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Arabian Parts (#1) — The Lunar Chart Date Published: 3/01/2001 by Dr. George Noonan


Editor's Note:
The following letter to author Kt Boehrer from Dr. George Noonan was written in fall/early winter of 1975 and, serves as an introduction to this article.


An article by Dr. George Noonan, brought to us by Kt Boehrer

Dear Kt:
The Volume 1 No. 3 Fall 1975 issue of Stellium just arrived and I enjoyed your 'Dear Sheila' column so very much. Because of your interest in the so-called 'Arabian Parts' I am enclosing a few pages from the tenth century book by al-Biruni, 'THE BOOK OF INSTRUCTION IN THE ELEMENTS OF THE ART OF ASTROLOGY.' These pages list 158 lots, or 'Arabian Parts,' most of which are unknown to modern astrologers.

The reason these lots have fallen into disuse in modern astrology is because the way in which they are used is unknown today. Your technique [Ed: here he is referring to Kt Boehrer's work] comes closest to the classical utilization of the lots. In classical times, the lots did not indicate the event, but rather indicated the indicator of the event. Your practice of requiring three planetary aspects for an event before turning to the 'Arabian Parts' is quite valid. Even more correct would be to use the ruler of the lot by the method of house, exaltation, term, trine, and decanate as well as to the ruler. But your technique will work very well in practice.

There is another very interesting use of the Lot of Fortune that is also generally unknown to modern astrologers. The 'daytime' calculation for this lot is also called the 'Lunar horoscope.' It designates the ascendant in what the classicists called the 'lunar chart' (the chart as normally calculated is called the 'solar chart'). It was through the lunar chart that the quality of the soul (personality) was assessed by the classicists. Set up your own lunar chart - I believe that you will be pleasantly surprised. The planetary positions are the same, of course, but the in-house positions change. I have enclosed the applicable parts from my book to aid you in delineation.

Please feel free to use any of this material in your magazine.

George Noonan


I now offer this most excellent work with great pleasure! KtB, the Declination Lady


The Classic Corner - by G. C. Noonan

As the ecliptic is divided into twelve equal areas measuring the apparent annual movement of the Sun, the equator is divided into twelve unequal areas measuring the apparent diurnal movement of the Sun. These areas, projected onto the ecliptic, are called 'loci'. The loci are unequal due to the fact that the hours of the day that the Sun is above the horizon are not, in general, the same as the number of hours the Sun is below the horizon. In this article, we shall discuss their significance to the science of nativities. The horoscope determines the beginning of the loci as determined by the Sun. That is, the size of each of the loci is based on the length of time between sunrise and sunset on the day that the Sun rises are the horoscopic points. The planets and stars posited in these loci constitute what is known as the Solar horoscope. This is the most well-known and popular horoscope, and in genethliacal astrology, indicates the quality of action of the native: the series of probable events that constitute the life of the native, together with his conduct and behavior.

In addition to the Solar horoscope based on the Sun, there is another division of the Moon. That point on the horizon that has the same relationship to the Moon as the horoscope has to the Sun is called the Lot Of Fortune. The Lot of Fortune determines the beginning of the division of the loci of the lunar horoscope. The Lunar horoscope indicates the quality of the native's soul: his moral and emotional nature, his temperament and psychological characteristics and his intellect and mental acuteness. The Lunar horoscope is unknown to most modern astrologers. The Solar horoscope is used in its stead to delineate the quality of soul.

While leading to some errors this is not altogether inappropriate as much of what is in the Lunar chart is also in the Solar one.

The chart, or horoscope as it is popularly called, is a map of the positions of the stars and planets as seen from the earth. The loci of the chart are areas on the horizon projected onto the ecliptic. Each locus, or area, is indicative of some particular facet of an individual's life or personality. The first three loci are indicative of those facets that combine both the body and the soul; the next three (4th, 5th and 6th), of those facets that concern the body alone without the soul; the 7th, 8th and 9th loci concern events that are essentially independent of both the body and soul of the native; and the last three loci (10th, 11th and 12th) concern the soul alone without the body.

Those readers familiar with the philosophy of Aristotle will have no problems in interpreting the meanings of 'body' and 'soul' as used above. For others a bit of explanation is in order.

The hylemorphic theory of Aristotelianism states that every object in the sense world is a union of two ultimate principles: the material constituents, or matter; and the soul, which is the form (or essence), which makes the matter (or body) the determinate kind of being it is. The union of matter and form is not an arbitrary one. The matter is in every case to be regarded as possessing the capacity for form, as being 'potentially' the formed matter. Likewise the soul has being only in the succession of its material embodiments. Matter, then, must be conceived as a locus of determinate potentialities that become actualized only through the activities of forms; the soul is the substantial form of the body and the only origin of all vital and mental performances. The soul without the body is an incomplete substance whose characteristics can only be manifested through the body.

The first three loci, therefore, are the most deterministic. They denote that peculiar combination of matter and form that constitute the individual as he was born. The next three loci indicate those facets of the native's life that have potential actuality given the cooperation of his temperament and personality. Loci 7, 8 and 9 are the facets of life brought about through the accidents of his environment. Loci 10, 11, and 12 indicate events that emanate from the soul but that must be given actuality by the body. These divisions, however, are quite general. It is now necessary to consider the meaning of each locus independently.

The first locus indicates the native's temperament and personality. The total psychology of the native, his education and mental abilities, have been correlated with the first locus. In addition, those events in very early childhood can be delineated. The horoscopic point and cusp of the first locus are also important in determining the length of the native's life. Note that the native's temperament and personality are determined from the first locus of the Lunar horoscope, while early childhood events and the length of life are correlated to the first locus of the Solar chart.

In modern astrology the second locus concerns pecuniary matters: the native' s income and possessions. This is only partially correct. In the Lunar chart the second locus indicates the individual's 'feelings' about money and possessions, and to some extent his ability to acquire these things. As an acquisitive nature is likely to lead to wealth, the second locus does indeed have a tendency to indicate its acquisition; but in the Solar horoscope it is events that lead to the native's manner of earning a livelihood that are correlative. The native's propensity to command or follow (Lunar) and those whom he commands or follows (Solar) are also indicated by this locus. The first locus deals with the native's innate mental abilities and education in general. The third locus indicates acquired mental activity: the ability to apply his mentality to such areas as literature, law, theology, etc. (Lunar). Also included here is the direction his education is likely to take (i.e. the native's mental interests). In the Solar chart the native's brothers, sisters, and other close relations including in-laws. Also correlative are short journeys, changes of domicile, and the like. In the Middle Ages this locus was considered indicative of knowledge of Holy Scripture and Canon Law.

Remember that the first three loci require a combination of matter and form. Therefore any events, propensities, or abilities indicated by these loci, not complementary to 'both' of these factors in the native, cannot transpire.

The fourth locus concerns the native's home and parents, especially the father. It is correlative of real estate, farms and mines. It is also indicative of the grandparents and of immediate descendants. The Solar horoscope's fourth locus presages events concerning these elements. The Lunar locus is indicative of those traits of temperament and personality formed as a result of associations with these elements. Aristotelianism recognizes that the soul has accidental qualities as well as its inherent qualities. These accidental qualities are a product of the environment and receive their form from the soul. Hence the accidental qualities of the soul are as the body.

The fifth locus indicates children (especially sons), love affairs, and personal pleasures and enjoyments. In the Middle Ages this house was also considered correlative of small acquisitions of wealth through such ventures as agriculture (i.e., success or lack of same of crops, etc.). Friendships in general, and business contracts in particular, are also of concern here. In the Lunar horoscope the fifth locus is indicative of the native's creativity. In this regard it is the first and third loci that determines the creative ability; the fifth locus determines the outward manifestation of this ability.

The sixth locus is correlative of sickness and health, also of accidents and loss of property (especially through confiscation). In Classical astrology, this locus was considered indicative of fraud and calumny and unjust imprisonment, or sometimes imprisonment whether just or unjust. In those times and places for which servants and maids are common, this locus also indicates the quality and loyalty of this kind of help. As a matter of conjecture, in a society such as the United States, the locus might prognosticate concerning any type of employee or tradesman (plumber, milkman, etc.) the native comes in contact with. In the Lunar horoscope this locus concerns mental illness, especially as it affects the body.

Marriage, love affairs, and mistresses are presaged by the seventh locus. Business affairs, such as partners and lawsuits, are also indicative of the locus. Very close friendships are indicated by the seventh too. As is often the case in astrology, opposites are closely connected. The seventh locus is therefore correlative of open enemies, and losses through theft. As the 7th, 8th and 9th loci concern events independent of the native's body and soul, the Lunar chart must be used with care when considering facets of life in connection to them. However, the soul is affected by the environment every bit as much as by inherent factors. An unhappy love affair will make at least a temporary change in any individual's personality for example. The Lunar horoscope must therefore be examined in light of the events predicted by the Solar chart in these three loci.

The eighth locus is called 'The House of Death.' Popular opinion to the contrary, this locus does not indicate the time of death. Rather it is indicative of the quality of death: the manner of death, whether immediate or lingering, whether by sickness or accident, and the like. As a corollary, the locus predicts inheritance (especially through the death of the wife or husband). In the Middle Ages the locus also presaged murder, especially through poisoning, and the evil effects of drugs - very pertinent in today's society. This locus is also correlative of separation from one' s loves ones, of fear, of grief, and of ruin (i.e. extreme poverty). Modern astrology attributes psychic ability to the eighth locus. There is no historical evidence for this; but if true it would be found in the Lunar horoscope.

'The House of the Dreams' got its name from the 9th locus indication of the native's ability in the interpretation of visions and dreams. This is the locus of psychic ability and experiences, of attainment of knowledge from the stars and divination, of religion and service dedicated to God. It is correlative with long journeys, distant roads, and messengers. Modern astrology also attributes in-laws to this locus, but Classical astrology puts in-laws in the third locus which is more logical. The 9th locus concerns philosophical accomplishments and knowledge which comes through a revelation of one form or another (the long journeys and messengers contributing to this knowledge).

The 10th locus is perhaps the most important in the chart. Traditionally the 1st locus is more powerful, but for some applications, such as a chart for reigning ruler or a nation, the 10th is even more powerful than the 1st. This is the locus of authority and success or lack of same. It is correlative with the native's reputation and honor, both personal and professional. The 10th locus contains the MC, which is the primary prerogative place of the length of life (the others are the 1st, 11th, 9th, and 7th loci). This locus also refers t the mothers (NOT the father as modern astrology has it). While this locus is indicative of fame and success (or lack of it) in the Solar horoscope, particular attention must be given to the Lunar 10th. The 10th, 11th, and 12th loci are concerned with the soul alone, without the body. There can be no success, no honor, without a correlative indication in the Lunar 10th. What an individual thinks of himself is all-important in this regard, and the Lunar horoscope will indicate this basic factor.

The Solar 11th is correlative of the native's friends and companions. It is also indicative of happiness and of concern for life after death. Traditionally this locus is called 'the House of Hopes and Wishes.' The Lunar horoscope's 11th locus concerns all that the native hopes to obtain in friendship of women wealth, heaven, all that man dreams of and hopes for in the innermost depths of his psyche is revealed here.

'The House of Sorrows' indicates grief, indigence, envy, animosity, fear, tricks, prisons, captivity, disgrace, exile, disease and enemies. However, the 12th locus is different from the 6th and 8th loci in that these troubles emanate from the native himself and not from accidents of the environment. The Lunar 12th is called 'The House of One's Undoing'! In the Lunar horoscope all those defects of the soul that lead an individual to get himself into trouble are revealed. The Lunar 12th should be considered in conjunction with the Solar and Lunar 1st when delineating an individual's character and personality.

The correlative facets of lie indicated above for the various loci go back over 2000 years, although there were some additions during the Middle Ages. The names of the loci were different in Classical times however. At the beginning of the Christian Era, the names of the loci were: 1st: Horoscope; 2nd: Gate of Hades; 3rd: Goddess, (i.e. Moon); 4th: Lower Mid-heaven; 5th: Good Fortune; 6th: Bad Fortune; 7th: Occident; 8th: Beginning of Death; 9th: God (i.e. Sun), 10th: Mid-heaven; 11th: Good Daemon; 12th: Bad Daemon.

Loci 1, 4, 7 and 10 contain the angles and are called the 'poles' (leading houses according to modern terminology). Loci 2, 5, 8, and 11 are the 'supports' for the poles (succedent houses); and the 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 12th loci are called the 'wanes' (cadent houses). The poles are more important, or powerful, than the supports; and the supports more powerful than the wanes; but this is only a generally true statement. Each of the loci has been determined to have a given relative efficacy to one another in terms of their importance in delineating a chart. Table 1 presents the relative importance of each of the loci. In Table 1, the lower the number, the greater the importance or power of the locus.

In addition to the relative powers of the loci, Table 1 also presents other data handed down to us from Classical times concerning elements peculiar to the various divisions of the equator. For example, it was mentioned above that the first locus was indicative of events of very early childhood. Events throughout the rest of the native's life are correlative of other loci as shown in Table 1. Ages of these 'years in life' are not given as they will vary among individuals.

Locus Years of Life





The second part is the listing and some information about the 158 lots of al-Biruni.


© Copyright: Dr. George Noonan





Other articles by George Noonan

George C. NoonanArabian Parts (#2) - 158 Arabian Parts



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