13 articles for "Meridian"
Meridian [Astro*Index]A great circle which passes through the north and south terrestrial poles. It refers to the great circle on the celestial sphere which passes through the observer's zenith and nadir, the north and south points of the horizon, and the north and south celestial poles. It is divided into two semi-circles: the upper meridian, which lies above the horizon; and the lower meridian, which lies beneath the horizon.
See also:Meridian [Prima]
♦ North Point ♦ Great Circle ♦ Coordinate Systems ♦ Horizon ♦ Zenith ♦ Terrestrial Pole ♦ Celestial Sphere ♦ Celestial Pole ♦ Nadir
The great circle passing through the north and south points of the horizon and through the zenith of the observer. The sun lies on the meridian at apparent Noon.
See also:Meridian [Munkasey M.]
♦ North Point ♦ Great Circle ♦ Coordinate Systems ♦ Horizon ♦ Zenith ♦ Terrestrial Pole ♦ Celestial Sphere ♦ Celestial Pole ♦ Nadir
Usually used in the sense of the "local meridian". Thereare also meridians of places, and if this term is used in that sense then the distinction should be so made. The Meridian is that great Circle of the Celestial Sphere which passes through the Zenith, Nadir, and the North and South Points of the Horizon. This is an important astrological circle.
See also:Meridian Angle [Astro*Index]
♦ North Point ♦ Great Circle ♦ Coordinate Systems ♦ Horizon ♦ Zenith ♦ Terrestrial Pole ♦ Celestial Sphere ♦ Celestial Pole ♦ Nadir
That angular distance, measured along the celestial equator, from the observer's upper meridian to the hour circle of a body. The meridian angle is measured east or west and so labeled.
See also:Meridian Angle [Munkasey M.]
♦ Angular Distance ♦ Celestial Equator ♦ Meridian ♦ Hour Circle
That arc of the Celestial Equator between the localmeridian (or the meridian of a place) and the hour circle of a body. Meridian Angle is measured East (E), or West (W), and so labeled. See also "Local Hour Angle". LHA and t are the same measurements except for their directional attributes, as LHA is measured westward only.
See also:Meridian Chart [Prima]
♦ Angular Distance ♦ Celestial Equator ♦ Meridian ♦ Hour Circle
One of the charts used in the Hamburg School or Uranian system of astrology.
It uses Meridian houses — first house cusp is the equatorial ascendant and the tenth cusp is the midheaven.
It represents the psychology, individuality, and soul purpose of the native.
See also:Meridian Distance [Astro*Index]
♦ Hamburg School ♦ Meridian Houses
The angular difference in right ascension between a body and either the upper or lower meridian.
See also:Meridian Distance [Munkasey M.]
♦ Right Ascension ♦ Meridian
The distance in Right Ascension between a Signifi-cator and either the MC or the IC.
See also:Meridian Distance [DeVore]
♦ Right Ascension ♦ Meridian
The distance between a given point along the celestial equator and the Midheaven or Imum Coeli; usually expressed in hours and minutes.
See also:Meridian House System [Astro*Index]
♦ Right Ascension ♦ Meridian
(Also called the Zariel House System, and Axial rotation House System).
Houses are obtained through the use of equal 30°-divisions of the celestial equator, starting at the vernal point, projected onto the ecliptic using hour circles. This is a favorite house systems of the Uranian astrologers. In this house system, the first house cusp is equivalent to the equatorial ascendant.
See also:Meridian House System [Prima]
♦ House Cusp ♦ House System ♦ Uranian Astrology ♦ Meridians ♦ Right Ascension ♦ Axial Rotation House System ♦ Celestial Equator ♦ Vernal Point ♦ Ecliptic ♦ Hour Circle
One of several house systems.
The Meridian house system was proposed by the Australian astrologer Zariel (David Cope) in the early 1900s. It has never received much attention but was investigated by American astrologers Bruce Lloyd and Garth Allen in the late 1950s. This system is also referred to as the "Axial-Rotation System" (a misleading term, as no rotation is involved), the "Zariel house system," and the "Equatorial house system." It is the chosen method in the Uranian system of astrology.
In the Meridian house system, the eleventh cusp is what the midheaven would be exactly two hours later in sidereal time, the twelfth cusps four sidereal hours later, the first cusp (equatorial ascendant) six sidereal hours later, and so on around the chart.
Equal midheaven houses on the equator are projected (via meridians of right ascension) to the ecliptic. Each house is exactly two sidereal hours long. The MC is the cusp of the tenth house and the Equatorial Ascendant is the cusp of the first house (the latter is a point often inserted as "Eq." in charts that have not been calculated with Meridian houses).
See also:Meridian Passage [Astro*Index]
♦ House Cusp ♦ House System ♦ Uranian Astrology ♦ Meridians ♦ Right Ascension ♦ Axial Rotation House System ♦ Celestial Equator ♦ Vernal Point ♦ Ecliptic ♦ Hour Circle
The passage of a body, due to the Earth's rotation, across a designated meridian.
See also:Meridian Passage [Munkasey M.]
♦ Axial Rotation ♦ Meridian
The passage or movement of a body, due to the Earth's rotation, over a designated meridian.
See also:
♦ Axial Rotation ♦ Meridian
Astro*Index Copyright © 1997 Michael Erlewine
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