassie 58)
Wholesale Commodity prices (Frickey, 35)
Semi-durable goods production (Newbury, 1952)
It takes Mars about 43 days (6 weeks) to transit each sign of the zodiac in geocentric terms. A cycle of 6-weeks has been identified by both Bressert and Merriman in precious metals, and by Merriman in stock prices, Corn, Wheat, and Soybean prices.
Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. It orbits the Sun about once every 12 years (actually it is 11.9 years). It takes approximately 11-13 months to transit through one sign, so this "ingress" cycle is nearly the same as the Sun's annular cycle. Jupiter's nature is to inflate, to coincide with feelings of optimism and euphoria. Typically planets ruled by the sign Jupiter is in will go up in price, and during those days when it is in aspect to other planets, prices of certain stocks and commodities will tend to soar upwards. Jupiter is a co-ruler of oil (crude).
The following cycles in human activity have been identified that coincide closely with Jupiter's orbital period around the Sun:
11.67-year: Depressions (Langham, 1954)
12 year: Industrial stock prices (Dewey, 1951, 1954, and Szartrowski, 1948) Wheat prices (Beveridge, 1927)
Cigarette stock prices (Wilson, 1962)
12.08-year: Bank deposits (Wardwell, 1927)
Saturn is the last of the visible planets in our solar system. Its orbital cycle around the Sun is 29.5 years. It spends approximately 2-1/2 years in each sign as it makes this journey. Saturn's nature is to "contract" and "depress", just the opposite of Jupiter. When Saturn is prominent, those stocks and commodities ruled by the sign it is in either tend to decline in price, or supplies of it become diminished. When Saturn is prominent by aspect in any given day, certain commodities or stocks may reach a low in price. Oftentimes volume is low during these days as investors tend to be governed more by fear (Saturn) than greed (Jupiter).
The following cycles in human activity have been identified which closely approximate cycles related to Saturn's movement through the cosmos:
29.7 years: Famines (Nakame, Japan, 1957)
30 year: Industrial stock prices (Dewey, 51)
Residential building construction (Caincross, 1934)
Saturn spends approximately 2.4 years, or 27-30 months, in each sign as it transits through the zodiac. There are many 27-30 month cycles in human activity that have been reported, including:
27 month: Gold prices (Merriman, 1982)
Canadian Gold mining stocks (Dewey, 1954)
27.5 month: USA stock prices (Dewey, 1954)
27.6 month: Copper share prices (Shirk, 1961)
28.9 month: General business activity (Flood, 1940)
29.2 month: Copper prices (Dewey, 1953)
29.28 month: Industrial stock prices (Dewey, 1951)
30 month: Egg prices (Funk, 1931)
Uranus is the first of the "newly discovered" planets, and like the other two, it is not visible to the naked eye from Earth. Uranus' cycle around the Sun is 84 years. It takes about 7 years to move through each sign of the zodiac. The nature of Uranus is to surprise, to disrupt, to bring forth the unexpected. Sudden sharp and unexpected moves in financial market prices frequently happen when Uranus is active by aspect. The moves may be sharp, but not necessarily long lasting. In fact, it can and does coincide with "whipsaw" behavior, volatility, where prices move sharply in both directions, changing direction suddenly and sharply, even within the same day. Support and resistance, defined by technical analysis, may easily break during these Uranian days.
The following cycles in human activity that may relate (in time) to the cycles of Uranus have been identified:
84 years: Wheat prices (Appel, 1950)
Wholesale commodity prices (Appel, 1950)
Social and political unrest (Dewey, 1951)
There are numerous cycles which correspond to Uranus's 7-year transit interval through each sign of the zodiac, including:
7 years: Business recessions (Mitchell, 1927; Merriman, 1994)
Butter prices (USDA Yearbook of Agriculture, 1930)
Combined stock prices (Shirk, 1958)
General business activity (Petty, 1962, Mitchell, 1927)
Trade activity (Jevons, 1909)
Neptune is the second of the "far out" planets. Its orbit around the Sun lasts 164.8 years, and it spends about 14 years in each sign. Neptune coincides with rumors and illusions, hopes and wishes that are not necessarily based upon facts. When Neptune is prominent, traders may be focusing upon the "wrong" matters, or upon rumors that turn out to be untrue. For many, it is difficult to make objective market decisions when Neptune is prominent by aspect. Not all the facts are present, and those that are may not be accurate. Neptune is the other ruler of oil (crude), and also relates to rain and moisture, which can affect crop prices..
The following cycles in human activity that closely approximates Neptune's 14-year periodicity through each sign have been identified:
14 years: Cattle production (Zimmerman, 1951)
Industrial stock prices (Woods, 1946)
It should also be noted that Neptune travels through the "Earth" signs every 54 years (more on this in the chapter on Signs). In his book "The Sign Of The Times" (Llewellyn, St. Paul, MN, 1984), Stan Barker points out the presence of economic downturns (depressions) during these periods. Perhaps this ties into the well-known "Kondratieff Cycle", or "K-Wave", a 54-year economic recession cycle reported by Russian economist Nikolai Kondratieff.
Pluto is the last known planet in our solar system. It has an erratic orbit that takes 248.4 years to complete around the Sun. However it may spend between 14-26 years in any given sign. As it goes through Scorpio and Sagittarius (1982-2009), it takes about 14 years each. Pluto's nature is to coincide with threat of damage or destruction, through nature or man-induced (i.e. terrorism). It is explosive. When Pluto is prominent by aspect, various markets may reverse and begin rather long trend runs. It terminates old trends, and begins new ones. Sometimes it coincides with break outs of long standing support or resistance levels in price, if the market is close by at the time of a Pluto aspect.
There are very few cycles that have been identified in human activity that approximates Pluto's periodicity. The closest is:
242 years: Famines (Grassman, 1957)
The Moon's Nodal cycle lasts 18.73 years. It spends approximately 18-19 months in each sign as it makes this journey through the zodiac. There is not much attention paid to the Moon's Nodes in astrology, so it's relevance has yet to be determined. Yet of all the planetary cycles discussed, there are more cycles in human activity that have been reported that closely approximate the Nodal cycle of the Moon than any other.
Some of these include the following:
18-18.7-years: Building activity per capita (King, 1938)
Building activity and construction (Daniels, 1935, Dauten, 1954)
Building permits per capita (Riggelman, 1935)
New building permits (Burns and Mitchell, 1946)
Real estate activity (Hoyt, 1933)
Bank credit (Warren and Pierson, 1937)
Industrial stock prices (Tripp, 1948, Merriman, 1987)
Major panics (Warren and Pierson, 1937)
Wheat acreage (King, 1938; Dewey and Dakin, 1947)
Furniture production (Dewey and Dakin, 1947)
General business activity (Hays, 1937)
Silver prices (Merriman, 1991)
A feature to keep in mind with cycles of all types (especially planetary cycles), is that sub-cycles exist in which the major cycle can be divided by the numbers 2, 3, or 4. In other words, Pluto's 248-year cycle has two subcycles of 124 years, three subcycles of 83 years (which approximates Uranus' full cycle), and four cycles of about 62 years. Perhaps the most well-known are the quarter cycles of Saturn, which last about 7 years each. Another well-known cycle is the 54-year "K-Wave", or "Kondratieff Cycle", which measures severe world recessions/depressions. This coincides to a third of the Neptune cycle, and seems to unfold when Neptune transits through Earth signs, as discussed under Neptune.
Furthermore there are cycles that exist between planets to one another. For example, each planet conjuncts every other planet in a rhythmic periodicity. Jupiter and Saturn conjunct, for instance, every 20 years. There are several well-documented 20-year cycles. In fact, there are several cycles in human activity that coincide with cycles of planetary combinations, but they are too numerous to mention here. Aspects between planets, however, will be covered shortly in another section. They (aspects between planets) are the crux of market timing, but to calculate these, we need first of all to understand the planets (this chapter) and the measurement qualities of the signs (next chapter).
At this time, it would be a good idea to quiz yourself on the symbols and order of the planets in the solar system. Perhaps take a blank piece of paper, and see if you can write the planets and symbols in their order. When done, check your results with that of Table 1, on page 13. It will be necessary to commit these planetary symbols to memory if you plan to use geocosmic signatures for market timing.
© Copyright: Ray Merriman
Other articles by Marion March
Basic Principles of Geocosmic Studies for Financial Market Timing Part 2
Pluto in Sagittarius & Uranus in Aquarius – New Trends for the Late 1990's