5 articles for "Transit"
Transit [Prima]One of many techniques of time analysis.
As a planet moves through the sky, it is said to be in transit. Thus transiting positions (in relation to natal positions) reflect developments over time. A transiting planet's position is its "actual-time" position (as opposed to "symbolic-time" positions of — for example — secondary progressions). Thus transits deal with actual or objective time. In interpretation, they represent the external pressures or forces that act upon one, events and situations that are encountered, etc.
See also:Transit [DeVore]
♦ Time ♦ Secondary Progressions
One of many techniques of time analysis.
The ephemeral passage of a planet over the place of any Significator, moderator or planet, or any point where it forms an aspect thereto, whether in a radix, progressed, Solar Revolution or Horary Figure. Transits are taken from the ephemeris for the current year. Generally speaking the passage of the benefic planets over, or in aspect to, the radical and progressed places of the several Significators is favorable; of the malefics unfavorable.
Kuno Foelsch, Ph.D., in his work on Transits, which actually treats of the Solar Revolution, concurs in the suggestion that during the Middle Ages it became necessary to devise some system of approximating future conditions, for the reason that Ephemerides calculated for years in advance were not then obtainable. Speaking of Transits, he expresses the confident belief that "other methods will eventually disappear, especially those which are dependent upon hypothetical elements which have no connection with the actual astronomical positions of the planets as recorded by scientifically operated observations.
See also:Transit of a planet across the Sun [DeVore]
♦ Time ♦ Secondary Progressions
A transit of Venus across the Sun can occur only when the Sun is within 1° 45' of the Node, and the Earth is passing the Node. These occur in pairs — the last two in 1874 and 1882. The next recurrence will be June 8, 2004, and June 6, 2012. Mercury transits are more frequent.
See also:Transit, Transiting [Munkasey M.]
♦ Time ♦ Secondary Progressions
(1) The apparent passage of a Body over apoint or through an area. The passage of a Planet through the sky.
(2) The apparent passage of a Body across the disk of another Body.
See also:Transiting Body [Munkasey M.]
♦ Time ♦ Secondary Progressions
The Body making a transit.
See also:
♦ Time ♦ Secondary Progressions
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