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A Good Way to Learn Astrology Date Published: by Bonnie Miller



I had been interested in astrology for many years and had had my natal and progressed charts done by just about everyone from friends to famous astrologers. I would pick the concepts and jargon quickly and everyone would say,

"You should learn astrology, you would be very good."
"Not me," I'd say, "too much math and pouring through tables."

And then came the wonderful computer programs that could throw up a chart in seconds. And then my friends surrounded me and I was caught.

Matrix AstrologyIt was easy to get data on friends and family; not so easy to get it on famous people, but we got it. Piles of charts were everywhere and whenever I was with one of my astrology friends, it seems that a good part of our discussions was astrological. I must say, though, that when I was with two or more of my friends who were well experienced and the conversation was zodiacal, it was for me truly celestial, that is, way over my head. I would stand up and demand that someone tell me what they were talking about. Fortunately, they had a good amount of patience; I learned a lot this way.

Of course I could not have gained much from these discussions had it not been for the other part of my education: reading aloud with a good friend from many astrology book of all kinds, from the hokey to the sublime. Studying in this way was invaluable.

We had a few approaches to this kind of study. Sometimes we would choose some charts that were of interest at the moment and then choose one "cookbook" (a book that gives meanings for the planets in the signs and houses, and meanings for aspects) and see what it had to say about the charts. Often we would laugh a lot at some of the more out-there interpretations. By far and away the most useful book was Rob Hand's Horoscope Symbols. It helped anchor the concepts without spin.

So, if you want to learn astrology (or anything else for that matter) and know some people who know something about it, spend some time with them, picking their brains, as it were. Ask questions, listen to their views and enter into discussion as much as possible. It worked for me.


© Copyright: Bonnie Miller



