2 articles for "Pluto"
Pluto [Prima]
One of the 10 major planets.
Ruler of Scorpio.
Power, transformation, regeneration, elimination, destruction, brings to light that which was previously hidden.
Intense, probing, penetrating.
Birth and death, conception, awareness of the impermanence of life, sexuality, atomic energy, upheavals, crisis, willful confrontation (with self or others), the occult, researchers, detectives, psychological and emotional ties, the depths.
An intense, forceful person; one who is good at getting to the bottom of a situation and bringing out its deepest aspects; total focus and concentration; a survivor; recovery from fatal illness; full regeneration; one who must handle the power of the collective; psychologists; politicians.
In the business chart: Business mergers, crisis conditions, power struggles, and contentiousness in matters of the houses Pluto occupies or rules; sharing is both a problem and a solution.
See also:Pluto [DeVore]
♦ Planets ♦ Scorpio
The outermost planet of the solar system so far identified, was discovered in 1930. It lies 800 million miles beyond Neptune. The nearest conjunction of Neptune and Pluto occurred in 1892. A previous exact conjunction occurred in prehistoric times, and will not recur for several thousand years, when they will remain close together for 100 years. As 3 Neptune revolutions take 494Y and 2 of Pluto 496y, an approximate conjunction occurs every 492.328 years.
Pluto was discovered by Percival Lowell, who delayed publication of the news until his birthday, March 13, 1930 — the day on which Uranus had been discovered 140 years before.
The name Pluto, beginning with P.L., the initials of the discoverer was suggested by an eleven-year-old English girl.
The size or volume of Pluto has not been ascertained, but its mass is less than that of the Earth. The extreme eccentricity of its orbit brings it at times nearer to the Sun than Neptune. There is no certainty that the orbits do not cross, in which event a collision is not impossible. Experience seems to increase the probability of the eventual discovery of other Trans-Neptune planets. v. Solar System.
See also:
♦ Solar System ♦ Planets ♦ Scorpio
Astro*Index Copyright © 1997 Michael Erlewine