7 articles for "Mutual"
Mutual Application [Astro*Index]Two planets that form aspects with each other at the same time.
These instances hold:
1) A faster planet retrograde applies dexter (ahead in the zodiac) to a slower planet direct;
2) A faster planet direct applies sinister (behind in the zodiac) to a slower planet retrograde.
In horary astrology, mutual application between significators is said to be a hastening influence. These two cases are represented in the figures below. In the first, retrograde Mars at 8 degrees Gemini is dexter square Jupiter at 6 degrees Pisces. In the second, Mars at 8 degrees Gemini is sinister square retrograde Jupiter at 10 degrees Virgo.
See also:Mutual Application [DeVore]
♦ Applying Aspect ♦ Direct Motion ♦ Retrograde Motion ♦ Horary Astrology
This results when the applying body is in direct motion, and the body to which it applies is in retrograde motion. In other words, each is in motion towards the other.
See also:Mutual Aspect [Astro*Index]
♦ Applying Aspect ♦ Direct Motion ♦ Retrograde Motion ♦ Horary Astrology
Most commonly, the aspect formed by two or more bodies at some specific time, rather than the aspect formed by a transiting, progressed or directed body to some point in a natal chart. Less frequently, an aspect between two planets or "solid" bodies, rather than one formed by a planet and a sensitive point.
See also:Mutual Aspect [Prima]
♦ Aspect ♦ Transitory Aspect ♦ Aspect Table ♦ Progressed Aspect ♦ Directional Aspect ♦ Sensitive Point
Mutual aspects are the aspects present between the planetary positions of one chart and those of another. PRIMA offers this feature in the form of a standard aspect table, which indicates whether the aspects involved are applying, separating, or exact.
Mutual aspects not only show how one person's chart will be affected or influenced by another's, but they also reveal which planets in both charts will be activated simultaneously (by transits, for example).
See also:Mutual Aspect [DeVore]
♦ Aspect ♦ Transitory Aspect ♦ Aspect Table ♦ Progressed Aspect ♦ Directional Aspect ♦ Sensitive Point
v. Aspects.
See also:Mutual Reception [Astro*Index]
♦ Aspect
Two planets occupying each other's dignities. Reception by ruling sign is the strongest, next exaltation, then triplicity, term, or face; these last are used most in horary astrology. Mutual reception by mixed dignity is also allowed, Moon in Pisces and Venus in Cancer, where the Moon rules Cancer and Venus is exalted in Pisces. An example of mutual reception by rulership is Jupiter in Aries and Mars in Sagittarius, where each planet is in the sign ruled by the other. In horary astrology, mutual reception is said to indicate a sympathy, concordance, or exchange of affinities between two planets. If the planets are significators, mutual reception may be sufficient cause to give an affirmative judgment in the question.
See also:Mutual Reception [DeVore]
♦ Essential Dignity ♦ Exaltation ♦ Triplicity ♦ Face ♦ Horary Astrology ♦ Significator
Said of two planets mutually posited in each other's essential dignities. For example, with Jupiter in Aries, the Sun's place of exaltation; and the Sun in Cancer, Jupiter's place of exaltation: Sun and Jupiter are said to be in mutual reception. This is accounted a configuration of singular amity and agreement. By some authorities, the term is confined to the placement of the two planets, each in a house or sign ruled by the other.
See also:
♦ Essential Dignity ♦ Exaltation ♦ Triplicity ♦ Face ♦ Horary Astrology ♦ Significator
Astro*Index Copyright © 1997 Michael Erlewine