9 article for "Polar"
Polar Ascendant [Astro*Index]The point formed by the intersection of the Hour Circle drawn through the East Point on the Horizon, and the Ecliptic.
See also:Polar Ascendant [Munkasey M.]
♦ Hour Circle ♦ East Point ♦ Horizon ♦ Ecliptic
A sensitive point of the horoscope which is formed by the intersection, in the West, of the Earth's Polar Axis extended as a circle, and the Ecliptic.
See also:Polar Axis Circle [Astro*Index]
♦ Hour Circle ♦ East Point ♦ Horizon ♦ Ecliptic
Great circle on the celestial sphere perpendicular to the celestial equator and passing through the north and south celestial poles.
See also:Polar Axis Circle [Munkasey M.]
♦ Ecliptic ♦ Celestial Equator ♦ Celestial Pole
That Great Circle of the Celestial Sphere which passes through the North and South Poles of the Celestial Sphere, and the East and West points of the Horizon. This circle is used to define the Polar Ascendant.
See also:Polar Charts [Astro*Index]
♦ Ecliptic ♦ Celestial Equator ♦ Celestial Pole
This term refers to the charts of persons born at very northern or southern latitudes, loosely within the Arctic and Antarctic Circles. There are at least a million of these people. There are certain features inherent in the astrology of these charts, which makes the study of them fascinating, representing a group of people who are astrologically unique. The most striking feature is that at certain times of the year they have 24 hrs. of darkness, and at other times 24 hrs. of daylight. Many house systems do not function at all, and others have houses that stretch over several signs, and squeeze several signs into one house.
See also:Polar Descendant [Munkasey M.]
♦ House System ♦ Arctic Circle ♦ Antarctic Circle
That point in space 1800 from where the Co-Polar Axis intersects with the Ecliptic. This is opposite from the PAS.
See also:Polar Distance [Munkasey M.]
♦ Horizon ♦ Polar Ascendant ♦ Hour Circle
This is a measurement of arc equal to ninety degrees minus the declination of a body.
See also:Polar Elevation [Astro*Index]
♦ Astronomy ♦ Co-Declination
Polar elevation or polar altitude is the height of the pole above the Horizon at a given place, and is equal to that place's latitude or angular distance from the equator.
See also:Polar Elevation [DeVore]
♦ Pole ♦ Angular Distance
The Elevation of the Pole, or the Pole of the Descendant, is relative to the north or south latitude of the place for which a map is erected. Proceeding northward from the Equator the North Pole appears to rise up toward the zenith. The elevation of the Pole at London is 51° 30' — the latitude of the city. The Poles of the Houses increase as they recede from the Imum Coeli and the Midheaven, which have no polar elevation, toward the Ascendant and Descendant. The cusps of the intermediate Houses, have polar elevation proportional to the positions at which they cut the Prime Vertical or Circle of Observation — the circle in which a person stands when facing South.
The formula whereby to ascertain the Pole of a planet, is one-third of the planet's semi-arc: the difference of elevation of the two cusps:: the planet's cuspal distance: its proportional polar distance. To ascertain the cuspal distance of a planet from the Oblique Ascension of the cusp, subtract the planet's Oblique Ascension or Descension under the pole of that cusp.
To find the Oblique Ascension of a cusp — add 30° to the Right Ascension of the Midheaven for each successive House eastward.
To find the Oblique Descension, subtract 30° for every House westward from the Midheaven.
See also:
♦ Pole ♦ Angular Distance
Astro*Index Copyright © 1997 Michael Erlewine
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