3 articles for "Emission"
Emission Nebula [Astro*Index]A collection of interstellar gaseous matter which absorbs energy from nearby stars and emits that energy as visible light.
See also: ♦ Nebulae ♦ Light SpectrumEmission Spectrum [Astro*Index]
An incandescent gas under low pressure produces a bright-line (or emission) spectrum, with positions of the lines characteristic of the chemical nature of the gas. The presence of a element is easily determined, as no two elements have spectra with even a single line in common. And, the spectra of some metals have thousands of lines. Spectral Analysis is the principal method used to determine the chemical composition of stars.
See also: ♦ Light SpectrumEmission Star [Astro*Index]
A type of star whose spectrum shows bright emission lines. These bright lines are due to the absorption and re-emission of the star's energy by an expanding shell of gases which surround the star.
See also: ♦ Emission Spectrum
Astro*Index Copyright © 1997 Michael Erlewine