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Astro*Dictionary by Michael Erlewine





4 articles for "Synodic"

Synodic Lunation [Astro*Index]

The return through transit of the natal synodic solunar angle, occurring every 29.53059 days.

See also:
♦ Progressed Synodic Lunation
Synodic Month [Astro*Index]

Time from one New Moon to the next.

See also:
♦ Month ♦ New Moon
Synodic Period [Astro*Index]

[Gr. sunhodos, meeting, assembly, a coming together; by extention, conjunction; Ptolemy's word for new Moons (Tetrabiblos II.12)]

The average time-interval between two successive conjunctions (both inferior or both superior) of an inferior planet, or two successive oppositions of a superior planet.

See also:
♦ Inferior Conjunction ♦ Inferior Planet ♦ Superior Conjunction ♦ Superior Planet
Synodic Period [Munkasey M.]

The period in a cycle from one conjuction of twobodies to the next conjunction. It is the interval between successive conjunctions. Quite often the Earth is one of these bodies, and the period involves the times between one Earth conjunction and the next with the body.

See also:
♦ Inferior Conjunction ♦ Inferior Planet ♦ Superior Conjunction ♦ Superior Planet


Astro*Index Copyright © 1997 Michael Erlewine