9 articles for "Precession"
Precession [Astri*Index]Also called Precession of the Equinoxes. The small change in the orientation of the Earth's axis of about 50"/year which occurs in the apparent westward motion of the equinoxes against the background of fixed stars. This is primarily due to the gravitational pull of the Moon against the Earth, and the action of the Sun's gravitational field on the Earth's equatorial bulge.
See also:Precession [Munkasey M.]
♦ Precession Cycle ♦ Equinox
That slow change in the orientation of the Earth's Axisof about 50"/Year which occurs in the apparent westward motion of the Equinoxes against the background of fixed stars. This is primarily due to the gravitational pull of the Moon against the Earth, and the action of the Sun's gravitational field on the Earth's equatorial bulge.
See also:Precession Cycle [Astro*Index]
♦ Precession Cycle ♦ Equinox
The length of time required for the Earth to swing its axis in a full circle backward through the zodiac, a period of about 25,800 yrs. It therefore takes a little over 2,000 years to precess, or move backward through, through one entire sign. This is the basis for the Great Ages. We are now near the end of the Age of Pisces, which began around the time of Christ, and near the beginning of the Age of Aquarius.
See also:Precession Cycle [Munkasey M.]
♦ Precession ♦ Great Year ♦ Age of Aquarius
The length of Lime required by the Earth to swingits Axis through a full cycle. This is about 25,800 years.
See also:Precession of Equinox and Pole [DeVore]
♦ Precession ♦ Great Year ♦ Age of Aquarius
The shape of the Earth is that of an ellipsoid: flattened at the poles and bulging at the Equator. The gravitational pull of the Moon, and to a lesser extent of the Sun, on this equatorial bulge is said to create a precessional "couple," which causes the Earth's poles of rotation to gyrate or slightly nod in a conical manner. The periods of these Nutations are diurnal, monthly and annual, in addition to the chief one, of the same period as the precessional motion of the Moon's orbit, as noted by its receding Nodes. These slight periodic perturbations of the Earth's polar axis leave residues which accumulate slowly to cause the Soli-Lunar Precession — a more extensive motion and longer in period, hence a Secular perturbation. Stockwell, taking into account all the changes in the orbits of the Earth and Moon due to the action of the planets, has shown that the mean period of this Soli-Lunar Precession is 25,694.8 years. This is the period of that steady preces- sion of the Poles which causes it to point at different stars. Thus in 2102 A.D. the North Pole will point nearly direct at Polaris. As exactly as we can tell, the North Pole pointed as nearly to Vega as it ever does — 6° away — just one-half of the cycle of Precession before the Mission of Christ. Thus the bulk of evidence of an astronomical character, mentioned under Invariable Plane (q.v.), indicates that a new cycle of Polar Precession started around 25 to 28 A.D.
If we measure the backward motion of the line of intersection of the Equator and the Ecliptic on a hypothetical Fixed Ecliptic plane, its motion would be a steady one of the same period as the Pole. This line of intersection is the Equinox, 0° Aries-Libra, which forms the start and midpoint of our Moving Zodiac. It moves backward because the Equator is shifting its position in space, due to the slow gyration or nodding motion of the Precessing Polar Axis.
However, the Ecliptic plane is not fixed. The precessing of the Ecliptic with respect to the Invariable Plane, is analogous to the motion of the Earth's Equator with respect to the Ecliptic. In addition it librates, or tilts slowly back and forth, with respect to the Invariable Plane. This has the effect of slightly changing the backward rate of motion of 0° Aries — the Equinox: now speeding it, and again retarding it. The variation is such that the general Precession — the actual as opposed to the Mean motion of the Equinox- can be plus or minus, by 281.2y, that of the Soli-Lunar Precession of 25,694.8y. Thus it can occur at rates of from 25,413.6y to 25,976 ½years. Observe that this range of variation includes: the present rate, 25,868y; the period mentioned by Plato, 25,920 years; and that memorialized in the Great Pyramid of the Egyptians, 25,827 2 years.
Another effect of this variation is the lag and lead, plus or minus 3°56', of the variable Equinox with respect to the steady poles. As the line of intersection of Ecliptic and Invariable Plane was at right angles to that of the Equinox at the time of Christ, this discrepancy had its maximum value and the Equinox led the pole. If we count back about 281 years before the three year Mission of Christ ended in the Crucifixion and Resurrection, 28 A.D., we reach early 254 B.C. as the approximate time when the Moving and Fixed Zodiacs coincided. This is in close agreement with the date 255 B.C., given by Gerald Massey, based on his extensive knowledge of Hebraic and Egyptian Culture. This may be regarded as a period of transition, whose midpoint came about 115 B.C., not greatly at variance with the date, 97 B.C., advanced by Rudhyar, and 125 B.C., by Thierens, for the start of the Piscean Age. It indicates that on the basis of actual motion the Aquarian Age commenced about 1906, although the Pole will not reach this point until about 2170 A.D. It is notable in this connection that a Great Cardinal Cross of the major planets, similar to that at the time of Christ, 25 A.D., took place on January 11, 1910, with Mars and Saturn again in Aries, and again opposing Jupiter in Libra; but with the positions of Uranus and Neptune interchanged-Uranus in Capricorn, where Neptune had been, and vice versa. Instead of a Full Moon on the Jupiter-Saturn arm of the Cross, there was a new Moon on the Uranus-Neptune arm, conjoining Uranus, the planet of the Aquarian Age, and Mercury and Venus were both in Aquarius and both direct — significant of the New Era now commencing. In 25 A.D. Neptune, the planet of the Piscean Age, had the Capricorn position, with both Mercury and Venus in Pisces, and both Retrograde.
The overall pattern seems to piece together a number of factors, and the Precession emerges as a cycle of great vitality (v. Cycles). The entrance of the Equinox into Aquarius and the Great Cross of 1910 thus account for the tremendous changes and readjustments now taking place in this predominantly Uranian cycle of transition in which we live — which gains added importance perhaps, through the fact that only in the past two Centuries have the extra-Saturnian planets been discovered. An additional significator of the crucial importance of the present Era is the fact that the Meta-Galactic Plane, the Milky Way, is crossing the plane of the Equator at 0° Cancer- Capricorn, thus making another Cross with the Equinox. The Cross is the symbol not only of crisis and readjustment, but also of "crossing over" from one phase of evolution into another. Therefore the start (Polar) of the Piscean Age and (Equinoctial) of the Aquarian Age are heralded by rare cosmic crosses that mark the Epoch as of unique significance in the evolution of humanity, wherein Man is stimulated by new energies. –Charles A. Jayne, JR.
See also:Precession of the Equinox [Prima]
♦ Age of Aquarius ♦ Ages, Astrological ♦ Precession Cycle
The "backward" motion of the vernal equinox through the zodiac against the backdrop of the fixed stars. A complete cycle takes about 25800 years. The gravitational influence of the Sun, Moon, and planets upon the Earth causes a westward movement of the point of intersection of two major planes — the equator and the ecliptic (this intersection defining the vernal equinox) — at a rate of about 50.23 seconds of arc per year.
See also:Precession of the Equinox [Munkasey M.]
♦ Vernal Equinox ♦ Fixed Stars ♦ Equator ♦ Ecliptic
Another term for "Precession Cycle"
See also:Precession of the Equinox [DeVore]
♦ Vernal Equinox ♦ Fixed Stars ♦ Equator ♦ Ecliptic
In a recent astronomical work it is defined as "that westward march of the intersection of the planes of the equator and the ecliptic, caused by the attraction of the sun, moon and planets on the protuberant mass at the earth's equator."
In doubting the correctness of this explanation, offered blandly by astronomers as an accepted fact, I maintain that this precession is due to causes similar to those which produce the precession of Moon's node — where there is no equatorial protuberation to which to attribute the phenomenon. More likely it is the result of an oscillatory or undulating motion of the entire plane of the orbit, the rate of oscillation determinable by ratios between such factors as the rate of motion of the body and of the center around which it revolves, and the relative diameters of the intersecting orbits. Although our Sun is presumed to be a member of the Milky Way Galaxy, the theory has been advanced that the Sun is a member of a sub-galaxy that is itself a part of the Milky Way Galaxy. This would mean a revolution of the Sun around the center of the sub- galaxy in a much shorter period than that of the entire Milky Way galaxy.
See also:Precession of the Moon's Node [DeVore]
♦ Vernal Equinox ♦ Fixed Stars ♦ Equator ♦ Ecliptic
v. Moon's Node.
See also:
♦ Moon's Node
Astro*Index Copyright © 1997 Michael Erlewine
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