2 articles for "Translation of Light"
Translation of Light [Astro*Index]Horary astrology.
According to Lilly, translation of light occurs when two significators, having separated from a trine, sextile, or conjunction, are reunited by a planet faster than either of them which leaves an aspect with one and forms an aspect with the second. The planet from which the third and faster planet separates must occupy a place in the zodiac where the latter is dignified by rulership, triplicity, or term. In the diagram below, Venus translates the light from Jupiter to Mars, Mars having separated from an aspect with Jupiter, which is in the sign Venus rules. Translation in a horary chart signifies that the matter represented by the significators comes to pass though the planets form no aspect.
See also:Translation of Light [DeVore]
♦ Horary Astrology ♦ Rulership ♦ Triplicity ♦ Terms of the Planets ♦ Essential Dignity ♦ Perfection, Brought to
The conveyance of influence which occurs when a transiting planet, while separating from an aspect to one planet is found to be applying to an aspect to another, in which event some of the influence of the first aspected planet is imparted to the second aspected planet by a translation of light. For example, assume an Horary Figure in which Jupiter or Saturn, the Significators of the parties to the negotiation of an agreement, are in no aspect to each other; but Venus while separating from Jupiter is applying to an aspect of Saturn. There results a translation of light from Jupiter to Saturn, which is a powerful testimony that Venus represents a person or an idea that will bring about a settlement. The nature of the aspect, and of the aspecting and aspected planets through which the translation is accomplished, determines whether the outcome will be fortuitous.
See also:
♦ Speed of Planets ♦ Horary Astrology ♦ Rulership ♦ Triplicity ♦ Terms of the Planets ♦ Essential Dignity ♦ Perfection, Brought to
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