# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Astro*Dictionary by Michael Erlewine





7 articles for "Moon"

Moon [Astro*Index]

[Greek men, month]

Moon Glyph

Satellite of the Earth which shines with the sun's reflected light. Key words: Matrix, environment, surroundings, scene, circumstances, sustenance, support structure, early environment, younger generation, sensitivity, moodiness, fluctuation, empathy, emotion, nurturing.

See also:
♦ Crescent Moon ♦ Full Moon ♦ Planets ♦ Gibbous Moon ♦ Cancer ♦ Harvest Moon ♦ Lunar Phases ♦ Hunter's Moon ♦ New Moon ♦ Orbital Elements ♦ Quarter Moon
Moon [Prima]

[Greek men, month]

One of the 10 major planets.

Ruler of Cancer.

Receptivity, emotional responses, the yin or female principle.

Instinct, nurturance, mind, reflection, fluctuation, femininity, moods.

The unconscious, one's personality, mannerisms, perceptions, the public, hereditary characteristics, domesticity, fluids, fecundity, and female figures (e.g. the woman herself, mother, and the wife in a man's chart).

Receptive, sensitive and highly adaptable. Protect- ive and maternal towards close associates.

In the business chart: The houses ruled and occupied by the moon represent public opinion and non-rational matters and can symbolize the most sensitive area of the business.

See also Lunar Phases.

See also:
♦ Crescent Moon ♦ Full Moon ♦ Planets ♦ Gibbous Moon ♦ Cancer ♦ Harvest Moon ♦ Lunar Phases ♦ Hunter's Moon ♦ New Moon ♦ Orbital Elements ♦ Quarter Moon
Moon Chart [Prima]

[Greek men, month]

Moon Glyph

One of the charts used in the Hamburg School or Uranian system of astrology.

The cusp of the tenth house is equal to the zodiacal longitude of the Moon, with equal houses around the rest of the chart.

It represents the native's disposition (mind, feelings, and emotional responses).

See also:
♦ Hamburg School
Moon, Declination of [Astro*Index]

The angular distance from the celestial equator to the center of the moon's disk, measured along an hour circle. This angle varies between 18°and 29° over a 19-year cycle.

See also:
♦ Angular Distance ♦ Celestial Equator ♦ Hour Circle
Moon, Houses [Astro*Index]

A house system obtained by placing the moon on the 10th house cusp, and adding successive 30°-houses around the wheel.

See also:
♦ House Cusp ♦ House System
Moon's Node Chart [Prima]

One of the charts used in the Hamburg School or Uranian system of astrology.

It represents the nature of one's personal contacts and relationships.

See also:
♦ Hamburg School
Moon's Nodes [DeVore]

Variously called the Ascending and Descending Nodes, the North and South Nodes, Caput Draconis or the Dragon's Head, Cauda Draconis, the Katababazon, or the Dragon's Tail. The Nodes regress about 3° of arc per diem. There is much argument as to whether any intrinsic influences repose in the Nodes comparable to the radiation emitted by reflection of a planet. In all probability the ancients read more from a Celestial Figure by virtue of a greater comprehension of the astronomical mechanics it represents, than do most moderns. The position of the Node can show whether there was an eclipse condition shortly before or after birth, whether a planet near the Node would shortly be accented by the Moon's transit, or that of the Sun, and similar and sundry factors which the modern astrologer can trace from the ephemeris but often does not. The Nodes of themselves merely point to places where something may happen at such and such a time - which of itself is no small matter. Things happen because of the time, the place and the planet, and the Node is often the middle factor in that formula (v. Moon.)

In 18 years and 10 or 11 days the Node regresses 349 degrees, hence in that period at a point 11 degrees in advance, an eclipse or a series of eclipses recurs under similar conditions. Astronomers calculate eclipses by means of the Saros Cycle rather than by the use of the ephemeris.

Placement of the Ascending Node oriental of the Line of Advantage is deemed preferable, as stimulating, among other things, increased stature. The Line of advantage joins the third decans of the Third and Ninth Houses.

The position of the Sun on the North Node in the Nativity of H. P. Blavatsky is supposed to have profoundly influenced her life. It might well be for it indicates a prenatal solar eclipse at that point only a matter of days before her birth. The ancients held that the Moon's North Node partook of the nature of Venus and Jupiter, while the South Node partook of the nature of Mars and Saturn. Probably more helpful would be the observation that a planet in close conjunction to the North Node at birth would bring honors or riches; at the South Node, poverty and afflictions and a cruel or usurious nature - according to the character of the planet so placed, as modified by the Houses thus tenanted. It is doubtless also of significance in connection with transit and progressions, particularly those of the Moon, only this would appear to involve the regressed position of the Node at the date for which the transit or progression is computed

See also:
♦ Nodes
Moon's Nodes [Prima]

The nodes of the Moon are considered so important that they are used in the same manner as the major planets, with which they are listed. Astronomically the north node (also called the ascending node) is the point where the plane of the Moon's orbit going from south to north intersects the plane of the ecliptic. The south node is the same thing when the Moon is orbiting from north to south.

The north node represents the direction in life that one needs to follow for the sake of inner growth; learning to perform actions while taking responsibility for the results; the lessons to be learned in life; that which one must receive. It is oriented toward the future.

The south node represents the direction one is coming from; the experience of the consequences of past actions; the skills and experience one has gained from the past; that which must be left behind; that which one must give; one's bequest. It is oriented toward the past.

In Uranian astrology, no distinction is made between the north and south nodes. Witte, the well-known founder of this school of astrology, states that the Node (meaning both nodes) represents: "unions, connection, junction, communication, limit, boundary, border relations." It involves personal contact with another and can represent the other person.

A similar interpretation is found in other systems of astrology as well, which ascribe to the nodes (again both, but the south node in particular) a sense of fated or karmic connection in relationships with others. The laws of action and reaction seem to be the basis of both nodes, with the former ascribed more to the north and the latter more to the south.

close relationships
family ties
marriage unions
group membership
See also:
♦ Nodes


Astro*Index Copyright © 1997 Michael Erlewine