An esoteric point of view into the souls.
A Past Life Report interprets your astrology chart from a metaphysical perspective.
A Past Life Report interprets your astrology chart from a metaphysical perspective. The authors believe that a person is born at a certain time not by chance, but because the astrological forces at that moment are designed to help you learn the lessons and highlight the talents that are most appropriate for you to have in this life.
A Past Life Report is an esoteric point of view and look into the souls intentions and lessons to be learned in this lifetime based on reveberations on past lifetime.
Each of the reports below interprets your past life report. The style of each author's writing is different however. It is best to view the samples first before deciding which past life report software to purchase.
Cayce Past Life English $300 Cayce Past Life French $300 Cayce Past Life German $300 Cayce Past Life Portuguese $300 Cayce Past Life by Ry Redd
This analysis of the birth chart is based on Ry Redd's study of the Edgar Cayce readings. The language of this report is in Cayce tradition: very esoteric and inspiring.
Languages available: English, German, French, Portuguese.

Karmic Insight English $125 Karmic Insight Norwegian $125
Karmic Insight by Gina Ronco
Through this in-depth report by Gina Ronco gives the reader an esoteric point of view and a look into the soul's intentions and lessons to be learned in this lifetime based on reverberations from past lifetimes. It is written in hopes that the individual may clarify their lessons and goals and illuminate their struggles. The Karmic Insight report concentrates on the aspects of the Moon (unresolved past-life issues that have been re-stimulated), the Sun (weaknesses, fears) while also interpreting all other hard and soft aspects. This is a very accurate and well-written report and is unique.
Languages available: English, and Norwegian.

Karmic Past Life English $75 Karmic Past Life Spanish $75 Karmic Past Life French $75 Karmic Past Life Portuguese $75
Karmic Past Life by Terri Rohde
The analysis focuses on the Moon's nodes and Saturn but includes interpretations of many other factors in the natal chart as well. The printout is short, about 5 to 6 pages long.
Languages available: English, French, Portuguese.

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