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Astro*Dictionary by Michael Erlewine





1 article for "Fagan, Cyril"

Fagan, Cyril [Prima]

b. May 22, 1896, 12:14:28 pm, Dublin, Ireland.
d. January 5, 1970, in Tuscon, Arizona.

Born into a well-known medical family. Did not become a doctor due to impaired hearing. Known as the father of sidereal astrology, he began as a tropicalist, but became dissatisfied. Researched libraries throughout Europe studying astrology, astronomy, and Egyptology. His research led him to a discovery that the historical degrees of exaltation "were the heliacal positions of the planets for the lunar year 786 BC and for no other year in historical times. But all such exaltation degrees proved to be in terms of the sidereal version of the zodiac." From there, Fagan went on to propose a precise beginning for the "authentic astrological zodiac," namely "the Bull's Eye" (Aldebaran) in the mathematical center of the constellation" Taurus. At the same time, Fagan determined a value for the ayanamsa – the annually increasing difference between the sidereal and tropical zodiacs due to the precession of the equinoxes; he compared traditional exaltation values in sidereal measurements with calculated tropical measurements for the same time, determined the differences and took the average. Fagan said, "To maintain that a puny planet like Mercury, the smallest in our solar system which few mortals have ever seen, although visible to normal eyesight, rules the constellations Gemini and Virgo, which are composed of teeming zillions of fixed stars, nebulae and the like, is just too ridiculous for words." Though statements such this one may seem antagonistic, there is no doubting Fagan's importance as an instigator of discussion among technically and historically oriented astrologers – discussion which promises to continue. His occasionally strident admonitions against mediocre astrology still resonate forcefully today. Of the many astrologers influenced by Fagan, John Addey, Brigadier Firebrace, Donald Bradley, and Gary Duncan stand out. The notion of a statistical analysis of multiple zodiacs based on multiple fiducial or starting points rose out of Fagan's work. Fagan was quick to point out provincial thinking in ancient texts, such as the classification of Summer and Winter signs without reference to hemishere, when each class in one hemisphere. would be the opposite in the other hemisphere. Publications include: Zodiacs Old and New; A Primer on Sidereal Astrology; Symbolism of the Constellations. Contributed a column entitled "Solunars" monthly to American Astrology magazine. President and Founder of the Irish Astrological Society. Fellow of the American Federation of Astrologers. Fellow of the Federation of British Astrologers. Komandoro of the Universal Order of Antares (in Trieste).

See also:
♦ Commanding and Obeying Signs ♦ Synetic Vernal Point


Astro*Index Copyright © 1997 Michael Erlewine