Our extensive selection of personalized astrological readings, written by expert astrologers in their given fields of specialization, are helpful to understand yourself and others! Click on each report to find sample reports based on celebrityes birth data.
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All reports are based on personal birth data.
Chinese Astrology Reports

The following report is a map of the interactions, changes, and possible transformations of a ten-year period. This report comes complete with traditional interpretations, and has guidelines on how to anticipate obstacles and enhance opportunities. By studying this map, you will be better equipped to know when to reach out and advance and when to hold back and conserve. We hope you enjoy your Annual Four Pillar Report.
Chinese Report | PDF format | 17 to 27 pages | one person reading |

The Ten-Year Luck Cycles are one of the primary ways Chinese Astrologers anticipate what will happen to us during our lifetime. Each section lasts ten years, and during these years, certain 'luck' or luck factors are in force, influencing us. By knowing in advance what these factors are, it is possible to shape these forces to our advantage, lessening the impact of the difficult parts and enhancing the effect of the better parts.
Chinese Astrology Report | PDF format | 17 to 25 pages | one person reading |

If we had to sum up, in a single word, what Four Pillars Astrology is all about, that word would be balance. Balance is the key to unlocking one's individual destiny as it is coded in the Four Pillars – the hour, day, month, and year of birth. Four Pillars Astrology provides us with a unique viewpoint, offering an alternate (but complementary) view of our life in comparison to the one western astrology provides.
Chinese Report | PDF format | 19 pages | one person reading |
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