4 articles for "Campanus"
Campanus House System [Astro*Index]Probably named after Johannes Campanus (?- 1297?). The houses (lunes) are formed by great circles passing through the north and south points of the horizon and through a set of points space at 30° steps along the prime vertical beginning at the zenith and proceeding eastward through the east point of the horizon. The cusps are located at the intersections of these house circles with the ecliptic. This system is ill-defined at extreme (polar) latitudes.
The Campanus house system was preferred by Cyril Fagan, Roy Firebrace, Donald Bradley (Garth Allen), Gary Duncan, and Charles Jayne because of its "clean" geometric definition of the construction of the houses. In their writings, Max Heindel and Augusta Foss Heindel (Rosicrucian Fellowship, Oceanside, CA) clearly describe the Campanus house system; still, their sample charts are drawn using the Placidian system, possibly because of the unavailability of a Campanus table of houses during their lifetime. This system is also preferred by advocates of the sidereal zodiac, a fact which has led some readers, incorrectly, to regard it as an exclusively sidereal tool.
Zn = 60° + n30°, for n=1,2,...12 Pn = atan2 (sin(Zn)*cos(í),cos(Zn))CDR Vn = sin(Pn)*sin(í)*sin(obl) Xn = cos(ST+Zn)*cos(í)*cos(obl) - Vn Yn = sin(ST+Zn) Ln = atan2(Yn,Xn)CRD where í = latitude Sample: Given that: obl = +23.45° LAT = +37.00° ST = 07:32:00 = 113.00° Then, Z10 = 0°, P10 = 0.0000° Z11 = 30°, P11 = 24.7541° Z12 = 60°, P12 = 54.1360° Z1 = 90°, P1 = 90.0000° Z2 = 120°, P2 = 125.8640° Z3 = 150°, P3 = 155.2459° And, MC = 10: 111.2768° = CAN 21°16.6' 11 11: ASC = 1: 198.8521° = LIB 18°51.1' 2: ° = 2: 3:
See also:Campanus House System [Prima]
♦ Campanus, Johannes ♦ Duncan, Gary ♦ Fagan, Cyril ♦ Jayne, Charles ♦ Great Circle ♦ House Systems ♦ Meridian ♦ Campanus Mundoscope ♦ Prime Vertical ♦ Horizon ♦ Ecliptic ♦ Cusps ♦ Zenith ♦ East Point ♦ Table of Houses ♦ Sidereal Zodiac
One of several house systems.
Named after Johannes Campanus (?-1297?).
The houses are derived from the trisection of the quadrants formed by the intersection of the horizon and the meridian with the prime vertical. The prime vertical is divided into twelve equal arcs by lunes (sections of the sphere) whose poles are the north and south points of the horizon. The points where the lines cross the ecliptic define the house cusps. The arcs comprising the lunes are house semi-circles.
The Campanus house system was preferred by Cyril Fagan, Roy Firebrace, Donald Bradley (Garth Allen), Gary Duncan, and Charles Jayne because of its "clean" geometric definition of the construction of the houses. In their writings Max Heindel and Augusta Foss Heindel clearly describe the Campanus house system. This system is also preferred by advocates of the sidereal zodiac, a fact that has led some readers, incorrectly, to regard it as an exclusively sidereal tool.
See also:Campanus, Johannes [Astro*Index]
♦ Campanus, Johannes ♦ Duncan, Gary ♦ Fagan, Cyril ♦ Jayne, Charles ♦ Great Circle ♦ House Systems ♦ Meridian ♦ Campanus Mundoscope ♦ Prime Vertical ♦ Horizon ♦ Ecliptic ♦ Cusps ♦ Zenith ♦ East Point ♦ Table of Houses ♦ Sidereal Zodiac
(?-1297?) Also called Giovanni Campanella. Mathematician and astrologer. Chaplain and physician to Pope Urban IV and several successors. Inventor of a true House System, which has also been attributed to Joseph and Matthew Campanus, physicians, who published tables of it in 1495.
See also:Campanus Mundoscope [Astro*Index]
♦ Campanus House System ♦ Campanus Mundoscope
A chart based on a coordinate system that uses the prime vertical as its reference. To construct the chart, the great circle of the prime vertical is divided into 12 equal sections to represent the houses. Second, the planets are projected onto the prime vertical circle by means of great circles running through them and the north and south celestial poles. Planetary positions are given in 360 degree notation as measured from the zenith (which is the zero point) westward along the plane of the prime vertical. The wheel of the chart itself represents the prime vertical instead of the ecliptic. There is also a Regiomontanus Mundoscope, which projects the planets onto the celestial equator with great circles also running through the north and south poles. The Campanus Mundoscope represents the true house positions of planets for the Campanus System.
See also:
♦ Campanus, Johannes ♦ Campanus House System ♦ Zenith
Astro*Index Copyright © 1997 Michael Erlewine
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