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Astro*Dictionary by Michael Erlewine





9 articles for "Progressed"

Progressed Angles [Astro*Index]

The basic angles of the chart, (Ascendant, Midheaven, and sometimes Vertex and Equatorial Ascendant), as obtained by any method of progression or direction.

See also:
♦ Angles ♦ Progressions ♦ Directions ♦ Cusp
Progressed Angles [Prima]

With progressed charts of any type, various methods can be used to progress the angles. Except for true progressed angles, house cusps can be either uniformly progressed by the same arc or derived from the progressed midheaven (see cusp type).

- All house cusps are true-house-cusp positions calculated for an exact progressed moment. This method makes progressions a very sensitive and precise method. Even in the case of secondary progressions, one month gives appr. one sign difference for house positions;

Solar Arc - The natal houses are progressed forward by the true solar arc, thus moving through the zodiac at a rate of approximately 1 degree per year;

Naibod Arc
- The natal houses are progressed forward by the mean (or Naibod) solar arc, thus moving through the zodiac at a rate of 59'08" per tropical year (0°.98564733);


See also:
♦ Angles ♦ Progressions ♦ Directions ♦ Cusp
Progressed Aspect [Astro*Index]

Aspect that a body makes with another body or sensitive point in the natal chart, after the body in question has progressed a certain number of days. Strictly speaking, the aspects that the various progressed bodies make amongst themselves should be called mutual aspects.

See also:
♦ Aspect ♦ Progressions ♦ Sensitive Point ♦ Mutual Aspect
Progressed Epoch [Astro*Index]

A moment of time; a device used to compute Progressions. Planetary positions computed for the Epoch are said to correspond (by Progression) with a specific Event Date in the life of an individual. Let:     dT = (EVENT-BIRTH) then,     EPOCH = BIRTH ñ dT/K where K is the constant "1 year/day", expressed in appropriate units. When the + sign is used, the epoch is called the Progressed Epoch; when the - sign is used, the epoch is called the Regressed Epoch.

See also:
♦ Epoch ♦ Progressions
Progressed Hits [Astro*Index]

A list of aspects by date and type using any system of direction, progression, or transits. This is a powerful feature of some current astrological computer programs.

See also:
♦ Aspect ♦ Directions ♦ Progressions ♦ Transit
Progressed Horoscope [Munkasey M.]

Any one of many different systems of rules for Directing a Natal horoscope forward in time so that the directed horoscope can symbolize the astrological influences in the Native's life for the period that the horoscope is directed to. The two most popular of these systems are called: "Secondary Progressions"; and "Solar Arc".

See also:
♦ Progressions ♦ Gradial Transit, Arc of
Progressed Horoscope [DeVore]

One erected for a date that is as many days after a given birth date as the native's age in years. v. Directions.

See also:
♦ Directions ♦ Progressions ♦ Gradial Transit, Arc of
Progressed Sidereal Solar Return     PSSR [Astro*Index]

This chart is calculated as follows: Taking the difference in Sidereal Time between two consecutive solar returns, adding 24 hours, and dividing the sum by the mean length of the sidereal year of 365.253842 days gives the mean daily increase in Sidereal Time. The number of elapsed days from the Solar Return to the Event Date is multipled by this rate, and the result added to the RAMC of the current sidereal solar return to obtain the progressed sidereal solar return, or PSSR.

See also:
♦ Mean Sidereal Time ♦ Sidereal Time ♦ Solar Return ♦ RAMC
Progressed Synodic Lunation [Astro*Index]

A progressed technique in which each transiting synodic lunation is as a year in an individual's life.

See also:
♦ Synodic Lunation


Astro*Index Copyright © 1997 Michael Erlewine


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