Pluto in Sagittarius & Uranus in Aquarius – New Trends for the Late 1990's Date Published:
Formal education and training includes B.S. (Psychology, Michigan State University, 1969), Post-Graduate studies (Clinical Psychology, Michigan State and University of Michigan, 1969-1971); Professional Life Member of the American Federation of Astrologers (PLMAFA since 1972); Commodities Trading Advisor (CTA, 1982); Series 3 and 7 exams for Commodities, Financial Futures, Securities and Investments (1986, 1989). Currently President of The Merriman Market Analyst, Inc., an investment advisory firm specializing in market timing products and services. He is the editor of The MMA Cycles Report, an advisory newsletter issued 18 times/yr., and used by banks, financial institutions, investors and traders throughout the world since 1982.
Mr. Merriman is well-trained in the ways of the Wall Street. Between 1982-1986 he was a frequent guest contributor on the Financial News Network (FNN). He served as an Investment Executive with Prudential Securities (1986-87) and Shearson Lehman Hutton (1987-1990), before becoming an Accounts Vice-President of Retail Commodity Futures with Paine Webber (1990-1994), prior to forming his own advisory company in 1994.
He is also well-trained in the field of Astrology, having practiced professionally since 1968. His contributions and awards in this field are numerous and include: President of ISAR (International Society For Astrological Studies - 1995-97); recipient of the 1995 UAC Regulus Award for "Enhancing Astrology's Image As a Profession"; recipient of Aquarius Workshops Award for "Service To Astrology" (1994); recipient of Professional Astrologers Inc. (PAI) Award for "Outstanding Activities on Behalf of Furthering Goals of Astrology - Lectures." He has served on the Steering Committees of UAC 1989 and 1992, was Seminar Coordinator for the successful ISAR 1994 Conference on Research, Professionalism and Mundane Forecasting, and will be Seminar Coordinator for the ISAR 1996 Conference On Computers and Research: The Cutting Edge of Astro-Technology, at Indian Lakes Resort, July 2-7, 1996 (20 miles West of Chicago).
Merriman is an international lecturer on both financial market cycles and various aspects of astrology as it applies to cycles in human activity. He is the author of several books, including:
The Solar Return Book of Prediction (1977)
The Gold Book: Geocosmic Correlations To Gold Price Cycles (1982)
Evolutionary Astrology: The Journey of the Soul Through States of Consciousness (1992)
The Sun, The Moon, and the Silver Market: Secrets of a Silver Trader (1992)
Merriman on Market Cycles: The Basics (1994)
Basic Principle of Geocosmic Studies For Financial Market Timing (1995)
In conjunction with AstroCybernetics, Merriman has also developed two financial astrological software systems: The FAR (Financial Astrological Research) program, and the SOS (Stock Optimizing Selector) Program, which enable traders to identify potential turning points in various stocks and/or financial futures markets.
Mr. Merriman can be reached at:
Ph: 1-810-626-3034; FAX: 1-810-626-5674
The last five years of the 1990's could very well be unlike anything most of us can imagine. It is likely to be filled with increasingly divergent polarities between reality and how we feel, between constructive policy changes and cynicism as to their worth, between inventive new ideas that will revolutionize the way we conduct our lives and despair that "nothing changes."
It may be like going into the "Dark Ages" of the "New Age." It may coincide with a cultural and economic renaissance within the appearance of being locked in a period of stagnancy.
In fact, these developments have already begun. They started in earnest with the Capricorn Climax, which lasted between 1988-early 1994, a period which saw the breakdown of generations of fixed thought and ideas about the economy and the work place (Uranus) - in fact, about life as we thought "it should be" versus what actually started happening. These dichotomies will likely accelerate now as three astrological things unfold: first, as Pluto enters Sagittarius; second, as Uranus enters its ruling sign of Aquarius, sextiling Pluto; and third, as Jupiter and Saturn enter the last quarter of their 20-year cycle.
But before getting into what "might transpire" coincident with these factors, let us first of all understand what has already begun.
Several weeks ago, a survey conducted by the Times Mirror Center revealed a very troubling picture of an America that has become increasingly bitter, frustrated, cynical and selfish over the last seven years. I would suggest this change started far before 1987, which interestingly enough, coincides with the beginning of the "Capricorn Climax." However, it has surely accelerated in the last seven years with that most powerful of all astrological configurations that we will see in many a generation.
So where and when did this disenchantment begin, in earnest?
Understand that many Americans grew up in a society where life was "linear." It had been that way for our parents and their parents. After birth and early years of life, we went to school for several years, where we learned and/or were trained for a life of work. Once work began, we generally started work with a company and stayed with it until retirement. During that period, our position usually improved, as did our wages and responsibilities. At a certain point in our life, we got married (never divorced) and had children. Eventually our children grew and had children and we became grandparents. We retired from work and lived off of our social security and savings.
Life was linear. It had been that way for generations. Occasionally this linear experience was disrupted by war, or economic depression, but upon returning to normalcy of peace and prosperity, the experience continued where it left off. Gradual and moderate gain and improvement could be expected. In fact, it was a surprise when it didn't happen this way.
And then, in the 1960's when Uranus conjunct Pluto, it began to change. Instead of being linear, life started having peaks followed by valleys that were much more pronounced than ever before. Marriages began failing. Families began breaking up. This phenomenon gradually increased into the "Capricorn Climax" period, and then it accelerated, changing life as we knew it for good. Perhaps the most noticeable place for this shift was in the matter of our employment. After all, Uranus and Pluto did conjunct in the work sign of Virgo in the mid-1960's, and then Uranus and Neptune conjunct in the business and corporate sign of Capricorn in the 1990's.
People who had worked years and years — 20, 30 even 40 years for the same company — found their jobs being eliminated. Others who were just starting in the workplace found that they might switch employers as much as 3 times or more in a decade — either by choice or by circumstance. A good education was no longer a free ticket to a good job. Nothing in the workplace was secure anymore. Not only were marriages breaking up faster than ever before, families disintegrating at an alarming rate, but work employment and roles were suddenly changing as corporate America began "downsizing," becoming "lean and mean." The company was no longer a secure part of the American family or American dream — in fact, there was no more American dream or family as we had grown up to believe. It was different, and we hadn't figured out what it involved now.
Life became a series of unexpected peaks and valleys, in both relationships and work. On top of that, AIDS came about, changing forever they way relationships of intimacy evolved. And on top of that, our once trusted government officials could no longer trusted as symbols of wise authority. An age of confusion and cynicism engulfed this country as Uranus, Neptune, Saturn, and the Moon's North Node all conjoined in the sign of Capricorn, starting about seven years ago, as the survey so accurately determined.
Something went wrong along the way. Or, at least we can say, "something changed along the way," but most of us were unprepared and unequipped psychologically to adapt to this new world. As such, the business of making predictions — or forecasts — has become increasingly difficult. Life is infinitely more complex — and more cyclic — than we ever knew it to be before. It is no longer linear. Life is no longer a trend. Life is cyclic, and the cycles are contracting as well as distorting, and in this environment — in this future — a knowledge of astrology can be incredibly valuable. The alternatives include religion, philosophy, chaos, and/or despair. Pluto in Sagittarius. Uranus in Aquarius. Jupiter square Saturn.
Pluto in Sagittarius 1/17/1995-11/27/2008
Much will be made of this phenomenon in the coming year, but upon review of the past cases in which Pluto transited through Sagittarius, it is not particularly noteworthy - at least not in comparison to the period in which Pluto ingresses into Capricorn, which is extremely noteworthy (2008-2012).
Astrological: The lack of major world transformations while Pluto is in Sagittarius may be related to the astrological fact that these two principles — Pluto and Sagittarius — have very little in common. Whereas Sagittarius wants to expand and grow, Pluto's nature is to tear down and rebuild. Whereas Sagittarius' nature is to expand, Pluto's nature is to reduce or eliminate. Whereas Sagittarius has an affinity for lightness, freedom and space, Pluto's nature is intense and prone to intrusion, force, or exposure.
Pluto is the wondering planet, moving into the domain of Sagittarius. As the "bringer" of a new dynamic, Pluto brings the quality of 'transformation," "reform" (sometimes at any cost), or even threat of "termination" (endings) and "exposures of wrongdoing" in all the affairs ruled by Sagittarius. Some of the affairs ruled by Sagittarius include: Education, Religion, Publishing, Trade, and Sports. It is in these areas that we are likely to see — in fact, already see — major changes taking place in the next 13 years.
In education, there is already momentum building for a major overhaul. Recently Harland Williams, a professional pundit, brought this fact to light when it was reported we have an educational crisis on our hands since 60% of Americans can't locate Germany on a map. "Big deal, said Harland, "what about the 85% that can?"
Historically there is evidence that Pluto in Sagittarius does coincide with reforms or major changes in learning and education. In the early 1500's when this same sojourn took place, primary schools started in Europe. In 1514, the '+' and the '-' sign were first used in mathematics. Two times before that — in the late 700's — the first School of Medicine (School is Sagittarius, Medicine is Pluto) was founded in Baghdad. And, two times before that, the Chinese first used the compass as a mathematical tool (271 AD). Two times before that, the great classics of Confucius were burnt upon order by the C'hin Emperor. A radical new approach to education may transform today's outdated school systems during the next 13 years.
In religion today, we also see serious cries for reform throughout the world. Should women and homosexuals be allowed to teach the word of God as ministers and priests? The emphasis upon sexual orientation in the church is very consistent with the principles of Pluto (sexuality) and Jupiter (religion). In fact the transformation in the organized church community may be the most intense in centuries. Unless the church performs radical surgery on itself, another wave of "God is Dead" may sweep the world, much like it did in the mid-1960's when Pluto conjunct Uranus. Pluto relates to the principle of death (and rebirth), and in a sense, the church — as we have known it for over 200 years — may die. And then again, it may resurrect.
In fact, this concept of death and resurrection in the Church is extremely noticeable in past instances of Pluto moving through Sagittarius. In its first passage in AD (26-42), Jesus began his ministry, was crucified for those teachings, and supposedly rose again from the dead - all during Pluto in Sagittarius! In 529 AD, under another Pluto in Sagittarius, an Italian monk named Benedict established his monastery in Monte Cassino, Italy, and soon after the Benedictine order spread like wildfire (Sagittarius) throughout Europe. During the same passage. Bodhidharma went to China and founded Zen Buddhism. Like Benedict, his teachings represented a vast reform over the prevailing religion of the day in its area — Benedictine over Christianity, Bodhidharma over Buddhism. Both were rather austere, which is in keeping with the principle of Pluto (renunciation of everything other than the relevant and bare necessities).
In the early 1500's, as Pluto was about to leave Sagittarius and enter Capricorn, yet another major upheaval shocked the religious community: Martin Luther and his followers split from the church to begin the Protestant movement.
And finally, during the last passage (1748-1762), the American colonies underwent what historians have called "The Great Awakening Revival." During the period, there were widespread religious conversions stimulated by Charismatic Protestant Evangelists. People all over the colonies were giving up their religious roots in favor of an evangelical hysteria. In fact, in 1755, Shubaec Stearns founded the Baptist Church in Sandy Creek, NC, as part of the "Great Awakening."
It appears that another religious movement may be upon us, catalyzed by the perception of inflexibility by the "Men in Cloth," for of all the historical themes played out over and over again with Pluto in Sagittarius, none is as evident as the reforms that take place in religion. First there is discontent with the way the church does things. Then discontent by the exclusionary practices of leaders so far removed from the original spirit Then hysteria on the part of a splinter group that is breaking away, promising a "new freedom" in religion. And finally, the emergence of a powerful religious reform movement.
It's already starting. God isn't dead. She's just getting ready for another resurrection.
The desire to "break away" from the authority (state or church) has a very interesting parallel between the last passage of Pluto in Sagittarius, and the one coming up. In 1754-1763, the English captured Quebec and the French lost all their American territories between the Alleghenies and the Mississippi River. What is interesting is that these French colonies, like Quebec, were established between 1660-1669, when Uranus was in Aquarius. In the next seven years, Uranus will again be in Aquarius while Pluto is in Sagittarius, and Quebec is once again moving towards a new, separate, identity. Perhaps their efforts for succession from Canada will be successful by the turn of the century.
And finally, sports. We have no deep history with sports while Pluto is in Sagittarius. This is pure conjecture. Baseball has been America's pastime since the turn of the century, and now for the first time since 1904, it is on strike and forced to cancel the World Series. Pluto has a correlation with renunciation, turning its back once it is hurt and rejected, perhaps never to return. Baseball may indeed lose its support as America's favorite past time, and it may be several years - even generations - before it will again recover this status. In the meantime, Pluto - which represents power and brute strength - moving through the wide-open, "anything goes" sign of Sagittarius - may bring greater favor to violence-in-sports, like Football, Boxing, Hockey, and "Gladiator matches," any sport where there is a chance to be severely injured and maimed. That's Pluto in Sagittarius, the ugly side.
Will Pluto in Sagittarius bring about an Enlightenment? By itself, probably not, though there are apt to be many enlightening ideas. Trouble is, Pluto is more apt to coincide with polarity and divisions over philosophical principles. Whoever can resurrect God the most convincingly will probably have the edge in power until we reach 2008-2012, a time when much greater reforms are likely according to Pluto's historical passage through the zodiac.
Pluto in Sagittarius tends to be a "Dark Age." Fortunately Uranus is in Aquarius for much of this period, where it will sextile Pluto in Sagittarius. Uranus in Aquarius tends to be much more stimulating and a lot less evangelical. It should be interesting watching these two principles unfold at the same time: in one corner, the "progressive and inventive," who could care less about issues of God, while in the other, the "fundamentalists and their discontented splinters," who are trying to reinvent God.
Uranus in Aquarius 1995-2003
Uranus is home in Aquarius. Therefore both relate to similar issues and principles. Uranus, the moveable planet, brings the element of "surprise," the "unexpected," and "newness' to whatever sign it transits through. It "changes' whatever it touches. It "revolutionizes" and introduces a "new way" of doing business, conducting life. It "separates" or "rebels" from the pack, and seeks individuality and uniqueness. It "invents," and in the end, it "progresses." It also brings a sense of "brotherhood," of a "global family," but it does not connect too well on a personal level. Uranus is the new technology, the computer, the airplane, automobile, and the space shuttle, the fax machine and the telephone, the television and the VCR. It's the future. Its not here, not now, but rather it is in "tomorrow land."
The domain of Aquarius is very much akin to Uranus. It is our sphere of friendships, and the mental state of inventiveness. It is the science and technological, and computer community. It rules groups and communities in general who are concerned about the welfare of the masses, of the whole planet, the entire "human" family.
With Uranus in Aquarius, we might expect the formations of new groups that separate from the mainstream. These groups may be loosely connected (i.e. computer networks?) and progressive in their ideas, with great value placed upon individuality and individual rights. They might succeed from established unions. We might also expect to see new advancements in science that benefit the entire global community, as well as amazing advances in the fields of transportation, space exploration, and technology. It may be a time of great inventions if history is any guide.
The last passage of Uranus in Aquarius took place between 1912-1920. Life as we knew it changed radically during this time as the automobile revolutionized the manner in which individuals got from place to place. Prior to that, the previous passage in 1828-1836 also revolutionized our preferred mode of transportation to the railroad, and the time before that (1744-1752) coincided with the Benjamin Franklin's experiments with lightning rods, which revolutionized the use of electricity. We could even go one time before that, to 1660-1669, when Sir Isaac Newton discovered the reflecting telescope, which altered the way we view things, something rather important to Astrologers. It was around that time that Astrologers became known as Astronomers, and then the two split ranks.
By the end of this decade, we may all be wearing designer jackets that will have computers and fax messages imbedded in their sleeves, and carrying miniature cordless phones that set neatly into the pockets of these jackets. We will be able to tune into whatever information and communication we desire, whenever we desire it.
Almost all previous passages of Uranus through Aquarius coincided with a wealth of new inventions. The 1828-1836 passage saw the first telegraph, invented by Samuel Morse; the first electric motor; the reaper by Cyrus McCormick; the microscope, the first friction match; the discovery of electromagnetism; and the discovery of vinyl and polystyrene plastics.
In the most recent passage, 1912-1920, Henry Ford started the first assembly line and raised wages, which ushered in a new era in how Americans work. The V-8 engine was produced, and cars could now go faster than a horse. Short wave radio was introduced, and so too was the first outline for a radio broadcast. Sonar was discovered as was the Geiger counter, traffic lights, and long distance telephone service. Not only that, by Robert Goddard, the father of "modern rocketry," published his ideas on how to send a man to the Moon!
And Albert Einstein developed his "theory of relativity" in 1916.
In the business world, things were very unstable. The public debt in the US skyrocketed from $62M to $26B between 1916-1919. Just prior to that (December 23, 1913), the Federal Reserve Board was formed, which was suppose to help stabilize these things.
Yet marvelous progressive movements in equal rights began spreading throughout the world, especially for women. Finland became the first country to grant women the right to vote. Great Britain did the same in 1918, Italy in 1919, and finally America in 1920. At the same time, they took away the right to drink. Today women's rights have spread so far and so fast that many men are going through severe confusion and identity crises. In marriage, it is now assumed that "A good wife is one who will always forgive her husband when she is wrong."
However, by far the most outstanding events that marked this period was the advent of WWI, from 1914-1918, and the Bolshevik revolution in Russia, forcing the abdication of Czar Nicholas. That too, changed life as we knew it forever. It was the first war in which aerial strategies were used, and changed forever the course that future wars would follow. And of course, the emergence of Communism transformed the entire power structure of the world politics. A similar revolution took place in China as the boy Emperor was forced to abdicate and China became a republic.
Uranus in Aquarius - it'll change the way we do business and the way governments relate to one another. It will likely coincide with major surprises that change the course of history.
So you can see, with Pluto in Sagittarius, we've got one element moving backwards and perhaps tearing down all that was built over the past several generations. And with Uranus in Aquarius, we've got another element that is already thinking of a new and different type of world that is far more futuristic and progressive and inventive. It appears that a huge cultural and ideological clashcoming up, and the result is likely to be very different boundaries than we know today, in government, business, and especially religion.
In this climate, I can also conceive of a very different manner in which we work, and this is the way in which I believe it may have its greatest impact upon most of us. In fact, the trend has already started - if you can call it a trend. As Uranus and Neptune finish their long sojourn in Capricorn, the business climate and work setting has been irreparably altered for Americans.
We no longer have just one job, or work for just one company, in our lifetime. We no longer have job security, with anyone else, whoever we are. We no longer have financial security, at least very few of us do, whoever we are. Those who have been trained to do a certain function for a certain company - and have been let go (and there are millions of them) - have been and will continue to be devastated by this change, unless they learn new skills, and can adapt relatively quickly to this change that has engulfed our societyover the past 25 years, and especially past 7 years.
The trend that I find so interesting — and so hopeful — is that so many Americans are earning an income right out of their homes. This may be a result of the Uranus and Neptune going through Capricorn. With the computer revolution becoming such an integral part of our lives, many Corporations are sending their sales staff to work out of their homes with company-paid-for computers. Others have left the corporate world to begin their own businesses, again with the use of computers out of their homes. I can't tell you where I read it, but somewhere I saw a statement that over 40,000,000 Americans now earn income through work out of their homes. The American home is no longer just a place to raise a family and provide shelter. It is rapidly becoming an auxiliary office center.
With Uranus going into Aquarius, I don't see this trend — which began in earnest in 1988 — changing. In fact, I see it progressing. We are entering an era of new inventions and the computer will help speed up this phenomenon. At the same time, there may very well be an intense reactionary movement against progress, knowledge, and invention ... in the name of religion ... with Pluto in Sagittarius. I don't think the two camps are likely to get any closer during the next 12-15 years. In fact, I think they are growing further apart. A great clash in these ideologies, I believe, may erupt in 2008-2012, as Pluto and Uranus both enter their next cardinal signs — Capricorn and Aries respectively — and in square to one another. These next few years will likely see the stage being set, and the sides being even more well-defined.
Entering the last Quarter of the Cycle
Understanding the Business and Geopolitical Climate between 1995-2000
In 1995, Jupiter and Saturn will enter the waning square (270 degree angle) of their 20-year cycle. This phase, which will last through the conjunction (beginning point) in the year 2000, represents perhaps the most critical time band in the entire cycle. It is the time window in which the old cycle is coming to an end, and a new challenge is being sought.
In order to understand the significance of this five-year phase we are about to enter, it is necessary to first of all understand some basic principles about planetary mechanics, and how they relate to cycles in human activity. Very briefly, planets orbit around the Sun in rhythmic cycles. Each planet has a different periodicity (time band for complete orbit). Jupiter, for example, takes slightly less than 12 years to orbit around the Sun, while Saturn takes approximately 29 years.
Planets also have rhythmic cycles in relationship to each other, as seen from the Sun (heliocentric view) or Earth (geocentric view). We will be referring only to the geocentric perspective. Thus when any two planets appear to be in the same longitudinal sector of skies as seen from Earth, this is known as a conjunction. The period of time between any two planets in conjunction (especially involving Mars on out) is fairly constant. Jupiter and Saturn, for instance, form a conjunction approximately every 20 years. Approximately every 5 years, they enter the quarter point of their cycle (first square, opposition, then last square to one another), which identifies an important passage, or phase, of the greater cycle.
The Jupiter/Saturn cycle is one of many such planetary pair cycles a mundane astrologer will study. However, historically it has been considered the most important in terms of understanding the geopolitical and/or collective psychological mood of the world at any given time. In astrology, Jupiter pertains to hope, while Saturn correlates to fear, two very basic psychological dynamics influencing the state of affairs of the world at any given point in time.
During the phase of the conjunction through the opposition (half a cycle, or about 10 years), Jupiter is out in "front" of Saturn. Jupiter moves faster in its orbit around the Sun than Saturn, so after the conjunction, it is seen as "moving away from" Saturn. Saturn is "behind" Jupiter in its movement through the band of constellations known as the zodiac (the backdrop of measurement).
During that ten year period, the collective mind is generally more optimistic, hopeful, and constructive about the future. There is a feeling that the worst may be behind, that expansion and growth are going to return. The mood of the business community tends to be more upbeat and positive. It is generally a time of more risk-taking in business and government.
During the second 10-year phase (from opposition to conjunction), Jupiter appears to fall behind Saturn. It is now moving towards Saturn (instead away from it) - Saturn is now "ahead" in the zodiac, from a geocentric perspective. When Saturn is "out front," the collective mood is more cautious, pessimistic, defensive. Fear begins to dominate, and risk falls laggard. The future does not look so bright and promising, and apprehension about things getting worse - not better - begins to prevail. The business community exhibits a greater sense of doubt and frustration. There is usually a sense of being over-controlled, over-regulated, by government, laws, and bureaucracy. There is frequently a wish for "the good old days," and doomsday prophets come out in droves.
These changes in social mood do not start right on a dime. They are gradual. Furthermore they do not immediately begin to impact the market place once they happen. Again, it takes time, but they do come close to marking the "crossover" point of social mood. As such, knowing about these cycles can be very useful in setting up longer-term investment strategies. Markets ultimately reflect the overall social mood of their nation, of the world.
The half-cycle points are not the only phases of the cycle that are important. Just as significant are the quarter cycle phases. There are two quarter cycle phases: the first quarter and the last. It is the last quarter of Jupiter and Saturn's cycle that will commence in 1995, and its phase will last into the year 2000.
Let's look a little closer at the meaning of these phases. The conjunction is obviously the beginning phase. It is a time marking the turning point from extreme pessimism to beginning optimism, from extreme fear to the beginning of hope. It usually coincides with a major change in policy or leadership, which can rekindle hopes of a better world that have been squashed during the previous 10-year period. Again, the actual changes may not filter through the society immediately, but the collective attitude tends to become more expectant of better things shortly after the conjunction sets in. In a sense, this is a "conception" period, a time of visualizing new possibilities, as a realization that the "old world order" has served its purpose, is now obsolete, and a new world (or national) order is about to emerge. Long-term investment opportunities are perhaps their greatest during and just before this period, as the overall collective sentiment has reached its bottom. For those who are progressive and far-sighted, this is an exceptional time. For those who are by nature pessimistic and cautious, this is possibly the worst of times. The belief is that things are bad, and will not get any better. The truth is that things may be bad, but about to change for the better.
The current cycle we are in began with this conjunction in 1980-81. In the U.S., inflation was rampant and U.S. citizens were being held hostage in Iran. The former U.S.S.R. had invaded Afghanistan. The mood of the world, and this nation (U.S.) was indeed somber and fraught with much fear - fear about war, fear about the economy, fear about a lack of leadership, fear of losing control. Hope was in short supply, and when that happens, people demand a change. Equity markets generally suffer during this phase, the economies of the world tend to go through recessions, and commodity prices tend to soar. That has been the case in the five instances of this century, except perhaps in 1940-41. During that period there was no recession, though the markets did suffer and a major world war started.
The period of time it takes the Jupiter/Saturn to move from conjunction to the first 90 degree square is about 5 years. This is a "gestation" time (the time between "conception" — conjunction — and "birth" - 90 degree square). The ideas generated during the conjunction need time to formulate more clearly, to develop into a practical application. During this period, the social mood improves as fear gradually gives way to more and more hope.
In our current cycle, Jupiter formed this first square to Saturn in 1985-86. This, symbolically, was the "birthing" period of the cycle. This was the period in which Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev were intensely involved in the American-Soviet summit meetings that eventually resulted in the transformation of Soviet Communism to an attempt at a democratic form of leadership. This square began the second five-year phase known as the "growth" and "expansion" period. It was a time of increased hope and optimism about the future. Business grew steadily, except for the interruption of the crash phase of late 1987. This period of expansion lasted until the opposition aspect between Jupiter and Saturn formed in 1990-91.
The opposition, much like the conjunction, seems to coincide with recessions, sometimes very deep. Oftentimes there is some sort of "peak collective experience," like the Persian Gulf War in early 1991, or the Apollo "Man on the Moon" landing in later 1969, that stimulates an outpouring of pride, patriotism, and confidence. Momentum is now built, and as the next 5-year sub-cycle phase unfolds, the momentum of the progress established (from the social mood of hope and optimism) over the previous 10 years may continue. It is a time when the inventions of the previous ten years (which were the excellent investments) are now fully accepted and used (previously they were viewed as "new" or "experimental"). We are now past the time when the best investment opportunities lie in these areas as everyone knows about them (i.e. fax machines and personal computers sales soared between 1985-1991 as they became accepted as a useful part of our society).
However, from the "peak," there is danger of complacency setting in during this third 5-year phase of the Jupiter/Saturn cycle. The opposition is the crossover point in social mood from hope and optimism (peaking) to one of developing unrest and anxiety. Fear begins to infiltrate the collective mind, perhaps gradually at first, but increasing over the course of the next ten years. The next five years of this 10-year period is one of acceptance of things as they are, and it may become a stagnant time regarding anything new. Lacking any meaningful change, society tends to become more and more mired in pessimism and apprehension about the future, complaining about lack of leadership in government and business. Business itself may go through a "down-sizing" cycle, quite the opposite of the expansiveness present in the previous five years.
In our current cycle, this third quarter has been in effect since 1991. It ends in 1995 (February-November), at which time the Jupiter/Saturn cycle crosses over into the critical fourth quarter phase. It is this crossover point (1995) and the entire five-year period of this fourth phase (1995-2000) that we want to examine now. This is the phase in which pessimism and fear regarding the business/work climate and government leadership tend to become pervasive as the dominant social mood. Along with it is the emergence of "revolutionary discontent" on a mass scale. The inventions and new social constructs created just 10-15 years ago (1980-1986), which served so well for a period (1985-1991), are now viewed as obsolete, even detrimental. Humanity is in an intense search for new leadership and direction, as a feeling of losing control escalates. As the mass of humanity becomes increasing cautious and risk adverse, exceptional future opportunities begin to arise for those who are far-sighted and courageous.
Let's briefly look at some of these phases in the past history of the United States, and even the entire world. This fourth quarter, and its crossover points during the past two centuries, unfolded:
*1816-17 through 1821 1836-37 " 1842 1856-57 " 1861 *1875-76 " 1881 1896 " 1901 1916-17 " 1921 *1935-36 " 1940-41 1955-56 " 1961 1975-76 " 1980-81 *1995 " 2000
The asterisks (*) represent the 60-year cycle of three Jupiter/Saturn cycles. It is during these passages that the same planets are not only in the same aspect, but also in the same signs of the zodiac. In 1995, Jupiter will transit through Sagittarius, squaring Saturn which is posited in Pisces. The same planets were in the same signs making the same aspect in each of the 60-year periods.
It doesn't take a lot of review to remember the extreme significance of many these periods in both U.S. and world history. In 1975-76, the world has just come out of an extreme recession brought on by the Arab oil embargo. The following five years saw military tension (and economic chaos) soar as inflation devastated the financial security of people the world over. In addition, personal security was also threatened as Iran took hostage American citizens, and the USSR invaded Afghanistan. Another severe recession - as severe as the one in 1974 - hit the American (and world) economy in 1980-81, but it did bring a change in social mood, leadership, and investment environment for the better.
In 1955-56, the U.S. was fairly strong as the second term of the Eisenhower administration got underway. Much of the rest of the world, though, suffered through an economic downturn. World anxiety began to increase dramatically over the next five years as the cold war escalated and communism with bloodshed spread rapidly. The race for space got underway, and so too did the phenomenon of bomb shelters. America was once again ready for a new dream and new leadership in 1960, just as it was in 1980. And with it came outstanding investment opportunities in a new business climate that soon got underway.
In 1935-36, the U.S. was still mired in a depression that was to last into 1938. At the same time, Hitler embarked in earnest upon his quest for world power that carried into World War II. America got involved in 1941 as a wave of powerful patriotism (sound like 1960 and 1980 again?) swept the country.
1916-17 was World War I, which lasted through a good part of the five-year sub-cycle. It ended with another severe recession in 1920-21.
Similar themes were played out in the Jupiter/Saturn time bands before the turn of the century. During the fourth quarter, threats of international tension - even military tension - increase. Humanity tends to become more insecure, feeling more and more powerless, and given to complaints about lack of direction from her leaders. Fear is more prevalent than hope, which leads to a business climate of contraction and defensiveness, rather than expansion and risk. However, for the very astute and far-sighted, it is in exactly this type of climate that revolutionary new thoughts leading to exceptional investment opportunities begin to emerge, and within the following five years (2000), a new vision and sense of hope begins to spread throughout the world.
What does this mean for investors and students of economics? First of all, it means the great growth industries of the 1980's are likely to have an increasingly difficult time during the last half of the 1990's. The loss of confidence in business and governmental leadership is not likely to return until around 2000, and this spells trouble for stock markets throughout the world. Furthermore, the threat of wars may increase into the end of this decade, which could put renewed interest in defense stocks, raw materials, and strategic metals. As far as the United States is concerned, the likelihood of continued gridlock in the political arena is great.
However, lest one thinks the whole period is simply depressing, understand that with these conditions comes an increasingly more vocal call for change (revolution in leadership). The seeds of remarkable and inventive ideas are beginning to germinate. New and emerging growth companies begin to formulate during this fourth phase of the cycle. In addition, during our forthcoming time band, the 14-year Jupiter/Uranus cycle will begin (1997) with their conjunction in Aquarius. This cycle tends to correlate with bold new efforts, especially in space, science, technology, and electronics. Many of these efforts may serve a very positive purpose for humanity. In fact, many humanitarian efforts may get underway during the first half of the Jupiter/Uranus cycle. The last time it unfolded was 1983, and over the course of the next few years, an ecological revolution unfolded as well as numerous humanitarian efforts to help the suffering of the world (i.e. "Live Aid," Farm Aid," etc.). Since the Jupiter/Saturn cycle is ending while the Jupiter/Uranus cycle is beginning between 1997-2000, the later cycle may be somewhat restrained in its expression at first. But after the year 2000, both cycles will be pointed up, just like they were from 1983-86.
So the next five years may not be a favorable time seek a political office, for politicians are likely to fall further into disrepute among the populace until close to the year 2000. It may not be a favorable time to be in conservative investments, like equities and mutual funds. However, it tends to be a very excellent period for involvement emerging new companies, and especially so with commodities. As prices of raw goods increase, and social optimism decreases, several commodities may enter a rather bullish five-year reign, and several new companies may develop which could revolutionize an ailing economy, and revitalize a depressing business and political climate, as we enter the next century.
© Copyright: Ray Merriman
Other articles by Marion March
Basic Principles of Geocosmic Studies for Financial Market Timing Part 1
Basic Principles of Geocosmic Studies for Financial Market Timing Part 2