Our extensive selection of personalized astrological readings, written by expert astrologers in their given fields of specialization, are helpful to understand yourself and others! Click on each report to find sample reports based on celebrityes birth data.
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All reports are based on personal birth data.
Advance Natal Reports

In writing Child*Star, the author, a Montessori teacher, has brought you the best of 23 years of astrological study in addition to the fruit of 10 years' experience in the classroom. You'll find in Child*Star a first-hand understanding of the trials and joys of parenthood. In studying the child's chart—as a representation of the book of his life with many pages left to write on—we seek to understand him better in order to guide, help, and instruct him in bringing out his special uniqueness, his calling in life, his special star.
Advanced Natal Report | PDF format | 34 to 40 pages | one person reading |

Al escribir el reporte Child*Star, su autora, profesora de Montessori, utilizó lo mejor de sus 23 años de estudios astrológicos, además, el fruto de sus 10 años de experiencia en el aula. Usted encontrará en Child * Star un conocimiento de primera mano de las vicisitudes y alegrías que aprendió con la maternidad.
Al estudiar la carta astral del niño — como una representación de la obra de su vida y con muchas páginas todavía por escribirse — lo que buscamos, es el mejor entendimiento de ese pequeño, a fin de orientarlo, ayudarlo e instruirlo, para que florezca su personalidad, encuentre su vocación en la vida, para que brille su estrella interior.
Reporte Natal Avanzado | formato PDF | 34 a 40 páginas | para una persona |
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Just for Women is one of our very best reports. You get the general interpretation of the natal chart, as any good astrologer would give you; however, there is a lot more offered here. Gloria Star is a counseling astrologer – one who is very active and very much in-demand. She is also one of the most astute and intuitive astrologers we know – and, an excellent writer to boot! This combination of skills, as found in this software, is of great benefit to you. As you read your own Just for Women report, you'll know why.
Advanced Natal Report | PDF format | 30 to 40 pages | one person reading |

It's likely that you're not in a job or a career that satisfies you or you wouldn't be looking at this report. A personal Opportunities report may be a very good first step in the direction that takes you to the place you want to be. Your natal chart holds a goldmine of information about you, including what natural talents you might display and what type of job, career, or vocation would be most satisfying and rewarding to you.
Advanced Natal Report | PDF format | 20 to 25 pages | one person reading |

A Past Lives personal report is a window letting you look backwards, across the spectrum of time, in order to view the foundation of who you are today. This is an interpretation of your karmic development, as viewed through your own personal natal chart.
Advanced Natal Report | PDF format | 20 to 25 pages | one person reading |

The astrological portraits of the asteroids and Chiron have emerged through the observations of fascinated astrologers over the last century. This report informs you of their symbolic meaning and gives you insight into how they operate in your own horoscope.
Advanced Natal Report | PDF format | 14 to 17 pages | one person reading |

A Our spiritual character and needs are well defined from the instant of our births. Yet from that same moment forces around us begin to exert sometimes-overwhelming influence on the direction of our spiritual development. Though well intended these forces may move us along a path that is in fact contrary to our own best interests.
Advance Natal Report | PDF format | 20 to 25 pages | one person reading |
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