Our extensive selection of personalized astrological readings, written by expert astrologers in their given fields of specialization, are helpful to understand yourself and others! Click on each report to find sample reports based on celebrityes birth data.
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All reports are based on personal birth data.
Forecasting Reports

Jupiter is the planet of career and life direction. One of the ancient Sanskrit words for Jupiter is 'guru' and Jupiter is literally the guide as well as the path we take through life.
A forecast of times when career and life-path decisions will be most possible for your chart.
Forecasting Report | PDF format | 20 to 24 pages | three months one person reading |

Mercury is the planet of all communications, the links and connections that keep us alert and aware of what is going on around us.
A forecast when you can expect to connect and communicate.
Forecasting Report | PDF format | 20 to 25 pages | three months one person reading |

Saturn is all about organization, control, and discipline, either exercised by ourselves or applied to us externally by some outside power, more or less our choice.
A forecast of times when career and life-path decisions will be most possible for your chart.
Forecasting Report | PDF format | 20 to 25 pages | three months one person reading |

Mars is the planet of drive and ambition, literally what motivates us and urges us on onward along whatever path we take. Mars keeps us going; it is the way we reach out and where at times push comes to shove.
A time map when real drive and ambition will be available to you.
Forecasting Report | PDF format | 20 to 25 pages | three months one person reading |

Neptune is the planet of imagination, artistic (life music, film, the arts) and also all forms of spiritual unity, including our visions of togetherness -all that we share in common.
A calendar forecast of times for spiritual and imagination events in your life.
Forecasting Report | PDF format | 20 to 25 pages | three months one person reading |

Uranus charts the path of innovation and discovery in our lives, not what stabilizes and binds us (Saturn), but what liberates and frees us.
A roadmap of when insight and discovery are most possible for you.
Forecasting Report | PDF format | 20 to 25 pages | three months one person reading |

Life Progressions gives you a sense of the big picture. The typical astrological forecast uses what are known as transits to look at upcoming planetary events and influences that will impact your chart over a specific - generally shorter - term. It is likely that you have never read a report like this, one that gives you a sense of the "big picture." It describes for you where and when you are in your life, and offers advice on how to use these times to your greatest advantage.
Forecasting Report | PDF format | 14 to 20 pages | one month one person reading |

Venus is the planet of love and compassion, everything we care about and also how we go about caring. The planet Venus not only relates to questions of romance, but is also all about our values, what we value, and the value of things in our life.
The times when your love concerns and values will be strongest.
Forecasting Report | PDF format | 20 to 25 pages | three months one person reading |

What you get in your personal Lunar Return report first is an overview of what you're likely to feel and experience through the month. Next you get a detailed, day-by-day look at significant lunar events/influences, what they mean, and some very useful advice. There are also handy keywords that quickly clue you into what's up and what to do.
Forecasting Report | PDF format | 25 to 30 pages | one person reading |

Order 6 month Report $19.95
Order 12 month Report $29.95 Sky Log
You can read your daily horoscope in the paper, or perhaps pick up one of the many astrological freebies that are available out there on the web; however, until you read a forecast prepared by a genuine astrological expert, you will not be getting what you need; in fact, you may not even be getting anything of much value at all. Sky Log is one of those reports which you will read, use—and read again!
Forecasting Report | PDF format | 28 to 33 pages | 3, 6, or 12 months one person reading |

This report really is for those of you with some astrological knowledge and experience. What's in the report? Five years in four or five pages! This is an astrologer's briefing on what's coming for you, and when; it includes intuitive keywords and phrases, helping you tune into the impact of an event.
Forecasting Report | PDF format | 4 to 5 pages | 24 months one person reading |

Once a year, right around the time of your birthday, the Sun returns to the place it occupied at the instant of your birth. This event begins your personal NEW YEAR. It sets the tone for whatever influences and events you may experience that year. A Solar Return report describes the influences that, astrologically, will be affecting you, and also examines, in great detail, what events are to be expected, and when these are likely to occur.
Forecasting Report | PDF format | 40 to 50 pages | one person reading |

Order 6 month Report $19.95
Order 12 month Report $29.95 TimeLine
TimeLine is the most comprehensive forecasting report that incorporates several techniques commonly used by astrologers.
Progressions, transits, and directions all in one report!
Forecasting Report | PDF format | 25 to 35 pages | 3, 6, or 12 months one person reading |

Reporte de 6 meses $19.95
Reporte de 12 meses $29.95 TimeLine en Español
TimeLine es el informe de predicción más completo que existe en el mercado, incorpora simultaneamente las técnicas mas utilizadas por los astrólogos:
Progresiones, tránsitos y direcciones... y todo combinado en un solo reporte!
Reporte de Predicción Astrológica | formato PDF | 25 a 35 páginas | reporte de 3, 6, ó 12 meses para una persona |
Haga clic para una muestra PDF

Pluto stands for true transformation, experiences that touch us so deeply, make us feel so vulnerable, that we are somehow changed forever.
A day-by-day guide to times of real change and transformation.
Forecasting Report | PDF format | 20 to 25 pages | three months one person reading |
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