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Astro*Dictionary by Michael Erlewine





4 articles for "Epoch"

Epoch [Astro*Index]

A specific time to which other moments are referred, as in star catalogues, or planetary theories (and tables). Also used to specify the moment (near the birthdate) at which the Progressed Planets are calculated which correspond to some date in the life of an individual.


See also:
♦ Prenatal Epoch ♦ Progressed Epoch ♦ Star
Epoch [Munkasey M.]

(1) The designated time at which an astronomical observationis made.

(2) The time of a Body's Perihelion passage.


See also:
♦ Prenatal Epoch ♦ Progressed Epoch ♦ Star
Epoch [DeVore]

A point of time with reference to which other dates are calculated. Prenatal Epoch applies to a system of rectification in which the Moon's place ten lunar months previous to the birth moment becames the ascending or descending degree at the moment of birth. v. Rectification.


See also:
♦ Rectification ♦ Prenatal Epoch ♦ Progressed Epoch ♦ Star
Epoch of Date [Astro*Index]


The time at which an observation is made. Also called an observational epoch.


See also: ♦ Time


Astro*Index Copyright © 1997 Michael Erlewine