3 articles for "Strength"
Strength of a planet [Astro*Index]In traditional astrology, a planet's strength is calculated by such factors as position by sign, house, and aspect. These are numerically weighted, and the combined total is referred to as the strength of a planet, with the strongest planet judged the ruler of the nativity.
See also: ♦ Dignity ♦ Rulership ♦ Weak Signs ♦ Sign ♦ House ♦ Aspect ♦ Power FactorStrength of a planet [DeVore]
v. Dignity, accidental or essential.
See also: ♦ DignitiesStrength of Aspects [DeVore]
The relative strength of aspects is a debatable factor, for so much depends on the intrinsic character of the rays. If you consider the rays as energy, each altered in character by virtue of the sign position of the planet from which it is emitted, the aspect determines the direction of the influence upon you as an individual. It is in the synthesis of qualitative, quantitative and directional factors that the practice of Astrology becomes both an art and a science.
See also: ♦ Aspect
Astro*Index Copyright © 1997 Michael Erlewine