Socrates – The Man, His Ideas, and His Horoscope Date Published:David Perkins arrived Dec.17, 1953, 97 degrees 20 minutes west longitude, 32 degrees 45 minutes north lattitude, around the time when local banks and government offices were about to close. Growing up on B-52 bases across America, David became an All American swimmer and serious student, with interests in science, history, people, art and the "unknown."
David graduated from the University of Texas at Arlington in 1977 with a degree in Psychology, teaching credenticals, and a desire to help others. His interest with metaphysics began as a child often gazing at the stars, and in high school when taught how to read tarot cards.
Interest in astrology began while working on an assigned behavioral statistics lab project (the results of which showed this ancient art of describing and predicting behavior outperformed the other standard methods used in psychology. David has since been on four different continents studying astrology's history, philosophy, methods, and uses within many cultures.
Since 1983, David's astrological / metaphysical work has been published throughout Europe, from technical articles in journals - to magazine entertainment pieces and weekly forecasts. In 1985 he completed the first ever instructional and certification course ever given for Astro*Carto*Graphy in San Francisco under it's developer, the late Jim Lewis.
For 10 years he was the featured astrologer in Germany's largest weekly woman's magazine, "Bild der Frau", and currently has a weekly question & answer metaphysical column appearing in Kurier Szczecinski (Szczecin, Poland).
Combining psychology and astrology in his writings to assist people find solutions and direction is David's main calling and scientific side. On the artistic side David has founded FUTURE CIRCUS, a traveling educational program giving students in poorer regions the opportunity to create various forms of music, imagery, and perfomace art using computer technology as well as assisting Szczecin's Teatr Wspolczesny (The Modern Theater of Szczecin). with the creation of video, music, and animation effects.
E-mail at astrodavid@hotmail.com
It is quite common for astrologers to create horoscopes for current presidents (or presidents-to-be), movie stars, and many other types famous people, mainly since this is what newspapers and magazines usually request for their pages. Occasionally however, the rare request comes for an important historical figure to be described, which not only offers a refreshing change, but also of course offers a whole new set of challenges in interpretation.
A philosophy professor - who later in life became impressed with the results astrology - recently asked for a character analysis of one of his idols, Socrates. While much has been passed down concerning the thoughts and ideas of this great thinker, very little indeed is known about Socrates the man. Since our subject is from ancient history, we of course have very few accounts to give us any insight to his personality, (the very reason the request to study the horoscope was made). Here then, are some descriptions of the possible personality tendencies and characteristics of the one who had a lot to do with shaping the thoughts of western civilization.
Socrates birth was recorded as being May 20, 466 B.C. at 12 noon in Athens, Greece. One of the ancient astrological accounts for that day reports "all planets were in the sky to greet those born at this hour", meaning that all the known planets were above the horizon at his time of birth. This statement was true for people living at that time, since they thought Saturn to be the outermost planet. The three unknown planets at this time, Pluto, Neptune, and Uranus, were all below the horizon at his time of birth, making this statement in need of correction.
The planet Uranus (05° * 04') just below and conjunct his ascendant is a strong feature in his chart. Uranus describes how one relates with revolution, invention, innovation, sudden change, and the unexpected. Uranus placed in the first house suggests one who is eccentric, loves change (and causing it), and one who may be unusual in appearance or mannerisms. These characteristics then, not only describe his philosophy, but aspects of his personal life and physical body as well.
Even though Socrates was a practical Taurus, his Leo ascendant suggests he felt very comfortable, and even enjoyed, being in front of an audienceEven though Socrates was a practical (and probably patient) Taurus, his Leo ascendant (ASC 29° * 04') suggests he felt very comfortable, and even enjoyed, being in front of an audience. Leo, as you know, has a sense for drama, and writings show that his students were often entertained with dramatic, and humorous examples while expressing his views.
Other factors near the ascendant gave him a keen sense to details, in observation and expression. More than likely he used common observations from nature to use as examples for his complex, abstract ideas, making them easier to understand. His mastery of building an entire theory from one simple observation would have made him an excellent politician - then, as well as today.
In the 11th house we can find his Moon (26° * 07'), which describes his emotional nature. A Cancer Moon is usually very traditional, sensitive, and has a strong need for intimacy. Even though his thoughts were of a revolutionary nature, we can see that his emotional nature was quite the opposite. Many of Socrates ideas survived from his most famous student, Plato. It is from Plato's writings that we can see which of Socrates ideas came from his mind, and which from his heart.
Even thought Socrates had some radical ideas for his time concerning human nature, his emotions ruled when it came to political concepts, for he was actually against democracy. A Cancer Moon suggests one who would want a government closely resembling a traditional family, with a strong 'absolute figurehead' as the leader.
How we approach relationships can be see by the Moon, as well as elements in, and aspecting the 7th house (the house of relationships). Since there are no planets in his 7th house, the sign of the zodiac influencing it, Aquarius (29° * 15'), describes his tendencies in romance. He probably had many loves, probably with several of these going on at the same time. The Aquarius nature enjoys taking things to the extreme, so it is highly possible he experienced all the "far out" places where a man of this time could go to satisfy these desires. In Athens around 450 B.C., one popular place men would go provided a small swimming pool filled with honey, and young maidens.
In the 10th house, (the house of profession and career), we find three planets that would describe his style, and success. Mercury (17° * 15') showing strong skills in communication, Venus (12° * 41') giving artistic flair and beauty to his expression, and Jupiter (25° * 56') representing wisdom and expanding the already philosophical talents to a higher level. During his birth, the planet Venus was retrograde (RX), which from the earth, giving the illusion the planet is moving backwards.
In chart interpretation, a retrograde either delays, confuses, or changes the energy that planet has come to represent. As those of you who have studied philosophy will remember, Socrates was one of first to explore in depth the concepts of beauty. He not only simply enjoyed something beautiful, he attempted to find out why humans perceived certain things as beautiful. He also believed one expanded the idea of beauty, if one knew the truth behind the object, or experience.
Finally, the planet Saturn (05° * 51') in the 12th house (the house of the hidden and unknown) shows that there was a very responsible approach when he explored the unknown. It was this aspect that probably started all of modern science down the road to proper investigation - for discipline of Saturn in this position would make for a very methodical approach to 'testing' ideas and formulas. We must remember at this time in history, ideas were formed, and acted upon, due to superstitions and myths. For one to create a responsible system of testing scientific beliefs and theory at this time is really incredible, if you stop to think about it. If Socrates wants to be remembered in some way, I'm sure it would please him not that we remember all his theories and ideas, but simply that we stop to think about things that are around us . . .
© Copyright: David Perkins
Other articles by David Perkins:
Religion Through the Astrological Ages
Astrology and the Star of Bethlehem