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Astro*Dictionary by Michael Erlewine





3 articles for "Paran"

Paran [Astro*Index]

A relationship between two planets such that they cross one of the major angles of the chart (ASC, MC, DESC, IC) simultaneously. If this occurs by transit, it would be shortly after birth, and if by direction, at some point later in life. The technique was known to the ancients, who relied on direct observation, but has fallen out of use, due to the complex calculations necessary to compute it. Computer astrology makes it practical, so it may come into popularity again.

Also Paranatellonton.
A paran exists between two planets which simultaneously cross different angles of the horoscope, such as one rising while the other culminates. The mathematical variables are celestial longitude, celestial latitude, right ascension, and declination.

See also: ♦ Angle ♦ Transit ♦ Culmination ♦ Directions ♦ Celestial Longitude ♦ Celestial Latitude ♦ Right Ascension ♦ Declination
Paran [Prima]

From the Greek word "paranatellonta," parans are the simultaneous rising, setting, or culmination of at least two planets or stars. "Culmination" here can be either upper (midheaven) or lower (Imum Coeli). For example, if Venus is rising on the ecliptic when Jupiter is culminating, the two planets are said to be in paran.

The following table outlines the possible paran combinations:

PLANET ONE rising and PLANET TWO setting;
          PLANET ONE rising and PLANET TWO culminating;
          PLANET ONE setting and PLANET TWO culminating
          — as well as reverse combinations.

PRIMA gives a table of rising, setting, and culminat- ing times for Sun through Node for 24 hours (midnight through midnight) for the active data. The center of the screen shows a grid of times exact to the minute. The column at the left of the screen shows culminating planets (yellow) and rising/setting planets (white) from 12 AM to 12 PM. The right side of the screen shows similar data for 12 PM to the following 12 AM.

Parans are indicated on these outside columns:
          – where a culminating point is adjacent to a rising/setting point;
          – where culminating points occur in close conjunction with one at the MC and one
            at the IC (check table to see whether planets are at MC or IC);
          – where a rising point occurs close to a setting point (check table to see whether
            planets are rising or setting).

When you have a paran, check the times in the table to see how closely the planets hit angles simultaneously: the closer the times, the stronger the paran.

See also: ♦ Angle ♦ Transit ♦ Culmination ♦ Directions ♦ Celestial Longitude ♦ Celestial Latitude ♦ Right Ascension ♦ Declination
Paran [Munkasey M.]

A value in Right Ascension which allows one to calculate the position on Earth where a body rises, sets, or culminates. Parans can be particularly helpful in showing where on Earth a Body will rise or set (i. e., where on Earth - at what geographic latitudes and longitudes - a natal planet would be conjunct the ASC or MC).

See also: ♦ Angle ♦ Transit ♦ Culmination ♦ Directions ♦ Celestial Longitude ♦ Celestial Latitude ♦ Right Ascension ♦ Declination


Astro*Index Copyright © 1997 Michael Erlewine


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