2 articles for "Collection of Light"
Collection of Light [Astro*Index]Also called collection; occurs when a planet slower in speed than two others is successively aspected by two planets which have either separated from an aspect or do not aspect at all. Used today in horary astrology, and as with translation, when two ruling planets in the horary chart are of no use in answering the question. Collection establishes a relationship between the planets and gives an answer to the question. Example: Venus at 18° Leo, Mars at 15° Leo, and Jupiter at 23° Scorpio. Venus separates from a conjunction with Mars but both planets successively square Jupiter, which collects their lights.
See also:Collection of Light [DeVore]
♦ Translation of Light
When a planet is in aspect to two other bodies which are not within orbs of each other, a collection of light results through the action of the intermediary planet. It denotes that the affairs represented by the two bodies whose light has been thus collected, will be forwarded by a third person, described by the intermediary planet, providing both bodies receive the intermediary in one of their dignities. Used in Horary Astrology. Other authors confine it to a larger planet aspected by two smaller, with the interpretation that if the smaller do not receive the larger in one of their dignities, the intermediary will feel no interest in the affair, nor will it prosper.
See also:
♦ Translation of Light
Astro*Index Copyright © 1997 Michael Erlewine