Astro*Dictionary by Michael Erlewine
4 article for "Embolismic"
Embolismic Lunation [Astro*Index][see \ articles]
See also:Embolismic Lunation [Munkasey M.]
♦ Lunar ♦ Hebrew Calendar ♦ Embolismic Month
A Lunar return to the same relative Sun-Moonangle as was held in a natal chart. This type of progression is similar to Tertiary Progressions. In theory, this return can be used to set up a chart for predicting one year of life's experience.
See also:Embolismic Month [Astro*Index]
♦ Lunar ♦ Hebrew Calendar ♦ Embolismic Month
An intercalary month used in some ancient lunar calendars, such as the Hebrew, whereby a lunar month is periodically added to the calendar to preserve the relationship between the lunar calendar and the seasons.
See also:Embolismic Month [DeVore]
♦ Calendar ♦ Lunar
Embolismic Lunation. An intercalary month employed in some ancient calendars, whereby to preserve a seasonal relationship between the Lunar and Solar calendars. v. Calendar.
See also:
♦ Calendar ♦ Lunar
Astro*Index Copyright © 1997 Michael Erlewine
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