Declination Charts; A New Way of Using Old Techniques – Part 2 Date Published: 1996
Solstice Points — The Antiscion
In the picture we have an out of proportion, but serviceable rendering of the theory behind antiscion points and using them as the co-declination equivalents. The heavy dark lines show the elliptical ecliptic path and the celestial equator. As you recall, when the Sun is at 0 Aries or 0 Libra it is at 0 degrees declination and longitude and located at the equator. As it travels from 0 Aries towards 0 Cancer it also increases in declination until it reaches its maximum declination of 23°27.5' at 0 Cancer. The point marked as 11' N 00 DEC. is the declination of the Sun when at 28AR40 longitude. If you follow the horizontal line across to the other side of the ecliptic, the parallel point has a longitude of 1VI20. If you check in the ephemeris you will see that the Sun's declination is also at 11° in the fall when the Sun is at 1VI20 longitude.
The antiscion points are the equal distance as measured from 0 Cancer or 0 Capricorn to the celestial equator and when the Sun arrives at the same degree of declination. Therefore, 28AR40 = 11 degrees declination north = 1VI20. If the Sun is at 28AR40 by longitude , the solstice point will be 1VI20 since the Sun will be at the same degree of declination then and parallel by that horizontal line. You will also notice that the degrees add up to 30 total degrees. This is always the case. Any planet at 11 degrees north declination will be at either 28AR40 or 1VI20 by longitudinal conversion. The conversion degrees and planetary zodiacal longitude will only be the same when the planet is on the ecliptic. By the same token, any two planets at these two degrees will be in parallel of declination.
Aries will always equal Virgo, Taurus will always equal Leo, Gemini will always equal Cancer, and the southern declinations will reverse. Libra=Pisces, Scorpio=Aquarius, Sagittarius=Capricorn.
Explaining OOB Conversions
This same figure will serve to demonstrate the conversion of out of bounds planets to longitude. If you look at the point marked P (23°27.5' OOB declination on the right upper corner), there is a line running vertically from the planet to the equator. Since we are concerned with the longitudinal equivalents, which are measured as a right angle to the equator, there is a line drawn from the OOB planet's position to the equator. Our purpose is to see where the planet cuts across the ecliptic because the ecliptic gives us the degrees of longitude and is where the action takes place. As the OOB body is 2° higher in declination than the maximum solar declination, we subtract the same amount from 23°27.5' so that we may form a right angle to the arc of the circle. We arrive at 21n27 as our declination degree and convert that to longitude. If the ecliptic were a perfect circle, one ecliptic equivalent would be 23CA27, but the ecliptic is an elliptical formation, therefore that position is only approximate. With adjustments, the longitudinal equivalent for this oob planet is read as 23CA14 or 6GE46. As you can see from the graph, the line will dissect the ecliptic at two points, one being the longitudinal conversion and the other the antiscion of the conversion. But both points are equally important.
To further understand the "adjustments" needed when performing conversions you need to understand the relationship between longitude and the distance north and south of the celestial equator known as declination.
Look at this illustration. Here we can translate the ecliptic into our beloved chart wheel.
In The Astrological Review of Winter 1970 Charles Jayne stated that he used 7½ degrees of orb due to the fact that aspects at that point change into another increment of 15 degrees which is the basis for the square series of aspects. If you use a 45 degree sort you will come to that conclusion also.
The standard for the orb of influence of declinations in traditional astrology has always been one degree. However, if you use the declination conversions to longitude you will see that one degree is NOT always a test of whether a planet is truly conjunct or opposite another. Jayne states that you must use a sliding scale based on the distance from the celestial equator to find the orb.
If you use longitudinal equivalents, or as Jayne calls them, ecliptic equivalents, you will readily see the differences dependent upon the height of declination. This is one of the many reasons that using a declination chart is SO important. When you translate declination into its equivalent longitude along the ecliptic and place it into a chart form the patterns emerge.
An example would be a planet at 0 Aries (declination 0° North) and another at 7°30' Aries (declination 2°59' North) These planets are in longitudinal conjunction, but by declination almost 3° apart. Yet the conjunction by zodiacal longitude is still valid.
Now look at the other end of the spectrum with a planet at 0° Cancer (declination 23°27' South) and compare it to a planet at 7°30' Cancer (declination 23°15' South) . Here, with the same separation of 7°30' the difference in declination is only 0°12'. This pair of planets can be much further apart in zodiacal longitude yet still be within orb by the declination.
With declinations near the equator or 0° you may use an orb of one degree, but use a sliding scale as you approach the maximum declinations closer to 23°27'.
By placing the declinations in longitudinal equivalents into a Declination Chart the orbs will appear very easily. Planets that have no zodiacal relationship may sometimes be found to have a declinational relationship, and this is when the hidden aspects come to light.
Mundane Considerations
When using four points between two planets to delineate a chart sometimes contrasting aspect patterns emerge. For instance, there is a wide longitudinal square between Uranus and Neptune in November of 1951. With a chart for 11/3/51 we have Uranus at 13CA55 and Neptune at 20LI01. By declination conversion to longitudinal equivalents Uranus is at 9CA52 and 20GE 08, while Neptune is at 16LI08 and 13PI52. Notice that one point of Neptune's L.E. is at 13PI52 which TRINES Uranus's natal place (13CA55) and Uranus L.E. at 20GE08 TRINES Neptune's natal placement.
What I see as significant is that there is a place in the declination chart where the energies between these two planets in natal square can actually flow in harmony. So, is this square actually a square?
When the trining points are activated shouldn't the energies be converted into something beneficial as shown by the double trines? The tensions of the natal square are developed inspirationally by these L.E. trines in my opinion.
For example, in 1951 television was getting started as a new medium. Uranus and Neptune symbolize the airwaves, broadcasting, and the film industry. The new television techniques and its budding popularity upset and changed the movie companies of the times, and there was a major change in communications during the early 50's when this square was prominent. Perhaps we can envision this L.E. trine as the representation of the ease and usefulness of this energy as television grew into its present importance. The activity of the square in this instance reinforced by the trines.
Jeffrey Dahmer
Here is the birth chart of the infamous serial killer. He was arrested in July of 1991 for the gristly murders of several young men. The Moon is prominent in this natal chart, but WHY does his Mercury and Sun natal square to Pluto, planet of death and destruction, figure so importantly in this Libran chart? The chart ruler Venus, although in square to Uranus, also has a supporting trine to Saturn. The Moon, ruler of 10th, also has a supporting trine to Uranus, to offset the square to Saturn.
[Now see Dahmer Declination Chart: Second Dahmer Chart]
If we look at the Denlinger Declination Chart we see that Pluto is all but at the MC, and involved heavily with Saturn. On the date of his murder by another inmate in prison, Saturn squared Dahmer's natal Mercury from Pisces and his natal 5th house. And T Neptune was at 21CP27 -- within 1' of opposition to his l.e. Pluto and activating the natal opposition of Pluto to Mercury/Saturn.The man had a Yod from Neptune in 1st house to Mars and Mercury -- showing he could act out his fantasies. Mercury is also involved in quincunx with Jupiter, by l.e., which exaggerates the thoughts. My findings are that the negative feelings from the Moon sq. to Saturn are given expression in obsessive ways from the Mercury declinational parallels to Saturn and Pluto. Saturn linked with Mercury is what we would not see without declinations.
The Declination Longitude Equivalents for transits 11/28/94:
Mars: 10TA41 - 19LE19 (15N02) | Jup: 24SC22 - 05AQ38) |
Sat: 28LI45 - 01PI15 (11S02) | Ura: 09SA11 - 20CP49 (21S50) |
Nep: 05SA10 - 24CP50 (21S10) | Plu: 17LI16 - 12PI44 (06S47) |
Interestingly enough L.E. declination Mars conjuncted his natal Venus L.E. at the time of his murder and Venus is chart ruler.
According to the news, Dahmer was arrested for his crimes on July 21, 1991. Looking at the zodiacal transits for that day we find Pluto at 17 SC 35 (19' past square to natal Uranus in the 10th), Uranus 11CAP 09, Neptune 15CAP 02 (2 degrees from zodiacal natal Saturn), Jupiter 18LEO 34 (just past conjunction with that same natal Uranus) , and Saturn 3 AQ 55.
The Declination Longitude Equivalents for transits 07/21/91:
Mars: 29AR02 - 00VI58 (11N08) | Jup: 13TA44 - 16LE16 (15N58) |
Sat: 28SC04 - 01AQ56 (19S44) | Ura: 24SA59 - 05CP01 (23S21) |
Nep: 08SA52 - 21CP08 (21S47) | Plu: 06LI02 - 23PI58 (02S24) |
Look at Dahmer's natal declination chart now and notice the L.E. of Neptune on the date of his arrest. Neptune's equivalent declination is EXACTLY conjunct his natal Saturn L.E. By zodiacal longitude Neptune still has 2 degrees to go before conjunction. With his arrest his personal fantasies had ended. It is as though the possibilities begun when he was arrested with Neptune on his natal declination L.E. Saturn were carried out and completed with his murder---when zodiacal Neptune touched one point of his natal Saturn-Pluto opposition by declination. The handle for his natal zodiacal Yod is Neptune. And the mental imbalance is shown by the Mercury afflictions in the natal charts declination equivalents in the third house and involving Saturn and Pluto.
Much more can be ascertained by comparing these two charts:
Progressing the natal chart to 10/30/76, (see: Second Chart) when this problem came to light, we find the progressed Moon conjunct p. Venus and applying to p.Mercury. What we don't see by the computer chart is that there was an occultation of both Venus and Mercury that year. An occultation is just like an eclipse, but involves planets rather than the Sun. The view of the planet is blocked by the Moon during an occultation. From this chart, it is obvious that the occultation of Venus had just occurred and the Moon was heading towards Mercury.
Now, what puzzled me with this chart years ago was that I had always been taught that every progressed aspect needed a trigger to one of the participating planets by a transit from a planet heavier than Venus or Mars for something to manifest. And I couldn't find a progressed aspect with Mars, which seemed logical if we were looking for an accident or injury. Nothing at 0 or 2 fixed to set off the Pisces Mars. P. Mars was approaching the square to Mercury, but there didn't seem to be a heavy transit anywhere near those degrees. The progressed Sun was actually trining natal Jupiter which should have indicated good health. I looked for the prevalent transits for 1976 to see what stood out, hoping to find the origin, astrologically, of this physical problem.
In 1976 Uranus was transiting back and forth in opposition to the natal Moon, Pluto trined the n. Sun, and Saturn squared the n. Moon. Saturn continued on to oppose natal Jupiter at 12 AQ during the past year but I originally discounted that because it seemed to have good natal aspects. Neptune was hovering at 11-13 Sag, which didn't seem relevant even though it was opposing the progressed Sun. The Sun was simply NOT making a progressed aspect other than that trine to Jupiter.
The treatment for Legg-Perthes is either a series of surgeries to insert pins in the leg until the bone regenerated or immobilization through braces. The parents opted for the braces which were worn for three years which is definitely a Saturnian treatment.
The declination chart for this boy has only one part of the sets of aspects marked so that we can better see what is important. We will go over this chart carefully step by step.
First we notice that Venus and Mercury are out of bounds, so they bear watching. Venus is the chart ruler and Mercury is the Sun ruler. Rather noteworthy.
Pluto, that rises in the natal chart is nowhere near the ascendant in the dec chart. Neptune, that opposes the Sun in the natal chart is far from its zodiacal position, and its ecliptic equivalents actually trine the Sun within 6°. Uranus and Mars that are in a wide natal Yod natally seem to be within orb of a declinational conjunction by solstice points. This Yod is then MUCH more important.
The natal chart shows Mercury, Venus, and Saturn all very close together and trining Uranus, yet square Mars. In the declination chart an entirely different picture emerges. The Sun is very close to Saturn, which trines Jupiter, while Venus and Mercury are off doing their own thing separately. Mercury's natal square to Mars is reiterated , but instead of a trine to Uranus there is a square. A highly sensitive and volatile nervous system—intelligent, quick, but stressed. And that Mars/Uranus squares the Sun/ Saturn conjunction, too.
Venus, the chart ruler has a better outlook with trine to Mars rather than the natal square—almost a reversal of the natal potential. There is good self expression through beauty , art, music, and a gentle side. The natal trine to Uranus is reinforced also. He is a very nice looking boy.
The most interesting configuration is the Moon's involvement in a T square w/Pluto and Jupiter that appears with ecliptic equivalents. The zodiacal Moon is tucked away in the 8th house with only a semi-square to Mercury and a wide square to Jupiter. One point of the declination Moon is at 11Leo 24.
Something that stands out in the progressed chart is that Sun is at 11 Gemini trining Jupiter.
The transits during 1976 included Neptune 11-13 Sag, Pluto crossing 9-12 Libra, Saturn and Uranus aspecting the zodiacal Moon at 4 Fixed, Saturn continuing on its path to cross 11 Leo, and when the x-rays were completed in January of 1977 Uranus was at 11 Scorpio.
11 Fixed is always in some type of square formation to 26 Mutable. (Editor's note: 11 Fixed is either 45 or 135 degrees from 26 Mutable. The 45 degree semi-square and 135 degree sesquisquare, or sesquiquadrate, are part of the family of "hard" aspects, including the square, based on the 8th harmonic.) In the progressed chart, Venus and Mercury are at 26° Gemini. The zodiacal Moon semi-squares Mercury but at 19 Gemini. Here we now have progressed Mercury and Venus achieving a semi-square to a longitudinal equivalent of the Moon...and the progressed Moon going over them as a trigger.
But there is an added factor you cannot see from the computer progressed chart.
Bone Death 05/29/73 Progressed To 10/30/76 Declination-Ecliptic Equivalents
Sun: | 11GE30 | - | 18CA30 | (22N10) |
Moon: | 13GE26 | - | 16CA34 | (24N28)* |
Mercury: | 07GE18 | - | 22CA42 | (25N21) * |
Venus: | 16GE55 | - | 13CA05 | (24N05)* |
Mars: | 18LI01 | - | 11PI59 | (07S04) |
Jupiter: | 19SC46 | - | 10AQ14 | (17S41) |
Saturn: | 11GE08 | - | 18CA52 | (22N07) |
Uranus: | 17LI40 | - | 12PI20 | (06S56) |
Neptune: | 27SC41 | - | 02AQ19 | (19S39) |
Pluto: | 13GE42 | - | 16CA18 | (22N27) |
Note: Moon, Mercury, and Venus are ALL out of bounds. (*) Looking in Raphael's Ephemeris we also see that there was an occultation of both Venus and Mercury. An occultation is usually the conjunction of the Moon with a planet ON the ecliptic. But all three of these bodies were OOB. This would have occurred before 10/30/96, and you can figure backwards to when the Moon and the planets involved were to pinpoint the date. The planet is blocked by the Moon which is the same word used to describe what happened to the circulation in this child's bones.
Not only was there an occultation to 2 natally OOB planets, but the Moon also is Out Of Bounds. Notice also that the Moon on the progressed date was, by ecliptic equivalents, approaching a conjunction to Pluto. A Pluto keyword is "regeneration" and this is what was required of the bone. The ecliptic equivalents are 13GE26 and 16CA34. By mere declination you would assume that these two planets were too far apart to be parallel. However, the Moon is OOB and ONLY by translating them into their ecliptic equivalents will you see the conjunction.
Moon and Pluto in the natal Declination Chart are in square at 11 Fixed. The major transits for 1976 were around 11. The Moon is prominent in the declination chart, by progression and by transit. My conclusion is that the astrological signature of this disease is the Moon rather than Mars, and that a nutritional factor was the cause rather than an injury. (Editor's Note: Mars symbolizes physical trauma or wound while the Moon refers to food.)
Sun and Saturn conjunct by progressed equivalents shows the restrictions of being in braces for three years. Saturn by L.E. is also conjunct the zodiacal progressed Sun of course, as well as conjunct the natal L.E. Mercury, which perhaps more clearly shows the limitations to this child's mobility.
ONLY with the Declination Chart will you see the stress to the hips which is represented by Jupiter and is involved in a T-square with Moon and Pluto by declination equivalents. Only with the Declination Chart will you see the limitations and restrictions of a long term treatment that would be symbolized by Saturn.
Synastry With Declination Charts
Using these techniques and creating a Denlinger Declination Chart for each individual in a relationship an enormous amount of detail can be seen by just comparing the Declination Charts. Zodiacal chart comparisons that seem difficult, yet are of people in a relationship that has lasted for years, will most likely have easy declinational aspects. I have several examples that will be posted in the future.
© Copyright: Bette Denlinger 1996
Chart Forms by Halloran Software, AstrolDeluxe For Windows Los Angeles, CA. 1-800-SEA-GOAT
Calculations by Boehrer Conversion © Solstice Point Productions. Dallas, TX. 1-214-306-9188
Allen, Jan Warren (1995) The End Of The Jeffrey Dahmer Story. Today's Astrologer, Vol 57 (1). AFA. Tempe, AZ
Boehrer, Kt (1994). Declinations: The Other Dimension. Fortunata Press
Dearborn, Edward (1996) Declination On The Move. Today's Astrologer, Vol 58 (5). AFA. Tempe, AZ
Hannan, Charles & Louise (1994) "Declinations, Power Points, and Out of Bounds Planets." Today's Astrologer, Vol 56 (11). AFA. Tempe, AZ
Hone, Margaret. (1951) Textbook Of Astrology. Fowler & Co Ltd . London
Jayne, Charles (w1970) The Astrological Review. Astrologers Guild Of America NY.
Magi Society (1995) Astrology Really Works. Hay House, Inc. Carson, CA.
Mayo, Jeff (1965) The Astrologers Astronomical Handbook. Fowler & Co Ltd. London
Bette Denlinger, MAFA, is a second generation astrologer who has studied and practiced seriously since the late 60's. Her mother was the first American woman certified by the Astrological Lodge of London. Bette is also a member of ISAR and the NCGR Declination Special Interest group. In addition to professional work in the real estate field she currently operates an astrological phone consultation business. She has been instrumental in the design of a new declination longitude conversion software program by Solstice Point Productions called " Boehrer Conversion." This is the only conversion program authorized by Kt Boehrer, author of Declinations: The Other Dimension.
Bette is working on a book on Declination Charts which should be available Winter 1996.
Kt Boehrer says of the innovative Declination Chart created by Bette Denlinger:
"The important point is that there is a way to set a declination chart that allows the astrologer to view the whole picture in a longitudinal setting. The declination chart is a very important part of our ability now because it reveals the real meaning and timing of declination in the language we astrologers speak and read. That is a real break through and you are using these techniques as they were meant to be used, Bette. Isn't it a wonderful experience. Something like abolishing censorship."
Posted on Festival mailing List 7/96
From Jean Morrier:
"It has occurred to me, the work you are doing here, it's very profound, Bette. It is going to change my astrological practise a LOT, as well as many others."
"Declination Charts" were first introduced privately to a select group of people at the 1996 ISAR conference. John Halloran of Astrology For Windows will be incorporating this conversion system to his Deluxe program thanks to her efforts. Bette has been invited back to Chicago by a local NCGR to lecture on this subject.
You may write Bette @ 1325 Glen Moore Circle Lancaster, Pa. 17601. Or e-mail Beth8776@aol.com.
Solstice Point Productions offers a Beta version Windows compatible conversion program for $15.00 plus shipping ($3.00). Write: 18959 Lina Suite 320 Dallas, Tx 75287 (214) 306-9188 or e-mail DennAbra@aol.com
For more information on the NCGR Declination SIG write Ed Dearborn 310 Trites Ave Norwood, Pa 19074-1631
Other articles by Bette Denlinger
Declination Charts – A New Way of Using Old Techniques; Part 1