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Astro*Dictionary by Michael Erlewine





2 articles for "Coalescent Chart"

Coalescent Chart [Astro*Index]

Coalescent charts were invented recently by Lawrence Grinnell (Dhruva). They are similar to composite charts except that they are based on harmonics. A different harmonic is used for each planet. These charts show unusual sensitivity to transits. They are perfect for investigation of the relationships between two people or for a person and an event.

See also: ♦ Composite Chart
Coalescent Chart [Prima]

The coalescent chart is an original 20th-century chart-comparison technique proposed by Lawrence Grinnell (Dhruva). It is similar to the composite chart in that it is a third chart derived from a blend of two original charts, but it differs in that its calculations are based on harmonics.

Each planet in the coalescent chart is calculated from a different harmonic, which is a result of the angular difference of the two positions of that planet in the two charts being compared. The resultant harmonic number is multiplied by the degree number of either person's planet (the result will be the same) to arrive at the degree of the coalescent planet.

These charts show unusual sensitivity to transits and are ideal for investigating the relationships between two people or a person and an event.

See also: ♦ Composite Chart


Astro*Index Copyright © 1997 Michael Erlewine