7 articles for "Secondary "
Secondary Chart, Tobey's [Astro*Index]Also known as Mirror Chart or Arabic Chart. Carl Payne Tobey constructed this chart using a traditional arabic parts formula (a mathematical synthesis of three points on the horoscope): ascendant + planet - sun = point of planet. In this system, the part of fortune is same as the moon's secondary position. This chart essentially gives a "part" for each planet in terms of the ascendant and the sun, traditionally two of the three most important components of any chart, the other being the moon. The question then arises: If "fortune" is the synthesis of the ascendant, sun, and moon, what is the synthesis of the other planets with the ascendant and the sun? [Did Tobey propose anything here?] The ascendant in this chart is computed by the formula (2 x Ascendant) - Sun, taking the least angular separation between the ascendant and the sun and moving it from the ascendant in the opposite direction. For example, given an ascendant of 22 Libra 24, a sun position of 3 Cancer 29, and an angular separation of 108 55. 108 55 is then added to the ascendant moving in the direction opposite to that in which the sun lies closest to the ascendant (in this case in the order of the signs). The result is 11 Aquarius 19. Algebraically, this is (2 x 202 24) - 93 29. Tobey used equal houses. Meier favors unequal houses, derived from a table of houses using the secondary chart's ascendant. The position of the sun in Tobey's secondary chart is always equal to the position of the ascendant in the original chart, and all planets remain in their same relative house positions. Meiers' cites the following interpretive techniques for Tobey's secondary chart: 1) Find where the secondary ascendant falls within the natal house scheme. This house is emphasized in a person's life such that it may seem to others as if the natal sun resides there. 2) The sign on the cusp of this house in the secondary chart, and its ruler, indicate how the individual deals with the matters of the house highlighted in the natal chart. 3) The secondary chart can be progressed and is sensitive to transits.
See also:Secondary Distance [Astro*Index]
♦ Part of Fortune
In directing planets to mundane aspects, it will seldom occur that the planet and the significator will be found exactly on the cusp of a house. Therefore, the proper place at which a planet will form a partile mundane aspect is found by proportion of semi-arc and primary distance of significator and planet.
See also:Secondary Progressions [Astro*Index]
♦ Direction ♦ Partile Aspect ♦ Mundane Aspect ♦ Significator ♦ Semi-arc ♦ Primary Distance
Those progressions based on the formula "a day in the ephemeris is as a year in a person's life." Thus, the positions of the planets 22 days after birth are related to the 22nd year of the native's life. A secondary progressed chart is commonly set for the natal birthtime (GMT is easiest) and for an individual's present location, though any number of charts can be cast for times between birthdays, with half a day in the ephemeris corresponding to six months, 6 hours to 3 months, 2 hours to one month, etc. The angles and the moon are the most interesting points in the secondary progressed chart, since they move the fastest. Some astrologers who favor solar arc progressions add the secondary moon to their charts.
See also:Secondary Progressions [Prima]
♦ Secondary Regression ♦ Greenwich ♦ Progressions ♦ Significator ♦ Solar Arc
One of several methods of progression, it is probably the most widely favored by present-day astrologers.
Also known as "day-for-a-year" progressions, second- ary progressions are derived by equating one rotat- ional cycle of the Earth on its own axis (one mean solar day) to one orbital cycle of the Earth around the Sun (one tropical year); that is to say, each 24-hour period after birth is seen as symbolically representing one year of life.
Aspects forming among the progressed planets on these days, as well as those being made by the progressed planets to the natal chart, are seen as reflecting developments taking place in the life at the corresponding age.
Since secondary progressions are based on a relat- ionship between the solar day and the solar year, the information derived from this system is likely to be conditioned by the dominance of the solar factor, suggesting a focus on issues of identity development.
See also:Secondary Progressions [Munkasey M.]
♦ Secondary Regression ♦ Greenwich ♦ Progressions ♦ Significator ♦ Solar Arc
A popularly used for of predictive astrologywhich equates one day of planetary motion to one year of events in life. There are several variations on how to calculate the "one day for one year" theme. E.g., the 15th day after one's birth would hold planetary patterns which would influence the 15th year of one's life.
See also:Secondary Progressions [DeVore]
♦ Secondary Regression ♦ Greenwich ♦ Progressions ♦ Significator ♦ Solar Arc
Zodiacal aspects formed by the orbital motions of the planets on successive days after birth, each day accounted the equivalent of one year of life. Aspects are calculated to the birth positions of the luminaries, planets and angles, and mutual aspects are formed between the progressed planets. The application of this system of forecasting future conditioning that may be expected to crystallize in events, involves the directing of the Midheaven, Ascendant and the Sun by their natural progress in the heavens after birth. The Sun and the Midheaven progress at an average rate of 59'08" per day (the so-called "Naibod Arc"), to form aspects to the radical positions of the planets, while the planets move at varying rates to form aspects to the radical positions of the Significators. The most dependable factor in Secondary Progressions is the advancing of the progressed Moon, forming aspects to the radical and progressed places of the planets and to the places of the Significators, which are interpreted according to the places in which the aspects fall by Sign and House.
With specific reference to the progressions of the Moon it is generally considered: that such aspects produce strong though gradual effects of about one month's duration; that the month when the progressed Moon is approaching a square to her own radical place is generally marked by accidents and infirmities, the next preceding semi-square usually giving an indication of the nature of the crisis or physical ailment that can be expected to develop; that trine and sextile aspects of the transitory and of the progressed Moon to the radical Moon generally outline favorable days and months; and that square and opposition aspects also strongly influence and that adversely, forming critical periods around the 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th day and year.
In general it is held that directions act in terms of the Radix and that when the Nativity is unfortunate no favorable direction can have the same efficacy as an adverse one; and vice versa when the Nativity is fortunate. In other words, the accidental good cannot overcome the radical evil. (v. Radix System.)
The revised Sepharial Dictionary defines Secondary Progressions somewhat misleadingly as those based upon the progress of the Moon in the zodiac. However, the aspects formed by the Moon in the Secondary system are important, and some authorities hold that unless they are of the same nature as the Primary Directions, hence tend to strengthen their operation, the primary directions will have little effect; but when they do coincide, a decided influence will be traceable in the life of the person whose chart is under con. sideration. According to this a Primary Direction would not func- tion until such time as the progressed Moon forms an aspect of a similar nature. v. Directions.
In calculating Progressions by the system of taking the positions of the planets as given in the Ephemeris for the next day following birth, as the equivalent of their progressed positions at the end of the first year of life, use may be made of this table:
01 day | = | 1 year |
02 hours | = | 1 month |
30 minutes | = | 1 week |
04 minutes | = | 1 day |
01 minutes | = | 6 hours |
10 seconds | = | 1 hour |
01 second | = | 6 minutes |
See also:Secondary Regression [Astro*Index]
♦ Secondary Regression ♦ Greenwich ♦ Progressions ♦ Significator ♦ Solar Arc
Similar to Secondary Progression, but using positions of planets prior to birth. Thus, the position of a planet 22 days prior to birth is related to the 22nd year of the native's life.
See also:
♦ Converse Directions ♦ Secondary Progressions
Astro*Index Copyright © 1997 Michael Erlewine
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