4 articles for "Elongation"
Elongation [Astro*Index]The angular distance of an interior planet from the Sun, as seen from the Earth. The maximum elongation Venus can attain is 48°; the maximum elongation Mercury can attain is 28°.
See also:Elongation [Prima]
♦ Angular Distance
The angular distance of an interior planet from the Sun as seen from the Earth. Mercury and Venus are the only interior planets: the maximum elongation Venus can attain is 48°; the maximum elongation Mercury can attain is 28°.
See also:Elongation [Munkasey M.]
♦ Angular Distance
The maximum angular distance between a planet and theSun, as seen from the Earth.
See also:Elongation [DeVore]
♦ Angular Distance
(a) The angular distance of an inferior, or interior, planet from the Sun, as viewed from the Earth. The maximum elongation which Mercury attains is 28 degrees; Venus, 46 degrees. Consequently in a birth map the only aspects Mercury can form to the Sun are a conjunction and semi-sextile; Venus, these and a semi-square.
(b) The farthest distance of any planet from the Sun; aphelion.
See also:
♦ Angular Distance ♦ Aphelion
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