Astro*Dictionary by Michael Erlewine
2 articles for "Masculine"
Masculine Degrees [DeVore]According to H. L. Cornell, M.D., these are:
Aries: | 8-15-30 |
Leo: | 5-15-30 |
Sagittarius: | 2-12-30 |
Taurus: | 11-21-30 |
Virgo: | 12-30 |
Capricorn: | 11-30 |
Gemini: | 16-26 |
Libra: | 5-20-30 |
Aquarius: | 5-21-27 |
Cancer: | 2-10-23-30 |
Scorpio: | 4-17-30 |
Pisces: | 10-23-30 |
Should the Ascendant be in one of these degrees the native, even if a woman, will be of masculine appearance in some respects.
See also:Masculine Signs [Astro*Index]
♦ Degree
The odd-numbered Fire and Air Signs are considered to be more fortunate when rising, and are spoken of as the Positive, Masculine, Diurnal or Fortunate Signs; while the even-numbered Earth and Water Signs are termed the Negative, Feminine, Nocturnal or Unfortunate Signs.
v. Signs, Masculine and Feminine.
See also:
♦ Signs
Astro*Index Copyright © 1997 Michael Erlewine
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