Our extensive selection of personalized astrological readings, written by expert astrologers in their given fields of specialization, are helpful to understand yourself and others! Click on each report to find sample reports based on celebrityes birth data.
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All reports are based on personal birth data.
Star*Types Readings

The Dharma Chart, Karma Chart Report is a combination of the traditional Earth-centered natal chart, which I call the Karma Chart, because it is a map of our personality and the circumstances of life into which we have been born, and the Sun-centered astronomer's chart, which I call the Dharma Chart, a map of the deep soul or spirit of each of us that lives behind the personality.
Geo/Helio Report | PDF format | 19 to 21 pages | one person reading |

Your Inclinations and Disinclinations.
Life Chakras provides an in-depth report about inclinations (propensities) and disinclinations (antipathies) - your likes and dislikes. This is the first chakra-related report based on sound astrological and astronomical techniques, the actual skeleton structure of the solar system itself.
Inclinations Report | PDF format | 15 to 20 pages | one person reading |

Although astrologers use many techniques, almost all are in agreement that the movement of the planet Saturn, the great timekeeper, is a planet that affects all of us. In particular, as Saturn moves through the astrology chart in its thirty-year cycle it marks out a path that all must follow, ready or not.
Relocation Report | PDF format | 25 to 30 pages | one person reading | current place |

What does astrology have to say about the place you were born? What if you moved to another city? How would that affect you? What about traveling to or vacationing there? What is the best place for you to live? There are just a few of the questions most of us have about relocation.
Relocation Report | PDF format | 20 to 25 pages | one person reading | current place |

Star*Types is the result of more than forty years of research and counseling by veteran astrologer Michael Erlewine. It is unique in joining the centuries-old traditional astrological chart with the modern astronomical and scientific perspective of our solar system.
Relationship Report | PDF format | 20 to 25 pages | one person reading |

Our relationships with our lover, family, friends, and co-workers goes to the very heart of life as we know it. We each are in a web of relations and, depending on who we are relating to, we can play very different roles. Knowing what our preferred role is in each of our many relationships can be very important, and that is where Star*Types Compatibility comes in.
Compatibility Report | PDF format | 20 to 25 pages | one person reading |

What are we really good for? How might we be best put to use in this life? What would we be actually happy doing? These are the questions that the Life Path Report is designed to answer.
Vocational Decisions Report | PDF format | 20 to 25 pages | one person reading |

None of us are perfect. We are born with both talents and needs. We trade on our talents to get what we need. The StarType Strategy report provides in-depth details on your natal StarType, plus sections on your particular talents and also what you need, areas of life where you may fall short.
Life Strategy Report | PDF format | 20 to 25 pages | one person reading |
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