3 articles for "Birth"
Birth Moment [Astro*Index]One of several house systems.
The moment for which the natal chart is computed, generally accepted as moment of the first breath or the cutting of the umbilical cord, but practically applied as the time written on the birth certificate (a time that many astrologers rectify).
See also:Birth Moment [DeVore]
♦ Rectification ♦ Recorded Birth Time ♦ Natal Chart
One of several house systems.
What is generally accepted as the true moment of birth is the moment of the first inspiration of breath after ligation of the umbilical cord. At that moment the infant ceases to receive blood conditioned through the mother's receptivities, and in response to the law of adaptability must grow channels of receptivity to cosmic frequencies that accord with those present in the Earth's magnetic field, and through these receptivities it begins to condition its own blood. This moment must be reduced to Standard Time, adjusted to Greenwich world-time for calculating the planets' places, thence readjusted to Local Mean Time at the birth place to determine the Ascendant and the Midheaven degrees and the House-cusps.
See also:Birth Stones [DeVore]
♦ Rectification ♦ Recorded Birth Time ♦ Natal Chart
v. Sign.
See also:
♦ Sign ♦ Rectification ♦ Recorded Birth Time ♦ Natal Chart
Astro*Index Copyright © 1997 Michael Erlewine
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